This is My Life | Sirius XM, NKPR, Greta Constantine, ALO Restaurant, H&M Studio

This week was a busy one! I was looking through photos and decided it would be a good idea to take a look back. Monday I was back on Sirius XM co-hosting the Todd Shapiro Show. It was super fun. Listen to it here.   I’m working on a big project at 1188 and we had a meeting over foot massages. SMARTEST IDEA. There’s a little spot at Queen/Portland, $25 for 30min. Not prices like Thailand but the massage was just as good! Work work.  Tuesday was the NKPR pre-TIFF media event at Natasha’s house. Tahnee was there! It was great to see all the fashion/media peeps after a long relaxing summer. The crazy is about to begin! Can’t wait for TIFF. Recognize these bachelors? Tim (L) and I shot a TV show earlier this year with NKPR. Todd isn’t a bachelor anymore tho. Brad (R) is on TV in Canada and a former Bachelor for those of you not from here.   The NKPR IT Lounge has been going on for 10 years. It’s a VIP gifting suite and portrait studio. Caitlin Cronenberg is shooting it for W Magazine again this year. I’ll be popping by on Sept. 9th. Wednesday night Greta Constantine hosted La Piscine. A glamorous night held at 77 Admiral Road, a three story brick mansion with beautiful backyard and pool. See more photos of peeps at the party on   Recognize this babe? Abe Hotaki was there stomping grapes in his underwear. He was at our cottage this summer for the Archibald Men magazine shoot.  Next week I’m attending a top secret party hosted by Rickey, if you don’t know Rickey, you will soon. #ChezRickey is sure to be an amazing night.  The tips I ordered for my new Jeffrey Campbell boots arrived. I…

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Sending You Good Vibes Through The Internet As I Type

Well hello there gorgeous! It’s a great day to be alive. Was up early to greet the day and have heaps on my TODO list. I’ve been working out of the 1188 office most the week on a new project and was so heads down yesterday I MISSED A HAIR APPOINTMENT. I would never! As I type this I’m sitting at Starbucks beside a very tall man who is working on something about biology and organic acid catabolic process. Makes missing a hair appt not really seem THAT bad, ha! It’s ok, I rescheduled for Friday afternoon.  🙂 Started wearing my fav Rudsak leather jacket yesterday. This time of year is bittersweet, I love fall fashion but summer is so magical, I wish it would last forever. These flowers are for you… A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 27, 2015 at 6:14am PDT I like to blog when I first get up before doing any other work. It’s something I think about all day if I don’t. I guess that’s how some people feel about working out. If I spent 1/2 as much time jogging as I did blogging, well… we won’t go there!  Sending you good vibes through the internet as I type. Looking forward to the weekend! This weekend I’m doing a scavenger hunt with Ford Canada on Saturday and on Sunday CARLY IS GETTING MARRIED. I can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle. Looking forward to a slowdance with my man too. ?☀️?? CASIE

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Army of Sass – Pinup Girls Picnic

Earlier this summer, a bunch of ladies from my dance crew gathered in Trinity Bellwoods for a pinup picnic. it was so much fun, we drank, danced, and soaked up the sunshine in our vintage swimsuits, big glasses, and red lipstick. I’d been dying to wear this dress somewhere. Reminds me of the old flower print dresses mum and her BFF Pat Hope (my Fairy Godmother!) used to wear.

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August, The Month of The Quiet Hustle

Well hello there. Feeling refreshed today after a HUGE sleep. I put my head down during Wheel of Fortune last night (7pm-ish) and woke up at 2am. Slept until 10 am this morning too, I was exhausted from the weekend. Had a meeting this morning about some exciting news coming your way for TIFF. We met at Old School on Dundas a cute little spot that used to be Hudson Kitchen. This afternoon and tomorrow I’m back at Sirius XM for The Todd Shapiro Show. I’m talking entertainment news, etc. I’m confirmed to be speaking at the next WeAreWearables event in Toronto on September 9th. I’ll be wearing a camera the whole time! More details about how you can attend coming later this week. In other news, this week I booked a speaking gig at a big conference next year and might be changing my hair colour for Spring 2016. Lots of stuff in the works over! August is the month of quiet hustle, building things for the next few months. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. – Steve Jobs      This weekend I’m heading to my hometown for a friends wedding. I can’t wait to see all my old friends and share heaps of laughs together. Nothing like that feeling! Will be spending some time with Mum, haven’t seen her all summer. Off to another meeting before hitting the radio airwaves. Tune in to Sirius XM Canada Laughs, channel 168 at 4pm. Don’t let the rain get you down today, BE YOUR OWN SUNSHINE! ? CASIE

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Game, Set, Match! Bacardi Canada Raquet Club & Cocktails

Last week I went to the Rogers Cup with April. It’d been a while since we had a good girl hang and the night was perfect. Huge thanks to Bacardi Canada for treating us like social royalty; they sent a car service and took good care food & drinks for the night. Great way to get back into city life after my cottage getaway! Rogers Cup with my girl @casiestewart! Lotsa balls flying around here! #BacardiCourtside #RogersCup A photo posted by April Wozny (@aprilwozny) on Aug 12, 2015 at 5:02pm PDT   Bacardi was serving (?) perfect summer cocktails inside the Bacardi Canada Raquet Club. Their goal was to capture the court side cocktail vibe with Bacardi classics: The Bacardí Mojito, Bacardí Cuba Libre, and Bacardí Limónade. April and I made the most of every moment by checking out all the booths and entering all contests or promotions happening. We laughed our heads off the whole time. Fingers crossed we win that Jamaica trip! Shoutout to Woodbine Racetrack for their photo booth (see SQUAD above), we had fun getting the right shot haha. I’ve been working with Woodbine this summer, see all my posts from the races here. Try making these selected summer favs from Bacardi Canada at home. They’re refreshing, and perfect for patios, poolside, or parties. I quite enjoy the lemonade and the Mojito is a close second. Bacardí Mojito: 1oz Bacardi Superior Rum 3-4 Lime wedges 6-8 Fresh Mint leaves 0.5oz – 0.75oz Simple Syrup Top with soda water/club soda Garnish: Fresh Mint Method: Gently press together the limes & sugar. Bruise the mint leaves by clapping them between your palms, rub them on the rim of the glass and drop them in. Next, half fill the glass with crushed ice, add the BACARDÍ Superior rum & stir. Top up with crushed ice, a splash…

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Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job.

I’ve been growing my hair long(er) for the last couple months and I’m ready to cut it. I’ve had it! Was looking through old photos from a Google Search and came across this one from LA. We went to Disneyland and spent some time in California a couple summers ago, it was the best. Love this American Apparel Dress, miss those yellow glasses. Spent the morning analyzing Facebook analytics for a client campaign then helping another client set up her first WordPress. I love doing both! It’s not a ‘real job’ like the olden days but I’m pretty happy that it IS A REAL JOB in 2015. I love THE INTERNET so much. Can’t believe 10 years after starting this blog, I’m here and made a career of it. Who KNOWS what kind of jobs there will be 10 years from now. If you are reading this and in school, GET ALL THE SCHOOL YOU CAN so you’re ready to take on the world with great skills. I know I said this already but I’m SO stoked for the weekend and getting back up to the cottage. We’re gonna stay for A WHILE. I’m doing a makeover to my blog AND getting a new computer. I can barely contain my excitement. HUZZAHHHHHH! <3 CASIE

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