I AM ART: Nuit Blanche tonight. See you on the street!

Here’s a couple things I’ve done and loved fronm Nuit Blanche in past years. I live in the Zone and am totes excited to stayup all night being and BE ART exploring art. 2009 – on Queen Street with my sister Jenie. 2008 at U of Toronto with a bunch of peeps. If you wanna join me lemme know. I have two free flights and mad coupons from Virgin to give away. So aside from just being fun, you might really get something great. I like the artness of this video too. So cool. SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

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“you wouldn’t know her; but her name is Casie Stewart”

This is my outfit today, feeling kinda Mickey Mouse. Screen printed this dress with my name on it last year, found it in the mounting clothes closet and decided to let it come out and play. Have an after work date with My City Lives to film some of the awesome stuff around my hood from MuchMusic to condo city by the water. There’s lots a neat stuff in that little 1.4 KM (thanks to the Cardio Trainer on my phone I know just how far it is). Somebody tossed this sign up yesterday and I bet it’s JUST the beginning. The G20 is just around the corner from my place at the MTCC.  It’s the same weekend as PRIDE and there’s so many security things they need to take care of. Gonna be nuts in my hood when this thing happens. All these world leaders kickin’ it and heaps of raging homo + lezbo’s showing their love for life. Sounds like a fun time if ya ask me. Haha. Got this email the other day. Liked it. Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2010 3:34 pm To: “Casie Stewart” Well I’m not at the “guru” or as I call it “casie stewart” level yet. But funny story; I was at a Charity event a few weeks ago. This girl comes up to me and wants to take a picture of me and the people I was with for her blog. I jokingly tell her “I don’t do blogs” which kind of takes her a back. I tell her I was just joking and that I actually have a good friend who writes a blog and has been very successful with it. She says that’s great and that hers is very new as she is a student at George Brown or Humber…

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all nothbound lanes are completely blogged off

If you’re getting ready to start your very own bad ass bloggy-blog you have to be prepared to face the fact that people are going to interpret things in their own way. They are going to judge you. You might even get a few bad comments if your lucky. Anonymous ones that say mean things are they best. Joking. I warn you….having a blog can be a really weird thing sometimes.  I’ve been getting asked about blogging quite often lately.  I’m now mentoring a bunch of babes about blogging and doing a talk about social media. Get your ass a ticket and come, you can even buy me a drink at the end! Serious. Kidding. Serious. Everyone will interpret things you write  in their own way. You might offend people. You might share too much and feel overcome with anxiety. Sometimes Mum/friend will ring asking ‘are you ok?”. The reply “yes Mum, I’m fine, oh yeah, my blog, whatever… “You might go back and edit, delete, or maybe you’ll just leave it and think, this is my life. One of the great things is telling stories is being  creative with your blog, borderline artistic.  The weirdest thing about having a blog is relationships and dating, or breakups.   I like to keep my relationship talk  about my love of the  Internet, clothes and gadgets.  They’ll never tell you they need a break or leave your heart feeling empty. That’s all for now. Videos from Art Battle #4 uploading now. Enjoy the day. It’s BEAUTIFUL OUT!

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i don’t know, sometimes i just don’t feel like it

Feeling refreshed today. Got up, made coffee sun is shining bright. Full moon last night was a real beaut, that Shewolf came outta my closet. Dreamt I dyed my hair silver grey and shaved both sides. Grew it longer on top too, it looked awesome. It just might look awesome.  Started watching Secret Diary of a Call girl online, it’s a pretty entertaining show.  Especially Friday night at home alone &  cozy in your bed. I rely on my phone alarm and it stuffed up twice this week freezing in the night, thus meaning I wake with just enough time, but no extra. Drives me freaking bananas, that extra time is the whole reason I SET an alarm. Next week, new alarm.  I spent a while reading Tavi Genston’s blog last night. You know her? She’s the new girl in town, Style Rookie, a serious 13 year old fashion blogger. She’s 100% awesome. Skipped last night’s AdWeek ball to hibernate in my cave.  I go through stages every once in a while where I don’t feel like internetting.  Last night, that’s how I felt, internet overload. Today, ready again but still hibernating where it’s sunny and warm 🙂

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day three…i don’t like the number three, it’s odd

The interesting thing about life is it’s not always rainbows and unicorns, sometimes it’s hard. But, that’s also what makes it great, which is confusing.  Sometimes you get yourself into situations and you’re not really sure how you got there so fast and then you realize you don’t like it so much. Life is about working through things. Today, I’m looking at the insides, the skeleton; what makes me they way I am, why do I like and why I do things.  If I want this to keep being the best year ever there’s a few kinks I wanna iron out. It’s not surprising to me that I woke up feeling odd today, today is day three. I hate the number three. I try to avoid doing things in three’s when I can. It started when I was a little kid and it never went away. * the bob dylan quote is over a  playdead cult painting

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a stewart won the koodo party, but not me

click the pictures to see for yourself.

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