you could say i will be giving thanks all weekend

Helloooo Friday! I’m so happy to see you. Aw thanks, you look great too. New hair looks polished? Why thank you,  you’re charming. No, it hasn’t been that long, I saw you about a week ago. Yeah, we’re ALL going away today; me, you, him, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, it’s a roadtrip to Montreal baby. It’s gonna be awesome. I know, haven’t been there in a while and last time wasn’t even that fun. Just found out little Michelle is gonna be there too. Oh yeah. I’m excited too! I’m even looking forward to the drive with you. What to wear Friday? It’s ok, I packed a few extra’s you can borrow. There’s lots of people in town , been ages since we partied together. LOOK OUT is all I have to say…the weekend is HERE! p.s. Fetish porn anyone?

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i think this brain would be pretty tasty

Zombies……I can’t stop thinking about them…. As soon as it turned October, it’s like my body knows it’s Halloween and I wanna dress up and wear masks and makeup and wigs and stuff. I don’t like scary movies or blood and gore but I love to dress up Zombie. The walk is coming up Oct. 24th. There’s gong to be a bunch of us and I’d love you to join in the bloody fun. I saw some photo’s on Tony’s blog of the Hollywood Walk last week and I’m pretty sure that’s what got my Zombie thoughts into overdrive. One more thing… I mentioned a while ago that fellow blogger and comic drawer extraordinaire Mr. Sean Ward has taken up residence in San Francisco.  His crew just produced this new video. Check ‘er out! Have a great day 🙂

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giving feels so good

In my house growing up, we weren’t religious. I remember be nice, share, give, say thanks.  Mum and Dad raised us to be good kids. This week was Pay it Backward Day and I did good with hundreds of others across Ontario. I’m waiting to find out the final count of just how many wonderful people participated. The Queen and John location alone had over 1,000! I got a heads up from a friend about an Ontario Tourist Attractions photo contest on Lenzr sponsored by Kanetix insurance and mortgage quotes. You send in a photo of anything in Ontario you think tourists should see. (Me?) The winner gets a $200 American Express gift card and second prize gets $100. Uh, that’s awesome. Who doesn’t love cash? This big unit is one of my favorite attractions. The lights dance every hour on the hour through the night and it’s just beautiful. Go to  Lenzr to enter.

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dita von teese casie stewart perez hilton sandwich

Twitter is a great for communicating directly with anyone or to a large audience. Here’s  an example of someone famous saying something and another famous person’s famous blog with me in the middle. Last night, Dita tweeted that ‘when russian hookers fight, they take off a shoe and throw it at their foe. FYI.’ I was like whoa man that’s crazy and replied ‘you’re at a hooker fight?’ Then she replied. ` Today Perez Hilton posted about Dita and ‘the fight’ mentioning her response to ME.  Didn’t link back to me but whatever,  the tweet lasts forever 😛 Thanks to Pam for pointing it out, rarely read Perez anymore. I’d loved Dita for ages and think that’s pretty cool. p.s. Check out in the latest Notable TV video from TEDxTO. Me and my outfit are at 2:46 🙂

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a productive means of communication

It’s Friday, thankfully. I feel like this week is a month… I got mad yesterday. Really mad. It was like everyone who crossed my path was out to make me angry and it worked. I’m a pretty happy girl as you know but I just couldn’t fight it this time. Also, someone in my office keeps tipping off my boss about me being on Twitter… not fun. I’m productive. I get my stuff done here. I don’t understand why someone is out to get me! Gah. Perhaps she should spend her time looking up erp software so everyone ELSE can be more productive too? Sheesh. She would be better off looking up a manufacturing software even though that’s not our business. Lots of packing to do this weekend before moving next week. Gonna need some help as my back seems to have two fractures in it.  I need an MRI now. Tragic, I know. I feel like watching the Breakfast Club or Annie Hall and curling up on the couch. Something to make me feel good. The air outside is cool and breezy,  my dress blows pretty in the wind.  I miss summer vacation. Is it 5 yet?      

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you know what I love?

the internet. friends. coffee. when the sun shines through the clouds. opportunity. working towards goals. self confidence. vintage anything. smiling at strangers. dancing in the rain. my laptop. floating on water. painting and drawing. toronto. halloween. writing rhymes. fresh grass cutting. remembering my childhood. self portraits. the smell of second hand book shops. my phone. bondi beach. reading in the afternoon. naps. my blog and remembering. photography. mum, dad and sister. helping others. cut and paste. dancing. my name. riding bike. twitter. beards. valentines & cinnamon hearts. extra pulp OJ. flying. snail mail. hippies. Much & MTV. daydreaming. blonde hair. random acts of kindness. selah sue. Lawn care companies California (they cut my lawn every month – they do an ace job) fresh cut grass. to name a few… and I love this too: Hey @casiestewart on in response to today’s Good Morning video. * my sister is the blonde to the left on the SNAP Magazine 🙂

