Girls, Tattoos, Attitude + Sun

I haven’t decided to colour in the owl on my arm or not. I like it like this. I think it’s time for some new work. I have a few ideas but it’s time to get drawing. Some nice girl tattoos on this blog I found. My right arm has tattoos because I’m left handed and I draw them on first. Had a jerk chicken sandwich on the patio at Harlem Underground yesterday. Was ok, made me miss Ackee Tree, that place had the best jerk sandwich ever. Loving this warm summer sunshine. The lake waves are crashing on the dock. Rdio cottage mix in the background. Beaut! Enjoy the day! CASIE

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I’m gearing up to start shooting the new season of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV. We’ve been signed on  as a partner by Kin Community, THE LARGEST LIFESTYLE CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE, so, I need to step up my game here. One of their partners is THE ELLEN SHOW. Sorry for yelling, this is all very exciting.  I met some od the team from NY last night and they are just lovely. I’m wondering what you might like to see on THIS? The show is co-produced by me and I’ve got the freedom to be creative and plan episodes. In the past I’ve covered events, tech apps, gadgets, travel accessories, and summer accessories. I was thinking about doing some things with a tech-style theme and more around blogging (since that’s my expertise!) I’d love to get any ideas from YOU! If you don’t want to comment or Tweet me shoot an email to coraltv @ Some of my old eps below.

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What Do You Crave? @CoralTV Event at Beer Academy

Recognize these ladies? We’re just a few of the awesome hosts on Coral TV, Canada’s premiere lifestyle channel on YouTube. I’ve been a host for about a year and it kicked off just before Banff World Media Festival last summer. It’s been heaps of fun, I’ve covered a ton of tech topics and apps. Today we’ve having an event at The Beer Academy for you to learn about our channel, sponsorship opportunities and meet the hosts. If you are interested in attending please email Sarah as per below and say you saw my blog post. I’m rocking my Coral shirt and will be at the event from 5-7pm. Learn more about Coral by visiting and see ALL the channel videos at We’ve just joined the Kin Community, The #1 Women’s Community on YouTube, and have some exciting things planned for  this year! Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Ted Baker London Celebrates 25 Years

On Thursday, May 16th, Ted Baker London celebrates 25 years of beautiful style, design, and adventure. You’re invited to join the national celebration hosted by ME at the Yorkdale’s Ted Baker London store. Designer, aesthete, traveler, connoisseur and debonair man-about-town; there’s not much Ted Baker doesn’t know about this business we call fashion. The Toronto flagship store has only been open for a few months and I was happy to be one of the hosts that night. Remember that beautiful blue dress? Ahhhh, yes, how could one forget. I’ve also got a GIVEAWAY for one of Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf. See below for details! Event Details: RSVP Here.  As a Canadian Ambassador for Ted Baker, I feel it’s my duty to let you know some of the great items in store for Spring 2013. I absolutely love this brand. I feel like all the clothes were made with me in mind. They’re extremely well made with acute attention to detail. My Summer Favs for Guys & Gals Ted’s also been busy designing a range of limited edition pieces featuring the exclusive London cabbie print. Ted totally knows how to celebrate. The scarf you can win is this limited edition print. It’s lovely! Ted Baker London Scarf Giveaway Want to win Ted’s 25 Year’s limited edition taxi print scarf? Tweet a photo that says “Around the World in 25 Years” tagging @casiestewart and @ted_bakerUSA with #teds25years to enter. Feel free to get creative, share your own style, or on of your very own adventures! Tweet #teds25years In true Ted Baker style, I’ve packed my  Ted Baker London jacket, scarf, & purse and I’m jet setting to Vancouver for my first time today. I’ll be back just in time for the shopping celebration. Make sure you RSVP and I hope to see you there! Have an excellent…

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Real and Imagined

Got sent an advanced uncorrected proof from Simon & Schuster Canada. Thank you! Can’t wait to start it today, deep in the forest woods of Muskoka. I absolutely LOVE getting books in advance. Something so magical about it. We spent heaps of time at the library as kids. Summer reading club FTW.  Thanks Mum for that. YOU ARE THE BEST MUM! Got to have lunch with her and Dad with my sister this week for my birthday. Prettyyyyy awesome. Love you guys! Just watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. I forgot he gave her the massive library. I love that library. And the dress. Belle is my fav Disney Princess. (You have one too, don’t lie to yourself now!) It’s kinda cold and gloomy up here this weekend but that’s perfect for writng so I don’t mind one bit. Enjoy the day 🙂 CASIE

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Ride & Shine

Took the long route to work today so I could ride more. Biked an hour at lunch too. My arms and abs are feeling the burn from so much riding. Reckon I forgot just how great of exercise it is. I’m stoked to be wearing this Napapijri poncho again, got it in Nov last year so we’ve not spent a full summer together. These khakis I picked up from GAP last week on a mega sale with a matching shirt. My first job ever was at that store so I’ve always had love for it. Crazy things is that I am still the same size as when I worked there at 16. Huzzahhhh! Have driven past this sign so many times, took it’s photo today. Love the typography. Hope you have a RAD DAY and RAD WEEKEND! Much love, <3 CASIE

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