yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Who calls that Quest, from the late night tv? Do they have a Twitter? Haha # Just got this: First you have to give up, first you have to *know*… not fear… *know*… that someday you're gonna die. /via @IAmJacksBot # omg fight club is like, so violent. i forgot how bloody. # sleeping in snuggie so warm and fuzzy. # gah mentions. finally did search! HI # got this new camera today. also got the warranty since i lose/break 2-3/year #fml # i'm a lifer babe. named Casie after your sister the doc! srsly. #yandr RT @mrsnikkinewman What's with the Y&R obsession with the T Dot. in reply to mrsnikkinewman # Photo: › Dita von Teese at the Elie Saab Spring/Summer 2011 show in Paris, Oct 6th › › HOW U SO BEETIFUL,… # "Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" – Angela Monet (via yunzi) # gonna treat myself to a new camera today 🙂 # Photo: calivintage: # Photo: i want a maori tattoo too. this is nice. fuckyeahtattoos: # omg catherine chancellor's speech right now is making me tear up. please don't die murphy #yandr # Thank you so much for all your replies and kind words. I'm so excited! Get ready for heaps of fun Toronto, @virginamerica style! # slept funny, hurting neck. roomie blasting bass 🙁 # looks quite lovely out today! # Morning. Still waiting… #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw # Liz Mitchell – Scent of a Peony #nzfw # Been asked to give these roses to Liz Mitchell after her show! Soooooo beauty! #nzfw # Love this shot! > with new bffs @derekfabulous and @casiestewart /via @pattyhuntington # Noted – look up Turet Knueferman: leather, lambskin, wet look. MF style yo. Love everything. #nzfw # Claws up monsters! @nickvon_k @ #nzfw # Check out the glasses of @derekfabulous by Bernhard Wilhelm #hot #batman # Hair done, makeup done, nails done, ready for the day! #nzfw #MAC #ORLY # Fishtail top the head like a turban – hair trend #nzfw # No pants trend totally picking up speed and I love it #nzfw # Photo: NZFW style @summernoelle backstage in the MAC Lounge # teenage dream. # pretty stoked to come home after this amazing trip xoxo # we need this in canada/usa # HALLOWEEN PARTY!! #AWESOMISM # AMAZING > RT @Onaihk: Check out the full catwalk show photos from WORLD Gourgeous absolutely gorgeous! heart #NZFW # new @johnbutlertrio – revolution: vid is great, on #juicetv here often. love love love. # btw if you come to auckland – the westin lower quay is the place to be. so freaking nice. # thinking of you canada and my friends at home. you would be proud of me here, mama is twerking hard. # just had a freakout. thought i lost my show pass and passport, alas. it's here. i was like, "there's no way you are that retarted" haha # Photo: Neverblack -menswear # Photo: This little tiny girl is giving the front row stamps as we wait for to start. All Blacks players in… # Photo: Getting ready for…

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he said ‘there’s this woman, she’s a hurricane’

Lets do this. Here we go. Remmeber my Guns on Plane story from the summer when I went to Boston? Read it here. Anyhooters, being calm and was careful not to pack an firearms this time. Go through customs and doing bag check and who’s line do I end up in? Oh yeah, same dude who caught me with the gun. He says ” I remember you? Any guns this time? Do I need to search your bag?” We laugh. I say no. He explains what happened and that the dude last time should really have given me back my gun, 38 special (metal necklace). Then some other dude says “they always hassle the pretty girls”, I giggle, I’m always hassled. I gave him my card and I hope he reads this. HI, NICE SECURITY AIRPORT MAN! Ran into Marcel next in the Molson Pub. Fancy that! He was on same flight to EL EH. The bartender took this artistic-fuzzy one. Cheers mate! Guess who likes to sleep on planes and had TWO empty seats beside them? This girl. Snoooooooozefest. One beer prior to boarding, then pizza then gravol then comatose then almost in LA. Quizno pepperoni + cheese za was quite good. What’s in my locket? Your heart. My heart. i love this poem by e.e. cummings. one of my fav’s: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you…

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see you on the red carpet my lovelies

This morning was great. I went to the Toronto Fashion Incubator and met Canadian Designer Paris Li. Thanks to my friend Jas Banwait who set it all up. I tried on three dresses. See the Twitpics here! Went with dress #3. It fit me so well and looked cute/classy. I’m planning to wear it to the opening party for NZFW. I leave in 9 days. Oh emm geee! Getting ready to head to The Drake Hotel this afternoon for a TIFF party & movie. Meeting Carly & my guest,  Brock McLaughlin from The Futurists who is very close to becoming a new VJ for MuchMusic. I really hope he gets it. He will deff bring cool to MM! Listening to YACHT (@teamyacht). They are great! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! YACHT – Summer Song from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.

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it’s gonna get even hotter as the day progresses

I have sprinklers! Wanna come play? Guess what. Video making Casie is back in action. I’m about to make this wee pants jumper into a shorts onesie with my sewing maching. Zoey Ng time. It’s DANG HOT out today. Shorts onesie is totes necessary. I have heaps of energy today, like, more than normal. I reckon the heaps of sleep I got this weekend helped me right out. The Toronto Mayoral race is annoying to me, watching them dog on each other. Urgh. Just about as annoying as all the times I’ve asked you to vote for the Virgin Provocateur contest. That’s kinda like mayor too, Mayor of F-U-N! 🙂 I hope it thunderstorms today. Summer rain dancing! Stay cool kittens xo

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I’m from downtown and I’m here on a mission.

HI. The good news is: EVERYTHING. Ahhh. Working hard will get you places. Creativity and a positive attitude (really) help too. I’ve not commented much on the Klout thing. I might have mentioned a while back when Bre was making a stink about Klout, wondering how they rank, etc. Klout is the ‘Online Standard for Influence’. If you don’t know what I’m talking about checking out this list of 10 Most Influential Tweeters in Toronto (I’m on there #6). Earlier this summer I got a free flight from Virgin American & Klout. (Vote for me in the contest here.) I couldn’t manage to make the trip while at my old job so I never used it. I bet all the people who cried about not getting one would hate to hear that! Yesterday an article was published in Tech Vibes by Jas Banwait (who didn’t get a flight) about Klout, influence, and measurement. People who didn’t get flights seem to really have lots of opinions on Klout.  Those of us who did, just seem grateful. The world is a funny place. It was a free thing and it certainly got people talking. I’ve asked my share of questions about Klout and I think what they are doing is pretty neat. I find it all quite interesting. Social media & measurement, social and the connection with new media. The measurement of something so new and massive without regulation is hard. I have always been a social person involved in lots of things with lots of friends. The internet just gave me a microphone, it allowed me to amplify my voice. Ok, part 2… The bad news is: NOTHING. I’m a delegate at the TEDxTO conference in September. YAHOOOOO! I’m really looking forward to attending. I missed the application deadline last year…

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kiss me like that in your fall attire please

Feeling some serious arthrisis today. Ankle and arm wrapped in castor oil compress. Mum would be proud. She’s still sailing away to Bahamas, they won’t get there until some time near winter. Feels like Fall today, air is cooler, sun is hiding. Summer is deff over. I’ve got a stay in bed all day kinda feeling but I can’t do that, I’ve got work to do. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Need to send more info to NZFW for my visit. I can’t believe I am going to NZ.  Send stats to Wakestock too. This next year is gong to be really exciting. I hope to get to Europe and/or Asia (just throwin it out there). Haven’t seen my sis lately. Have an event tomorow night at Andrew Richard Designs to see the new stuff from Gap and the launch of online shopping. Happy to be making friends with Gap Inc., my first job was at a Gap store in 1996. I’m in love with Fall fashion and can’t wait to rock tights and jackets again. Boots, I miss wearing boots. I hardly wore open toes this summer, I’m just not that into it. Looks like we’re gonna have a big crowd at Gladstone for TweetgasmTO tonight. GenyTO Thursday will be good too. Love that we’re getting more people out to meet & greet each other. Listening to Yacht today, good band and chill for working.  I need hocus focus please. Go go gadget focus. Enjoy the day. You are the youngest today you will ever be. Don’t ever forget that 🙂 See you tonight.

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i love this city.

