yesterday on twitter, this happened:
Who calls that Quest, from the late night tv? Do they have a Twitter? Haha # Just got this: First you have to give up, first you have to *know*… not fear… *know*… that someday you're gonna die. /via @IAmJacksBot # omg fight club is like, so violent. i forgot how bloody. # sleeping in snuggie so warm and fuzzy. # gah mentions. finally did search! HI # got this new camera today. also got the warranty since i lose/break 2-3/year #fml # i'm a lifer babe. named Casie after your sister the doc! srsly. #yandr RT @mrsnikkinewman What's with the Y&R obsession with the T Dot. in reply to mrsnikkinewman # Photo: › Dita von Teese at the Elie Saab Spring/Summer 2011 show in Paris, Oct 6th › › HOW U SO BEETIFUL,… # "Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" – Angela Monet (via yunzi) # gonna treat myself to a new camera today 🙂 # Photo: calivintage: # Photo: i want a maori tattoo too. this is nice. fuckyeahtattoos: # omg catherine chancellor's speech right now is making me tear up. please don't die murphy #yandr # Thank you so much for all your replies and kind words. I'm so excited! Get ready for heaps of fun Toronto, @virginamerica style! # slept funny, hurting neck. roomie blasting bass 🙁 # looks quite lovely out today! # Morning. Still waiting… #
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