I’m Gonna Master Ukulele One of These Days!
Had another ukulele class last night and I feel like I’m starting to get it. I knew learning a new instrument was going to be a challenge but it’s really like learning a new language. Fortunately, I can read music and the chords already. Also, a simple strum on the ukulele sounds quite nice. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 26, 2015 at 6:17pm PST I’m finally getting the G7 chord and my fingers are moving in time to make strumming sound like an actual song. I’ve really got to make a point to practice more though. Even if I pick up my uke for a few minutes a day I’ll have it by summer. If I sent 10% of the time I spend on computer playing I’d be a pro! I’ve been documenting my progress on Selfish app with a story called Learning Ukulele. The photo below will take you to the app so you can check it out. I’m digging this app so far. Have a few stories about travels, my nails, blog stuff, etc. Thanks to The Gladstone Hotel and Toronto Institute for the Enjoyment of Music (TIFEM) for great classes. I’m hoping they have a few more at Gladstone to help me along my ukulele learning journey. TIFEM has a whole bunch of classes including a free class on Sunday afternoons. Had my nails done yesterday and I’m convinced they help my play better! Have any ukulele apps I should know about? Songs for beginners? I’ll take all the help I can get! Can’t wait till I can play a little ditty for you! Have an awesome day. <3 CASIE
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