I got this email the other day and it really made me happy. I though I’d share with you because every once in a while, someone writes me something and I really really admire and love it. It’s a crazy thing the internet and how we connect with people these days. I feel so happy when someone says I’ve touched their life in some special way. Don’t every be shy to email me. I read everything and I reply. Have an awesome day. Don’t let the heat bother you, remember just how cold it gets in winter! brrr. Soak up the sunshine baby! I’ll be at Tequila Sunrise for #loserkaraoke tonight. If you’re around come on by & say helloooooo! The email: Casie, I’ve been following your blog and work now for months and as of late it has been resonating with me on so many different levels. I wanted to say thank-you for being so open to putting your thoughts and ideas and life out there through your work. It is truly inspiring and something I aspire to do through my own work. I’ve been contemplating a trip to Australia over the past couple days, going back and forth between putting down a payment or not, and then tonight I went to your blog and saw that you posted something about your time in Sydney. It was almost like a sign, this wasn’t the only time this has happened to me with things you post, but is the most recent and really struck a chord with me. Needless to say, I’m booking the trip. I admire a lot of your work, from the blog to Much and MTV, and the many other adventures and endeavors you take on. Just wanted to let you know, thank-you for being so open and honest and doing…
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