Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

I love this time of year. It really does feel like a second spring with the change in air and trees. It’s a bummer to leave the summer but winter is a time for work.  It’s my most creative time where I hibernate and cultivate ideas. Movies, binge watching shows on Netflix, writing, and cooking. Drove up to the cottage after work on Friday. It’s crazy that we can roll up here on a long weekend and hit no traffic, then, at the end of cottage season we still managed to catch some coming up Friday. There’s this one great spot just before Barrie where 104.1 The Dock kicks in on the radio and the sky, if you can catch it looks so magical. A photo will never quite capture it but you can imagine. Woke up like this, actually. Thanks to my babes at Untitled&Co. for my sweater! I’m shooting my favs from their store next week. My hair is wild when I wake up and with this new violet colour, I think it looks rad when it’s mad! It’s been a week since I had the colour put in and it’s got that grey feeling again. Autumn <3 The wifi at the cottage is faster than we have at home. It’s so beautiful and relaxing. Made a nice brekky  on Saturday morning w/ Martha Stewart style fluffy eggs. One of my fav things about cottage life is all the cooking! I spend heaps of time whipping up things in the kitchen. I’m taking a class on food photography at Henry’s next week so perhaps I will get into sharing some of my culinary creations. Had fireworks last night. This morning was so misty. There’s magic in the air. One of my fav things about Sunday morning is the Will and Grace marathon…

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Sail away with me, my love…

Our friends got married yesterday and it was so incredibly beautiful. They tied the knot on a tall ship while sailing the harbour. We cruised to the island for a great dinner and party. It was magical. It’s been ages since I attended a wedding and it was SO FUN. More weddings! I love love. Congrats Chris & Ariel! It was my first time on the island all summer. Can you believe next week is September? TIFF? Ahhhhh. This week is going to be super hot and I’m thinking about going back to the beach while I still have a chance. Here’s to a great week! Hopefully love is in the air for you too. Go hug someone you care about! <3 CASIE

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What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

I had a great day yesterday. I haven’t taken the subway for a while. It’s different taking the subway during work hours. I always wonder what everyone is doing. I don’t mind the streetcar, I don’t like the underground. I used to write TTC Tales (last one 2012) when I took the TTC to work. At one time, I travelled about an hour each way to work. I made a few videos about TTC loudtalkers after that. I wouldn’t make those videos now, social media wasn’t as popular back then. Heading easton the Bloor Line; try not to make eye contact. Look out the window, look out window. There’s a young guy with his sunglasses on playing golf on an iPad. I can’t see if he has a bag…is just carrying the thing? I smell hot food. It’s not McDonalds. Doors open. Please don’t let someone gross sit beside me… Went to the Trinity Bellwoods Farmers Market yesterday to pick up some green goodness. The market is on each Tuesday in the summer from 3-7pm. I was so hungry that I started chomping on lettuce leaves as I walked down Dundas. It was delicious. I can only imagine what I looked like walking down the street eating leafy greens. 🙂 Passed this house on Dovercourt, as I so often do and asked on Twitter if anyone had seen inside it. Have you? Turns out it’s crazy! Anyone seen inside this enchanted palace at 224 Dovercourt? Been on sale for a while. #queenwest — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 19, 2014 The decor has some personality. It’s not for everyone but I would love to have this house. It’s right in my fav part of town and if I could afford it and do some renos, I’d be all over it. Kick out all the furniture and add some…

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Montreal Roadtrip! #tbt

A couple of years ago Sean and I took a trip to Montreal for a weekend. We stayed at the W Montreal and had driven there in a car from Ford Canada. Montreal is dreamy in the summer. The W Hotel has a great breakfast, it’s own nightlife, and an in-suite tub you could stay in all afternoon. We had dinner in Old Montreal and took a stroll by the water the next day. This is a little video Sean made of our weekend. Original posts: August, 2012 I’m still at the cottage and thinking that living here would not be that horrible. I’ve gotten used to the silence and although it’s been cool and rainy the last few days, I’ve found comfort in having the fireplace on and wearing jogging hooded jumpers. Hope you are having a great week. 🙂 <3 CASIE  

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You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one

Good morning and happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. I just discovered that a Muskoka chair makes a great work desk. More of these in offices!  Sitting on the deck, looking out to the lake, catching up on emails, and writing this message to the world. Had a very relaxing weekend and plan for a very relaxing week. We’ve got some work to do around the cottage and I’ve got plans to work on a few internetty things I’ve been putting off. It took me a day to get out of city mode but now, I’m ready. Listening to the ultimate cottage summer station, 104.1 The Dock. ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon just came on. 🙂 You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one I’ll try to space out all my #cottagelife posts with other things so it’s not overload (this is for you and me haha). I’m about to go out on the kayak and stare into the horizon… Here’s to a great week! <3 CASIE

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Long Weekend: #TasteLife + @Contiki Contests for You!

I can’t wait to be up at the cottage tomorrow. Last night I slept for about 10 hours and when I woke up it was like I had been in a coma and was still tired. This week has really tuckered me out! I’ve got a friends birthday after work then we are heading out tomorrow. My long weekend plans include sitting, sleeping, cruising the lake in the kayak, and more sitting. I’ve been working with Yellowtail Wines this summer to promote their Taste Life contest. This week’s prize is an iPhone5 and a picnic basket set and all you have to do it tag your Instagram posts w/ #TASTELIFE to enter. So, do something fun, soak up some sun, and tag your photos! For contest R&R or to see all the available prizes go here. My friends at Contiki are running a contest w/ Nuvango for the next 24 hours and you can win the goodies below. All you have to do is like and comment on the post below. So, visit their FB here to win! Post by Contiki Holidays. Here’s to a great long weekend! No matter where you are in the world or what you are doing, remember you will never be younger than you are today so make the most of it. Ok? With love, CASIE

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