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MuchMTV Employment post

Hi and welcome to my online profile for Digital Marketing Coordinator with the MuchMTV Group. Thanks for checking me out. Connect with Me: Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, References: I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Casie for a little less than a year now. She’s an active blogger and all-round web content generator. She’s bright, energetic, connected, passionate and communicates well. I’ve been to several corporate events with Casie and she’s almost always the life of the party. Casie’s a blackberry addict, a twitterholic and well known as an online blogger. MTV would be lucky to have her on the digital team and I endorse her as an online bright spark.” “I have had the honour to work with Casie on many different social media events including all the GenYTO community socials, a professional organization that she helped get off the ground. (  She is an incredibly talented, outgoing, and trendy person, but more importantly she is great at creating and engaging communities. Her blog, – This is My Life, is one of a kind.  She has a creative and witty way of making the most uneventful moments fun; the sign of a great writer and a truly imaginative mind.  Her marketing talent far surpasses many people I know.  I would highly recommend her for any social media and marketing position.” Renée Warren Social Media Facilitator Twitter: Renee3 | [email protected] “When it comes to web 2.0 and online social media, Casie is the Queen.  I’ve watched her and worked with her steadily throughout the last year or so and what she does in the online arena is stupefying.  She ‘gets’ the Internet, loves it passionately, and people listen to her.  Fueled by that love and passion, watch Casie get the word out.  Watch her connect people.  I’ve seen what…

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leave that nine to five up on the shelf

Leaving 15 minutes earlier didn’t get us here any faster. National Car Free day but CP24 was showing massive traffic. Feel like it’s gonna be a productive one. Wore my wellies, there’s a rain-a-coming. Had a good sleep, back’s getting better. Feeling quite creative today.Might paint tonight. Time for a new sketch book again. I’ve filled up two every quarter for the past year. Found out I’m getting the new CK for men in the mail soon. Will have some samples too. I hope i comes in a big box. I wonder what catering will bring for lunch today. I’m reading a new book by Tucker Max. There’s a movie coming out of it. Pretty hilarious. I really should write down more stories. The ones that go untold and would never  be published here. I’ve done some pretty ridiculous and hilarious things. I’m thankful for all my experiences as they make me who I am today. I’m behind on FB & email messages, will get to that later. Gonna check a few bitches off my list so I feel good when lunch rolls in. Have a GREAT day! Bye. p.s. Happy Birthday to my twabe Rachel a.k.a @stealingkitty in Texas she turns 40 today! I sang her happy birthday on 12 seconds this morning 🙂 Love ya xo

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bono sang me to sleep last night

The U2 concert was loud enough to hear distant vocals and the buzz  of the crowd cheering from my bedroom.  Took some pain medicine and passed out. It was only the second time the roof has been open for a concert ever. I taked to a guy the other day about the shape of the roof and how the sky done was built. He mentioned this really cool flat roof he was working on. I ove how rain sounds on a metal roof. The tower was lit up to match the show. Bet those were some pricey Concert Tickets to get. Some rad aerial photos from the show here.  I finally got a good sleep and woke up in less pain than the day before. The future is bright! I read an interesting post today from Erin on the Sprouter blog.  I’ve been getting emails and calls from friends not yet using this stuff saying “Casie, I need to  set up Twitter/Blog stuff  for my business.  Help me, help me”. The thing is, just setting up a Twitter account or blog is not going to generate a presence online, save your brand or make you money. Social media is more than just being online, it really is about being social. You gotta put yourself out there (and stay out there) online AND offline to get the social media results you’re looking for. Like everything else, it takes work. I apologize on behalf of Kanye the Douche, he interrupted my site yesterday. Yours too? Urgh, that guy,  SO annoying. I came in to the office to see Mum had sent me a email with a Health Warning. I assumed it was serious and then…oh Mum, so funny! p.s. Entertaining stuff on my Tumblr & Borderline Artistic blogs and my Twitter stream…

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that was a night and a half, lets do it again!

Whoa. I had the kind of night filled with excitement that less fortunate souls dream of. Kinda feel like I’m still there… I was gonna tidy/pack while watching television at home alone…UNTIL…. I got a message from the famous Shawn Hawaii inquiring about the Sprout Up. Was I attending? I was now. Threw on an outfit. (Mum knit the vest in the 1970’s). Jumped on the trolley and headed to meet Hawaii. First stop, Sprouter SproutUp in Yorkville. If you like being surrounded by smart entrepreneurs and cool people, go next time. You’ll thank me. It’s Oct 14th, second Wednesday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. Second stop was the Globe’s Beatles party at the Berkley Church.  The party was fun and we got a killer giftbag with the new Beatles Blueray disk. I also got flowers. Yeah, awesome! We cruised to the Annex for a bite and beer and then took it up a notch in the Distillery district.  Belmont cigarettes was throwing an entertainment industry party. Knew about a zillion people and I still have drink tickets in my purse if you want them. Ran into stylish Ms. Sass from among many other notables including PJ Phil! Belmont has some sexy new skinny cigarettes and I snagged a bunch of packs.  At home I put on my Super Woman costume and danced around. Oh, who , will I be at Twestival on Saturday?? Did you get your tickets for Saturday yet? Sheesh, do it now. I’m paying $5 of your night, use CASIE as your promo code. It’s ON A BOAT! Tonight is TedxTO party at Brasaii and the opening of TIFF. It’s definitely going to be Notable. RSVP here if you haven’t yet. See you on the red carpet! Bring your camera! p.s. Quite Waldo-ish today 🙂

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