Pure beer bliss.

All the beer shelves were fully stocked, store opens today in Liberty Village. I love straight lines. Everything was lined up with perfection. Pretty. Pinup. ♥ Very nice shop that appeals to urban consumers. Young urban professionals of downtown, generation Y, Yuppies 2.0. SO good to see Carly & have her back in town. Love you babe! Carly is my agent and today I have a top secret audition for something on TV. I was taking our pic in the mirror here… Then I totally spilled my beer. Doh! Food was really good and outside they had an oyster bar. Look how big that one guys is! They looked to slimey for me. I kinda like oysters but think I’m stopping liking them. The slimeyness over does the taste & other effects for me. Wiggly little buggers. Brown Barbie likes ’em! My peeps comin’ down the red carpet. We arrived early & left fairly early. My new thing, getting real good at it. It takes practice. DJ was really good. Arriving early gives you optimal time for dance breaks before it gets crowded. We were drinking these beers & Stella. I love beer. Blonde is one of my fav’s. Obvs. Hi friends! Brocklyn, you are so studly. Love ya Shan 🙂 Sebastian from bring Erica. Him & his bro are hot. Nice too. Megan who I was in American Pie w/ years ago. Nice to see you, didn’t get a chance to chat! Love you Carly. Blondes. Familia. I love you all. New short hair is tres cute Keri! Raymi & I had dance party. Nice moves baby girl. Your shorts were so hot. Rose ceremony. Marcello. You saw him in Textuality w/ Jason Lewis. I get the rose this time. Puma. More blondes, omg. BLONDETOURAGE. Ron, from inlibertyvillage.com. I wrote…

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talk nerdy to me. #nerdlearn

After a lovely afternoon shopping the cruising Queen Street yesterday, Jenie & I went to #nerdlearn hosted by The Working Group at The Burroughes building. You know how much I love nerds and events with hashtag titles. The panel was talking mostly about Rails, we only caught the end. I love this space. Old, bright & beautiful. Hosted Puma Social on the 6th floor few months back. Packed house. Such a nice office. Great job on the renos team! Team TWG/babes Andrés & Jon Lim. Props to TWG’s Dessy who made these awesome shirts. So cute. This was the first nerdlearn event, more to come. I think it’s a great idea & amazing space. Nice job TWG!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