Rannie took this beautiful photo from our balcony before out shoot yesterday. We took photos for the Vitamin Water Canada blog and in his 140 project. Stay tuned for that. Good day yesterday mostly around the house working on a couple upcoming projects. Went for an evening stroll with Sabrina to Bellwoods and visited a friends roof patio for some wine and sunset. Stopped by CTS on the way, my fav shop. They had a bunch of items that were $1 and I picked up a couple vintage dresses I can totally do a Pretty in Pink switch to. I’m giving Zoey (my sewing machine) a workout this winter. Heading to the Fairlie Agency for a little co-working woith Carly-Anne today. Haircut at 4 with Darren, think I’m gonna buzz it one last time for summer. Dinner with Jeremy and some friends tonight, we finally all get to meet his crush. Loser karaoke after that but I’m gonna have to call it an early night. I still haven’t packed for Bud Camp  and we leave at 7am. Check out this vid I make a cameo in by My City Lives. I’ve been in a few of their videos one on the red carpet and one about genYTO. Check out their site to see more stuff about our wonderful city and some other cool peeps talking about it. Gotta run. Lots of work to do. See ya on the internet loves!

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Vroom Vroom!

I love summer and sad it’s almost over but quite looking forward to Fall fashion and the return of tights and boots. Next weekend my friends at Notable TV invited me to the Distillery District for a weekend long event featuring cars and bands called Lexus Live at the Distillery. (Cars & bands to means there will probably be some babes.) Chum FM & Virgin 99.9 will also be hanging out along with some pretty rad Canadian talent. I love visiting this part of town. I need to take Team Boston there when they visit. Kinda reminds me of the oldness of Newbury Street. The event is Aug 27-29 and is the Canadian Debut of a new Lexus baby called the CT 200h & Worldwide debut of the CT 200h Tour.  This is the only Canadian stop and the only chance you’ll have to check out the new ride before it comes out next year. Hope Dad reads this cause there’s also the Lexus Targa GS 450h race car. Now that’s the fast one, vroom vroom!. I’ll take one of those please! There’s refreshments & you can catch the free shows at these times: The Stills (Friday 7:00-8:00pm) Lily Frost (Sat 12:00-1:00pm) The Midway State (Sat 5:00pm-6:00pm) Paper Lions (Sun 3:00-4:00pm) I’ll be there for the Friday night show for sure. If you’re going, tell me. Also for a little more info check out the post on Notable TV.  This is Lexus’ second dedicated hybrid, i.e. only hybrid model and it is no gas. No gas! Bring on more hybrid! I hope I get to sit in test drive the race car!!

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#WarpedTour: guest post by @jordanrachael feat @lights @taylormomsen @OfficialAAR

Earlier this summer I sent two people as Casie Stewart Brand Ambassadors to Vans Warped Tour – Mike Albertini & Jordan Rachel. I gave them all access media & back stage. I asked Jordan to write about her experience & here it is. I’m Jordan, reporting for … Van’s Warped Tour 2010. The Van’s Warped Tour is known to have one of the biggest set lists for any concert, with 70+ bands appearing at our hometown Toronto date, there was no shortage of genres represented. From the smooth poppy vocals of newly acclaimed Mike Posner, to the grungy rock sound of Taylor Momsen’s band The Pretty Reckless, fans of all kind gathered to see their favourite bands.I had the opportunity to get all access, backstage, media access with my partner in crime Michael Albertini. One of the first things Mike and I saw was a pretty tough looking dude sporting a “F**K JUSTIN BEIBER” tshirt.. (yes, spelt like that). From then on, we knew that this day would be one for the history books. The first artist we knew we had to see was Mike Posner, and as I suspected, with him came along a following of loyal fangirls. Although fairly new to the scene, or at least to my knowledge of him, he’s had a pretty steady crowd goin’ on. I guess that hit “Cooler Than Me” has really caught on! Soon after, we hit a few other bands such as The Cab, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (They were insane!!!) Then it was time for The Pretty Reckless, and most importantly for us: T.MOM! Not gonna lie, I have been a big fan of Gossip Girl for a while now, but let me tell you I have now seen Lil’ J in a whole new light… and I loved it! She had…

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