Galaxy Girl from Outer Space

New jeans, new week. Same face 🙂 This is the other pair from Mavi Canada, Galaxy print. Jacket Holt Renfrew, shirt Marks WW, necklace Forever 21.  

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Ottawa Folk Fest Ticket Giveaway – Bon Iver, Ben Harper + More

I know this is totally last minute but it’s really cool. TELUS is a sponsor of the Ottawa Folk Fest Sept 6-10 (aka THIS WEEKEND), feat. headliners Bon Iver (swoon), Great Big Sea and Ben Harper (swoon again!). They offered me two tickets but with TIFF upon us, I can’t go.  Are you interested?! Giveaway Details: Two passes that provide full access to the Folk Club area at the CUPE-SCFP Stage, as well as access to the general admission area plus a separate section that features private bar service, washroom facilities, and a limited number of patio tables and chairs (first come, first served!). You will be VIP.  Performances by: Bon Iver Ben Harper Black Dogs Great Big Sea Great Lake Swimmers Hey Rosetta! Matthew Good Red Horse: John Gorka, Eliza Gilkyson, Lucy Kaplansky Said the Whale Whitehorse Yukon Blonde Wanna go to Ottawa Folk? Here’s how to win:  Make sure you are following myself & Telus on Twitter Follow @casiestewart Follow @telus Tweet  “Yes, @casiestewart, I wanna see @BonIver at @OttawaFolk! Thanks @Telus!” Tweet to @casiestewart I will pick a winner TODAY! Dear Winner, I would love you to share some photos. I really would like to be there, so I will be with you in spirit on the internet. Love, Casie  

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REAL PEOPLE: The Lanvin FW12 Campaign

I am in love with this campaign. The guy who eats frozen blueberries, the one with out a car, the bearded blonde looking for a grant. My favourite is Former Apollo dancer, Jacquie “Tajah” Murdock, the film ends with her saying, “Well I said that when I was 18 I wanted to go to Paris so he could turn it around and put the eight in front and the one behind it… Eight one, instead of one eight.” In the background you hear Alber Elbaz say, “Paris is coming to you!” With a big “MWAH!”.  It’s magical. I think we’re going to see more ‘real people’ in campaigns. Real people like me and you. The girl with purple hair is NY blogger Stella Rose who writes Confessions of a Female Drag Queen. Her blog is as awesome as her style. I feel like Telus uses real people and Mastercard just did a casting for ‘real people’ for Toronto Fashion Week. I sent in my photo late so the chances of me getting that one are slim.   Sebastian Simon Lifschitz, the one who eats frozen blueberries, used to be a blogger. It is the first time I’ve seen a post on someones blog saying “I don’t really use this blog anymore, if you want to follow me, find me on instagram: sebastianlif”.  I guess times are changing. Change is good.

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SummerWorks Performance Festival: Peachy Coochy at the Performance Bar

I subscribe to the Say Media blog and truly love the Venn diagrams that come every Friday morning. This one is from one of my favourite books “Steal Like An Artist”. Tomorrow night, 9:30pm at The Lower Ossington Theatre, a Peachy Coochy performance will grace the stage at the Performance Bar as part of the SummerWorks Theatre Festival. The name comes from the Japanese ‘Pecha Kucha‘ where each presenter has 5 minutes to deliver 15 slides with only 20 seconds for each slide. I know these as Ignite presentations, people do them at conferences sometimes. The cast will be sharing Venn diagrams in a form that is  ‘smart and playful, sweet and earnest, with a healthy dose of cheek’.  See the description on the SummerWorks site. I creeped YouTube for Peachy Coochy and there’s some funny ones. I’m looking forward to this! Performance Details: Date & Time: Thursday August 16, 9:30 pm – Location: Ticket: Pay-what-you-can Participants: Philip Akin: Artistic Director, Obsidian Theatre Company Tara Beagan: Artistic Director, Native Earth Performing Arts Ravi Jain: Artistic Director, Why Not Theatre Matthew Jocelyn: Artistic Director, Canadian Stage Laura Nanni: Festival Director, Rhubarb Festival Richard Rose: Artistic Director, Tarragon Theatre Cost is PWYC so if you are broke as a joke or rollin’ in dough you can still go and have some smart fun. I’ll be there and hope to see some familiar faces so we can laugh together.    

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Write It Down

I’m ready. I’ve always been ready but now I feel it in my bones. The last few days have been filled with excitement, creativity, and I’m stoked about life. I took an adventure into a few notebooks I’ve scribbled in from the stack beside my bed, I was reminded how much I truly love writing. When I was 15 I wrote and published  an anthology of poetry & prose and I never really stopped. I’m keen to have a book written by December 1, 2012. I’m writing it down & telling you to make it real.  In other news, while I was Googling myself in Google Books I found out that BRIAN SOLIS mentioned me in his book “The End of Business as Usual“. I have blogged about him a few times and I love his work. Smart man. My credit in Dear Photograph also came up. I’m taking that as a sign I’m on the RIGHT TRACK baby!

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Go Further with Ford 2012 – Part 1

I’d never been to Ford Field. Lots of history here. Home to the Detroit Lions and with it’s 1920’s architecture, has a real street that runs right through it. I’m more of a cheerleader than a football player. Clearly. Bellbottom blue jeans & stripe top from 3F, neon belt is vintage Darling from South Africa, Alix Rose Cowie. She sang us a lullaby in Afrikaans the next night. She also interviewed Die Antwoord for 10and5 magazine in ZA.  Bill Ford is a really rad dude. He went against the grain for Ford Motor Company really pushing for innovation & eco-sustainability. 250 journalists attended this conference representing media from around the world. All meals together. Breakfast the next day was fun because I met my new boyfriend right after… Now my most popular Instagram. He’s charming. Later in the day we went to this really rad place called TechShop and we made stuff. I made a pewter star and frosted beer mug with a huge ‘C’ on it. This clock was one of my fav parts. Next up in Part 2 I’ll share my driving videos and photos from the track! So fun!

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