It rained. I went to the park. Photo: › Ballerinas, date unknown, by Jeanloup Sieff. › › (via [Jeanloup Sieff. “…all depends on the mood of… http://tumblr.com/xmj2k0dfny # Photo: i want this photo of me. http://tumblr.com/xmj2jzvkzs # I’m not a stranger to knowing who I am. # #classy & #sexy wearable rubber by @jaclangheim #fav #awesome http://goo.gl/fb/wuZwy #blog # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj2jy9zru # Drinking beers & laughing. #goodmedicine # What’s the best thing u ever ate? #goodquestion via @DanielGoddard. # “i just want my baby-back” #ribs Victoria Newman #yandr # this weather motivates me to hibernate and build internetty things. #smrt # next weekend i’ll be in #SouthBeach weeeeeeeeee! # oh @jimgito you mean you feel happy like this http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws #optimism # Cathering Chancellor is going to use ALL her clout in Genoa City. Atta girll. #twerk #business @klout #yandr # An interesting idea: Vodka is stupid http://bit.ly/lhgIeZ # ahh #yandr is so intense right now guys. # hey @porsche, have you met @shawnhawaii? # omg. i miss #thehills RT @chris_huey: Heidi (2.0) and Spencer wedding on The Hills on @MTVCanada right now. Awwww… mems! # three cheers for this: SEO less technical, more about reputation http://t.co/n5N0Edy via @globeandmail # thanks @fragileheart just technology giving me short temper. All good! # short temper today. might freakout. # holy shit i love this guy. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/-h8zScx2kF4?a) # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/-h8zScx2kF4?a Dr. Draw Montage Promo Spring/Summer 2011 # MaleEsthetics – Toronto’s New Spa For Men: http://bit.ly/eNWBtd via @TwoGayGuys # need a break? have some of this http://bit.ly/jJ2jhH #yum # couple strange FB requests today. oh FB you so funny. # Beaut. (@ Fort York Armoury) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kiBEBJ # Omg this workout is hard. Sweating. Huge. #jukari # Thanks @reebokcanada & @puma for sweet workout gear. Good motivation! http://twitpic.com/4yi5nw # #jukari…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#jennycraig #ginandcrack #reneecamp #thedirtyone # #adjacentpartyhardon #reneecamp #speech # #reneecamp #ftw! (@ The Bedford Academy w/ @philmoreira @renee_warren @bunnyhero @kellyldewolf @michaelnus) [pic]: http://4sq.com/jTuhSs # RE: @raymitheminx so good. i want them too. http://disq.us/1xs6zj # RE: @parvdos it really is better. http://disq.us/1xs5u9 # yep. didn’t just touch it, i wore it. #gold http://goo.gl/fb/eeY41 #blog # Met Tessa & Scott today. Wore his gold medal! He is funny & cute. They are really beautiful people. #Olympics # #swag2011 Thanks @rightsleeeve 🙂 (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @scottyhons @karimkanji @philmoreira @emanintdot) http://4sq.com/mvCpJZ # mark your calendar for may 31st #toronto http://goo.gl/fb/rPnSp #blog # and the brand is……….PEPSI!! #pepsithrowback http://post.ly/21ue8 # omg time can not go slow enough right now. gah. # changed out of the skirt. was toooooooo much for the amount of events i have this evening@ # wearing the shortest skirt ever today. hope you like it @smichm @so_pr @rightsleeve #reneecamp 😛 # Event Swag: 5 Ways To Give Attendees What They Want http://t.co/V8rR089 via @mashable & @erinbury #OMGIKNOWHER # remember I told you I had an announcement, it involved me & a big brand and i'm posting it in a few mins 😉 # FB chatting with a mind reader, he isn't doing so well. i am trying my hardest to trick him. i wonder if he knows i'm tweeting this? # OMG This. Is. Awesome. RT @iamjazzy: A royal coincidence? #hilarious http://twitpic.com/4wpt25 # Your smile is infectious 🙂 — oh stop it. http://4ms.me/mEEnk3 # What goes on at a "Tweet-up" ? — you meet & greet people you tweet 🙂 http://4ms.me/inuW8g # Two tix to @canadianstage Unscripted Gala tomorrow night. Who wants to go? RT or comment to enter http://bit.ly/kPedEz # Cannes 2011, day two in pictures http://gu.com/p/2p39q/tf # ha! my tweet to Mum worked! On @skype w/…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream. # I don't think I'm going to watch Criminal Minds anymore. # Ikea makes funny commercials. # I don't like the elections ads, I prefer the Dairy Queen ones. Dolphin guitar. # Watching 20/20 Fairytale Romance, so excited for my Kate/Diana ring to come. # I love The Royal Wedding. Very much so. # i miss two & a half men charlie. # Sharon Newman always goes for the 'rescue' type. Urgh. #barn #yandr # Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel http://goo.gl/fb/KRHBD #blog # my landlady has the most serious engrish everrrrrrr – always sounds like she has marbles in mouth & is wasted. so cute. # need to be in NYC april 27th to see my babes @derekfabulous @nichvon_k & the lovely @nicolemiller! thank you for invite 🙂 # loooove these cinemagraphs – animated gifs of @cocorocha http://bit.ly/ePJ00f via @withoutayard # love this song & her. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/n4nuVRw3tOA?a) # last night i went to Diddy & didnt take one photo. so many kids taking photos, wonder where they will all go. youtube, FB? # manager – MAMAger # today is 108/2011 – this is what i did on day 8 feat. @lynsieroberst @jeniestewart & @starbucks https://casiestewart.com/january-8th-2011 # whoa on @skype w/ @jeniestewart in Bahamas, she touched a SHARK yesterday! cripes. # