see you on the red carpet my lovelies

This morning was great. I went to the Toronto Fashion Incubator and met Canadian Designer Paris Li. Thanks to my friend Jas Banwait who set it all up. I tried on three dresses. See the Twitpics here! Went with dress #3. It fit me so well and looked cute/classy. I’m planning to wear it to the opening party for NZFW. I leave in 9 days. Oh emm geee! Getting ready to head to The Drake Hotel this afternoon for a TIFF party & movie. Meeting Carly & my guest,  Brock McLaughlin from The Futurists who is very close to becoming a new VJ for MuchMusic. I really hope he gets it. He will deff bring cool to MM! Listening to YACHT (@teamyacht). They are great! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! YACHT – Summer Song from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.

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stop fighting. i do not want you to fight at this show…

do you think i’m sexy?

Isn’t this a scary thought…four of ME! I was at the penthouse of the SOHO Met yesterday afternoon. Madonna stays there. It’s the sweetest pad I’ve seen in the city ever. Three floors w/ elevator, bar, library and private roof balcony lounge. Yes please. I’m not a fighter. If you know me or almost know me you know that I’m not voilent, I like kindness. I like sharing and I like caring. Yes, I also love rainbows and unicorns too ok. Recently Lady Gaga stopped a show because some girls were fighting. Check it out: SHANA TOVA! Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. I’ve gotten a bunch of people finding my site looking for ‘rosh hashana’ stationary & cards etc. I used to study Kabbalah for a bunch of years and celebrated the high holidays. I really loved the spirituality and things I learned. I’m not religious, I believe in the power of positivity, the universe, energy and I like the magic when the sun shines through the clouds.  I have a tattoo in Hebrew that of a chai or hai (life) and a heart beside it on my right wrist. You read Hebrew R-L and it says ‘love life’. My friend Morgan shared this Anti-racism PSA that was released yesterday and created by his friend Karen Bliss created. It’s called The Girl With Pinhead Parents and has a bunch of Canadian cool kids including Nelly Furtado, Jully Black, Skye Sweetnam, LIGHTS, Chris Bosh, Jian Ghomeshi. The theme song is Matisyahu’s “One Day.” “One day this all will change,” he sings. “Treat people the same / Stop with the violence / Down with the hate.” I’m happy to share it with you. Mum set me this post card from PEI the other day. They…

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look out world here i come! next destination is ____.

Tomorrow kicks off Toronto International Film Fest. Let the wild rumpus begin! I’m going to an opening party and screening tomorrow. I’m bringing arm candy and he’s young and cute. The next ten days are going to be insane. I need to stay focused and on track, I hate when I don’t adhere to my schedule. Although sometimes agressive, I try my best. I live by my calender these days. Without it, I’d forget everything. Been doing some stuff recently with the lovely Keri. New blog coming soon for her. Haven’t you missed her internet? Gearing up for New Zealand FW post TIFF. Organizing a Tweetup for Kiwi bloggers so we can all meet each other. Pretty stoked. I would really love to expand my relationships with international bloggers and visit more countries. There’s a huge designer garage sale on Saturday the 25th I’m hitting up with my cuzzie and Auntie. Stoked. Was thinking day dreaming about where I’m going to travel to next and a friend told me about this rad contest Intrepid Travel is doing on Tuesday Sept. 14th. It’s a Treasure Hunt and they are hiding eight globes around Toronto and those who find get free trips in exotic/amazing locations like Peru, Morocco and some other cool places. Not to be rude but I hope you have to work or go to school cause I cleared my calendar on Tuesday so I can try and win one of these things! It starts at 9am and they are giving away clues each hour on Twitter via @intrepid_travel, hashtag is #intrepidtreasure. If you find one they’re also giving vouchers for up to $1000 for your next trip with them. Helloooo! I can haz please? I can just see myself blogging from this villa in Morocco…. “Hey, Juliooooo, bring mama…

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it ain’t that easy baby

Building a new blog. SO many tweaks and stuff and things I don’t know how to do that I need to ask. I have my friend Patrick helping me but it just ain’t that easy as uploading a new theme and hitting publish. Ah, I wish. Nice working on a holiday, the amount of emails is slower than normal and I feel like I got lots done. The airshow jets have been flying by all afternoon. I used to be quite excited by them but I just don’t feel the same anymore. I care more about getting shit done than rushing to the window to get a photo. Got a post card today from Rochelle while she was in Laguna Beach. It is vintage and handwritten. I love that she though of me, especially that she hand picked a vintage number. THANK YOU. I love getting mail. Wanna send me something? I’ll give you my mailing address if you ask. I wish I had someone to build this wordpress for me. Have a full calendar of events & meetings this week. Snagged a young stud to be arm candy for a couple things too. Tomorrow I’ve got a hair appointment with Darrek Kwik follwed by a dress fitting at Paris Li for New Zealand Fashion Week outfits. Opening of Toronto International Film Fest is Wednesday and I’ll be attending a couple things that day. This week is gonna fly by. I got an invite to the Tastemakers Lounge on Friday afternoon and confirmed I’ll be getting some swag. YEAH! It’s a celeb gifting/product placement lounge for the Film Fest, Anita gives you a good idea in her post from 2008. Got a couple movies to attend over the next ten days and a fancy tea party on Sunday afternoon.I leave…

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The Proof is in…the Whisky!

