lay down in the grass and feel the sun on yo face

I always know the start of summer from two distinct things: The first time I have Chippy’s on the grass in Trinity Bellwoods The first outdoor Drum Circle in the pit at the back of Bellwoods Last night, I experienced both. My fish and chips never tasted so good as I got my hands dirty and wiped the grease on my sleeve. It was magical. The sun was shining down on my face sending vibes of energy so bright I could not help myself from just laying in the grass and soaking them up. Welcome summertime, I’m happy you’ve arrived!!

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hey shazza, let’s go to maccas

Just because you are in Australia, doesn’t mean you can wear your bathing suit EVERYWHERE. When we got there we thought that it was a-ok so we went all over the place dressed like this. The ferry, subway, lunch, Opera House. Really obvious that you’re a tourist if you do that. Beach walk from Bondi Beach – Coogee Beach.Pretty birds on my window.Again, in bathing suits. haha This is us getting groceries. We pushed the cart home with our umbrellas. This doesn’t make you look like a tourist, but rather an idiot. Oh, what fun we had! Opera House & Harbour Bridge from me.

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yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i am nude no more!

Dear Threadless, I’m Casie & I love you. ♥ Today after a meeting I came back my desk to find a lovely little t-shirt shaped package from Threadless. They are having a huge sale and I ordered a few goodies. I love getting mail. Their packaging is adorable, it arrived fast and prices can not be beat. Also, you are more likely to have unique clothes than the other kids who pick up their stuff at wanna-be hipster retail chains. Here’s my new goodies. I got two shirts that glow in the dark too. Yahoooooooooooots!

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there’s gold in the air of summer

I went to grab a coffee this afternoon and it was so cold and windy. I hate that. However, I did meet someone cool while I was at the coffee shop. His name is Jeff Adams. You may know of him? He is a two-time Olympian, four-time Paralympian, six-time World Champion, and former World Record Holder in the 1500 m men’s wheelchair event. His 800 m gold in Sydney was a record-breaker. He is co-founder of Marvel Wheelchairs and his workshop is right near my office. He invited my to check out the shop and I would really love that!

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what the cool kids are doing these days

Partying! Imagine a sexy downtown loft filled with hot, young, internet innovators and cool kids. Dancing to downtown beats and raising glasses to each other…sounds good doesn’t it. Last night I had the pleasure of attending #GenyTO Meetup #2 at the Centre for Social Innovation. It was awesome. The bar was bubbling over with booze and there was even a movie premiere for Toronto’s 175 birthday (video below). This time the crowd was even larger as we joined forces with the SXSW & CanLIT groups. The #Genyto meetup/tweetup brings together some of the most creative and ambitious young people from the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech communities.For all the photos check my Flickr photo stream ♥ TO in 6 Words from Suresh on Vimeo.

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so mature

This ecard is for me today. This year for NYE I will be attending an intimate dinner part with friends in Queen West. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT going out for a raging good time as I have been known to do. I have no desire to attend a crazy, busy, mishmash party OR after party. I reckon it’s one of two things:1. I’m so mature that I am content spending a night surrounded by awesome people I call my friends.2. I’ve partied so hard over the past 10 years that there is nothing happening that I haven’t already done before. I like to wake up on the first day of the new year feeling positive about where I hope the year is going to take me rather than wanting to kill myself from all the substance abuse the previous night.

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