Thomas Sabo AW ’15 Press Cocktail: LoveBridge + #CharmClub10

Last week I went to a beautiful event at Malaparte in side the TIFF Bell Lightbox. It’s a great event space that’s bright, with a bar, and theatre screen. I was last there for the Nike Women NTC training sessions earlier this summer. Media and editors gathered to sip champagne and check out the latest Fall Collection for Thomas Sabo. You might remember a couple posts about Thomas Sabo and my trip to England with the brand a few years ago (see here!). The brand is originally from Germany and is planning to open 6 more stores in the GTA. I had an opportunity to meet the founder in England in 2012. The Canadian flagship is at Yorkdale Mall. Thanks Ryan Emberley for this snap. I’m wearing one of my favourite Ted Baker dresses. They gifted us all with a customized Love Bridge bracelet from the new line. Mine says CASIE. I’m kinda wishing I got something a little more creative or inspiring. Next time. Thanks Ryan for this snap too. Love it. I saw the balloon, looked at him, and he knew immediately what was about to happen. After the event I was invited to an intimate dinner with bloggers and editors. We each had little cakes at our table setting and an invite to join the Thomas Sabo Charm Club. Over the course of the dinner we picked out charms to add to our bracelets. Mine’s been ordered and I’m looking forward to it arriving. Mostly because it will be a huge surprise given I don’t remember what I picked! Doh. Thanks Faulhaber and Thomas Sabo teams for the invite and gifts. Find Thomas Sabo Canada on Twitter at @ThomasSaboCDN and see all charms and available jewellery at <3 CASIE * All photos except last 3 by Ryan Emberley. Check out some of his work…

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Toronto Wine & Spirit Festival + Schick Hydro Hotel

I recently went to the Food and Wine Festival at Sugar Beach, it was my first time there! It was such a beautiful day! At the festival I stopped by the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel for a relaxing break. Sugar Beach has really cute pink umbrellas. Fish taco + lobster poutine. So good. From June to August, the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel will be travelling to different festivals in Canada, at the hotel you can  drop by to get yourself a sample of Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle razor and Hawaiian Tropic after sun moisturizer or get a chance to spend some time in the Schick Hydro Silk Hotel, where you can relax, have some water, charge your phone, or even have a massage. In order to receive a sample of the new Hydro Silk TrimStyle razor, Hawaiian Tropic After Sun moisturizer, and Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration sunscreen, people are asked to snap a photo with the bushes from the commercial (get it? haha!). You may have seen it on tv. I picked the heart one of course. Hooked up w/ samples and a massage. I’m always down for a massage!   The Schick Hydro Silk Hotel will be at the following locations across Canada this summer.  For your chance to win a trip for 2 worth of $5,000 or 1 of 6 $500 prepaid credit cards visit Thanks Schick Hydro for event tickets, samples, the charge-up, and massage! As an avid traveller, getting ready for vacation is one of the skills I’ve got done to a science.  Here’s a few items I keep in my summer travel bag or tucked away in my purse to help me look and feel fresh. Everything is small and compact, just what you need when you’re on the go from one destination to the another. A refresher kit of my own 🙂 Eye makeup remover…

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What a Day! Scavenger Hunt, Set Life, Zoo, and Shoes!

Started the yesterday meeting up with the #EskaQuest team in St. Lawrence Market. It was the first of my 2 giveaways with Eska Water. Read more about those here and follow @eska_water for clues. Saturday’s giveaway is for a $300 gift card for Stillwater Spa. Hellooooo! There were a few people waiting to meet me in order to win. ME! We had fun. Look at how cheezy I am in this photo, LOVE IT. Spent the afternoon working on an 1188 production. This is a RED Camera, fancy. Lauren, Steve, and I were extras on set. Years ago I spent an entire summer on set for a movie with my sister. We has heaps of fun and made tons of friends. I wrote about it not too long ago here: #TBT Diary of a Background Performer. I arrived back at the office to a super nice delivery from Nike Canada, NEW SHOES! The Nike Free Cross Bionic 2 is new in Canada and I’m looking forward to hitting the pavement with these guys tomorrow. This shoe is ultra-flexible, with breathable mesh upper and Flywire cables for dynamic support.  Yes, I run, but I don’t tell the whole free world every single time. I picked EmBot up from school for a girl date last night. We ate McDonald’s, ice cream, and went to the zoo. WILD TIMES. One of the zoo volunteers let us feed vegetables to the animals.   We were both especially fond of the peacock. Hope you’re having a great week. I’M READY FOR THE WEEEEEEEEKEND! <33333333 CASIE  

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Heading to Our Nations Capital, Ottawa!