Last week I stopped by the Roots store on Bloor to hang in the lovely Dougals Coupland room and taste Proof  Brand Wisky for the first time. They had a variety of cocktails to test out and the whisky gets two thumbs up from me. The bottle is really cute, has a  stylish design and is only $19.95 for the 500ml.  I met the creator, a former LCBO employee who gave me the dirt on the brand. They’ve got a rum and vodka launching in the next year. I really like the way the bottle looks. I reckon the trio of whisky, vodka, rum would make a nice set for bottle service either at home or a resto. Jonathan Roy was performing, he’s a babe and his Dad, Patrick Roy is a pretty big deal in the world of hockey. This guy was bringing sweaty back. You can check out the Proof site at Ran into one of my most fav MTV coworkers evahhhhh, the lovely Miss Sheena from MTV Live. We had a very passionate embrace as you can see. She picked me right up like a wee doll. ILU SHEENA. Happy Monday internet friends!

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i need an ipad. like, yesterday.

More stuf to share but I do not have time right now. At all. I’m having lunch with the Mayor or Twitter and I need to look beautiful for him. Here are some things I drew on ipad last night. I need an ipad. Need like, not like I need air or water but need like as in want. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. We make a cute couple, don’t we? You know the Unnecessary Wheels Collection from Borderline Artistic. I’m late again. I am always late. It’s part of my charm. Ok, bye. I love too you internet. p.s. Heard i’m in a MTV Video Music Awards commercial. Look for me, if you see let me know. I’ve not seen it!

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i took it out. it just wasn’t me. too all up in ma face.

Going to get it was really fun.  It hurt and I liked it. The people at Blackline Studio were cool and professional. It was a fun little Saturday afternoon adventure to poke a hole in my body. I realise I’m just not that into it anymore.  There is a super cute girl who help my hand when I got it done and the boy who pierced me was cute too. I wanted  a septum piercing for a while but once I had it, it took away from all the cuteness that makes me me. I really like that cuteness. I used to have a bunch of piercings, took then out in Australia cause I didn’t like the way they rubbed my surf board. I had two massively painful ones in my ears one called a rook (through thick cartilage) and one called an industrial (long bar that goes through twice). They were really painful. I mostly got them to deal with some type of pain in my heart or loss. Somehow, poking that hole and going through the healing process, made the heart ache a little less painful. I am so deep. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we’re back.

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i’m falling for you.

Love the seasons changing. I promise myself I will clean up my room on Sunday. It is honestly one big closet with a bed in it. Thinking the next place I live will need to be a 2 bdrm, preferably an old house with big rooms. Been thinking about moving out of the core-hardcore deep downtown. Meh, I’ll probably change my mind again like tomorrow. I love the view here. Holy nut case eh. bahaaa. Reilly took this last night. I like it. Finally chatted with Mum today. She’s sailing to Bahamas with her BF on their 40 ft sail boat. Begged her to send some photos already. They are in New Brunswick at the moment. Today they sailed 10 hours and went through a lobster fishing area. Mum said it was nuts. She is going to freak when she see’s this. Don’t worry, the piercing comes out. My eyes wattered like CRAY when he put that needle in. Don’t know how long i’ll keep the piercing it but it looks pretty cute. This is pretty crazy too. Dude landed the first double back flip in a wheelchair ever!! Mad skills. Watching his couple attempts before he gets it were insane. Balls that guy. WHOA. Don’t try this at home ok. You could really hurt ya damn self! Really getting excited for NZ Fashion Week. Been checking out designers and NZ bloggers on NZTV. It’s one of my cuzzie’s birthday and imma get to hang with her. We’ve only ever met a couple times so pretty stoked. Probs gonna see Nana too. SO EXCITED. Weeeeeeeeeee! Sunday funday!

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in the still of the night

Attended Lexus Live in the Distillery last night with my lovely date Jessica Gardener. Big thanks to Notable TV and Rock-It Promotions for a great event.  I was full on in a nana sweater. I thought it woud be colder. Ended up having to remove tights later in the night, I was clearly over dressed for the weather. This is the new car from Lexus, the CT 200h. Pretty nice, roomy, has mouse in it to control the dashboard screen thingy. I’m not in the market for a new car anytime soon (never owned a car) but this I would drive. It looks kinda Audi-ish. You can easily fit two in the trunk. Lexus hired a heap of photographers, it felt like everywhere I turned they were snappin. I wonder if they knew who I was because it felt like they took 800 photos of me. I can only imagine how many people take when you’re crazy famous. I didn’t really mind. I’d really wouldn’t mind if Lexus put me in a commercial or something. hint hint. The Stills were pretty good. I’d never heard them before. The drummer was a total babe and the bass player smoked during the show and then put his cig out on stage. THAT, is badass. There were two ‘just married’ couples in the area and one of them popped into the VIP for some  front row access. Their photog took some great shots and April and I totally photo bombed a heap of them. I hope you like your wedding photos guys! Lots of people were there, the who’s who of Toronto’s media and social you could say. Check out these fine ladies Hawley Dunbar (Sidewalk Hustle) & Charise Garcia (Lucky Penny Daily). Thanks to Julian Brass (below) and Notable TV for the…

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blog, blog, fashion baby, NZFW here I come!

Getting pretty dang excited for NZFW coming up Sept. 20-25th. I’m really stoked to see the style and meet sponsors, designers. Who knows who I will meet! I thought it would be a great idea to look at some of the stuff online to see what I’m in store for. Image below will take you to the gallery on the NZFW site. Last year PAMELA ANDERSON was there. I’ve alweays had a thing for her. Imagine I go all the way back to NZ and meet a Canadian celeb? Crazier things have happened. Check out these hot models from the pre-shoot. Skip to 3:00 and check out the model competition winner with the moustache. I am already secretly in love (or not so secretly). Omgaga. I am tres EXCITED!!! So running behind right now because I browsing NZFW stuff. I need to get’ a moooooovin’. I’m off the #lexuslive event hosted by Notable TV at the Distillery for The Stills concert. haha Stills/DiSTILLery. Have an awesome night!

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