Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
I love this time of year. It really does feel like a second spring with the change in air and trees. It’s a bummer to leave the summer but winter is a time for work. It’s my most creative time where I hibernate and cultivate ideas. Movies, binge watching shows on Netflix, writing, and cooking. Drove up to the cottage after work on Friday. It’s crazy that we can roll up here on a long weekend and hit no traffic, then, at the end of cottage season we still managed to catch some coming up Friday. There’s this one great spot just before Barrie where 104.1 The Dock kicks in on the radio and the sky, if you can catch it looks so magical. A photo will never quite capture it but you can imagine. Woke up like this, actually. Thanks to my babes at Untitled&Co. for my sweater! I’m shooting my favs from their store next week. My hair is wild when I wake up and with this new violet colour, I think it looks rad when it’s mad! It’s been a week since I had the colour put in and it’s got that grey feeling again. Autumn <3 The wifi at the cottage is faster than we have at home. It’s so beautiful and relaxing. Made a nice brekky on Saturday morning w/ Martha Stewart style fluffy eggs. One of my fav things about cottage life is all the cooking! I spend heaps of time whipping up things in the kitchen. I’m taking a class on food photography at Henry’s next week so perhaps I will get into sharing some of my culinary creations. Had fireworks last night. This morning was so misty. There’s magic in the air. One of my fav things about Sunday morning is the Will and Grace marathon…
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