cut copy and paste my love

On Friday night I went to CiRCA for Cut Copy. It was packed. There were heaps of hipsters and cool kids crowding the stage & stairs. I ran into some cool friends and made some new ones also. There was lots of neon, sequins, and anything that might have rocked the eighties. This, I loved. I wore the shiny late night mini skirt from American Apparel in electric purple with a reversible clutch from BettyKiss. I first posted about Cut Copy last summer. They are from Australia and totally rad. I connected the boys later in the evening and snapped a few pix. The band is made up of Dan Whitford , vocals/keyboard/guitar, Tim Hoey on bass/sampler, & Mitchell Scott on drums. They were really nice guys. I’d really like to catch them at a small venue or a house party. Next time!

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fashionable by choice

Last night I went to the Escada fashion show at the Spoke Club. It was fun. The clothes were nice. Nothing stood out to make me REALLY excited. The models were skinny as usual. It was really nice to be at the Spoke again after such a long winter. It made me excited for summer! I saw familiar faces including Tony Charr, Julian & Derek. We had a really nice time. Our bartender was making these lovely cocktails with fresh crushed raspberries. It was delicious. Escada Toronto Fashion Week 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I made a mistake on this video and the audio is longer than necessary. Forgive, for I am only a human!

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neighbourhood watch girl

The sun shining that took place this weekend in the city of Toronto was fantastic. I was filled with fantasies of summer and frolicking in warmth of the sun. I am lucky to be able to see this beautiful sunset from my favorite spot, Balconia (aka. my balcony). There are now a whole bunch of peeps living in the building next to me. I can see clearly into most of their units as they are very close and live in glass boxes. You can see also…My weekend over all was pretty relaxing. I watched ‘The Rocker‘ and caught a scene with my sister and Teddy Geiger. I also watched The House Bunny and liked it. All cheese but funny.

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sharing the randomness – 25 casie facts

This has been floating around Facebook since January. I figured since I’ve been tagged by a ton of friends it is about time I shared 25 random facts about me. The rules go as follows: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Blah, blah, blah… Here we go: I was born in Canada to New Zealand parents and have dual citizenship (Canadian/New Zealand). I danced ballet, tap and jazz as a kid and completed in competitions across Ontario as well as Showstopper in NY & Myrtle Beach, SC. I was 5 with fake lashes and red lipstick! I wrote a book and became a published Canadian Author at 14. It was titled Jeans: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. The Toronto Star wrote and article about me titled “Push Over Keats, Teen Muse Steps Ahead“. I went to Uni in Australia and lived at Bondi Beach. It was the best year because I learned the most about myself and WHO I really am. I hate scary movies. I get queezy and I don’t like to put bad images in my head. I’m crazy enough already! I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I have a Green Belt in Tae Know Do and once knocked out a boy (Note: James Roszell) in grade 8 at school. Mum thought I’d get in trouble but I said “Mum, do you think he’s gonna tell anyone?“ I hate the number three. I don’t do anything in threes. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad…

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an interview to inspire: Jesse & MS

I recently found out that my friend, Jesse Lee from high school was diagnosed with MS. I don’t know alot about MS and saw an opportunity to learn about the disease and share it with others. Jesse is a really cool guy (and funny) so when I found out about him and MS, I was really interested to learn more. Below is my interview with Jesse. Please read it. I assure you it will touch your heart and inspire you. You can donate too MS and help Jesse raise money for the cause here or by following the links below. Did you have symptoms, how did you know? The first two symptoms I encountered were numbness in my fingers and face and blurry vision in one eye. It was in the summer of 2007 while playing baseball. I have always been a good athlete and all of a sudden I was missing fly balls because of my blurry vision and the numbness caused my coordination to be off. I contacted my Doctor who originally gave me eye drops. Once the eye drops didn’t work I was sent for an MRI. When did you find out you had MS? After my first MRI came back and showed some lesions on the brain, a neurologist that I was referred to said there was a possibility that I had MS and sent me for more tests and a second MRI. The results of those tests confirmed I did in fact have MS and I was officially diagnosed in March of 2008. This was a very frustrating time because as you can see it took almost a year to diagnose and so much uncertainty was surrounding while other symptoms started to arrive and get worse. These other symptoms included; loss of balance, poor short…

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i was at a party with obama smoking cigs

My friend had a wonderful dream and this is what happened… Him:You were in my dream this morningHim:We were at a party with Barrack Obama – but it was real casualHim: It was at his house and we were sitting on a picnic tableMe:omg really?Him:And the press rolled up and jumped out and started taking photos of usMe:how did I look?Him:It was nuts – and hyper realisticMe:was his wife there?Him:You looked great, you were wearing a strapless summer dressMe:No wonder I woke up feeling amazing!Him:And your hair was longHim:Ha-haMe:oh greatHim:Michelle was not thereHim:Just Obama – we were smoking cigarettesMeSounds like a lovely partyMe:I’d love to smoke cigs with ObamaHim:Ha-ha, it was so surrealme:I love itMe:Thanks for Sharing it with me. I was glad to be there with you in my summer dress.Him:No problem – have a nice dayMe:You too

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