If You Want Someone To Do Work, Pay them!

Ok, it’s Social Media Week around the world and whether you are part of it or not, one thing you can’t deny is that social + media has become an integrated part of our lives. Raise your hand if you’re on Facebook?

Bloggers are taking front row seats at fashion shows, writing for magazines, being written about in magazines, appearing on TV, travelling on sponsors dimes and snatching up newly created jobs in just about every industry. You can’t avoid the shift in how media is now delivered or consumed.

Something happened today that inspired me…

I was scolded by a PR person (from an agency that I really like whom I have been posting & making videos about their things FOR FREE for over a year) because I didn’t promote a contest on MY blog to MY Twitter, enough. Some, but not enough. The second part of the scolding was because I didn’t make it to opening night for their ticketed event AND the winner I picked for my contest cancelled. So, the tickets went to waste. I’m sorry, I was ditched on Valentines Day ok! 

silver fork and knife on plate

The thing is, if they had of made a little contract and sent me some money, I would have been there (regardless of what happened) and promoted it. I probably would have asked friends to take part so we could go together.

I often get people wanting to me to post about an event, run a contest, share with my friends, and attend events. Do you know how long that takes? To and from event easy 2 hours, blog 1-5 hour, contesting, sharing online, writing copy, taking photos, coordinating winners. It takes hours to make and create content. If you paid me minimum wage I’d barely have enough to take myself out for dinner! Any idea how long it took me to build all those relationships with all those friends, contacts, how long it took me to build a blog and a name people recognize? A long fucking time. 

When everyone else in the marketing mix is getting paid,

why should I be expected to work for free?

I’m to blame for saying yes, I know. Thing is, I love so many of the PR people I do things with and really love getting mail. I only ever write/post about things I actually like so sometimes I don’t really mind if I don’t get paid. I also love sharing with my friends and we’re all really grateful when we get to do fun things.

Yes, agencies have sent me a whole bunch of neat things and to some cool shows but when it comes down to it, I can’t buy a house with those things if I save them. So, I’ll post about events/products when I have the time or I REALLY love them. Remember that gift that showed up from Stylemint & Jewelmint last month? I loved it! I blogged it because I was happy about it then I wore it, photographed it, tagged it, shared it and will do it again. BUT, if you want me to do a specific job at a specific time and you full well know that it’s MY JOB to do that, don’t insult me by asking me to do it for free. Girl’s gotta eat! Would you ask the roof fixer to fix your roof and not pay him? Would you get gas and trade for a new product from ______ brand? I didn’t think so!

If someone doesn’t think posting on my blog/social is valuable, they wouldn’t ask. I want to make my parents proud by earning a living, not asking for money because I need a bigger apartment (for all my free stuff). Don’t get me wrong, I love learning about new things before anyone else and mail honestly makes my day. Don’t stop telling me about cool things cause I can easily share it to my 7,600+ Twitter peeps.

I have a feeling one day I will be working at an agency or running my own and the whole game will have changed by then. It’s only a matter of time before rules get imposed on blogging or there’s a bloggers union. Now tomorrow I will get no PR emails. Urghhhh. That’s not what I’m saying, I love getting nice things.

BUT, I’d trade chips & chocolate bars for a cheque ANY DAY. AMIRIGHT?!

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casie stewart, autograph, famous, blogger, canada, toronto

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