Friday morning Mum and I are heading to Ottawa and it’s her first time flying Porter Airlines. I’m so excited to be travelling with her! Last time mum and I went on a trip together I was in middle school. We don’t often get to hang much, especially not in the summer is mum is usually at the boat and we spend heaps of time at the cottage. We’ll be seeing Serena Ryder, with special guests The Strumbellas at TD Place Stadium to celebrate Canada Day weekend. Earlier in the day, TD Bank and MusiCounts will be be announcing the 2015 MusiCounts grant recipients and have a special surprise planned for a local Ottawa recipient.  I’ll be doing a short interview w/ TD Canada about TD MusicCounts and sharing it with you next week. Oh hey @serenaryder! See you on July 3rd! #tdmusic #lansdowne #tdplace A photo posted by TD Place (@tdplace) on Jun 18, 2015 at 1:09pm PDT Feeling excited to take mum on a press trip and hang out at the hotel together. We don’t leave until 4pm the following day so hoping to take a walk on Parliament Hill. I’ve never been to Ottawa around Canada Day. Last time I was in Ottawa was March 2012 for Ottawa Fashion Week and it was very snowy. Looking forward to some fun times w/ mum and lots of laughs! 💛 CASIE

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#Esakaquest 2015 – Find Eska, Win Prizes!

This summer Eska Water is back for round 2 of Eskaquest. Torontonians are invited to explore the city in a Toronto-wide scavenger hunt. This year, ESKA will is teaming up with six Toronto influencers (including me!), and challenging Toronto to ‘Find ESKA’ for the chance to win tickets and prizes from June 22nd to July 31st. During the six week campaign,we’re each giving away 2 prizes per week. There’s two ways to get in the game, follow clues that ESKA releases on social media, or take a peek on the microsite (here), which contains a map hinting at the general location for each giveaway. The first person to successfully find the influencer wins the prize. Follow Eska for Clues Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as we release daily clues to help you find the next #eskaquest giveaway location. My Eska Prize Giveaways are July 8th & July 11th Stillwater Spa gift certificate$300 Dinner for 2 at a Summerlicious restaurant The rest of the Eskaquest crew includes blogger Yashy Murphy, Indie 88 radio host Brent Albrecht, MTV Live alumni Paul Lemieux, Sheena Snively, and  Daryn Jones. We’ve planned a really fun giveaway so I’m pretty excited to put the plan in motion. I’ll have more details next week! Until then follow ESKA water for another giveaway on Saturday. CASIE

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New Bike, Snacks, Shoppers, #SMDay

Well hello my friends. 😎✌This photo was taken yesterday and although I look very smiley, I’m not feeling great. I’m so tired. I’m not sure if it’s the small time change last week with my trip to Calgary or lack of sleep but I’m lethargic. I miss the cottage. It’s been weeks since we’ve got to have a good cottage hang and it’ll be at least a week before we get back up to Muskoka. I’m in Ottawa this weekend then back for The Queen’s Plate. In other news, I had some good things yesterday… I used to have a Red Schwinn cruiser bike that I LOVED. I rode that baby all over town for a coue simmers, Junction to Beaches and back. Unfortunately some jerk vandalized my bike and it was unridable, went to the bike graveyard. RIP. 2 years ago I purchased a new one from Bikes On Wheels, Queen West and it was stolen before summer was over. Last year I didn’t ride at all it made me sad. YESTERDAY, my brand new Schwinn Cruiser was ready for pickup. 🚲👍 Schwinn Canada has welcomed me as a bike ambassador and I’m back on the road baby! I’ve got a few things to add (bell, basket, lights) before we’re full time but one little cruise yesterday made my heart sing. 💛 If you stop by your local Shoppers Drug Mart you might see their new ‘Summer Covered’ Campaign. Next week I’ll be sharing some of my fav products for summer roadtrips and cottaging. I’ll also be featured on the SDM social + website. Received a shipment of this yesterday. Have you tried it yet? It’s Social Media Day today and in 2010 and 2011 I spoke at Toronto events. It’s amazing how social media has changed my life and taken…

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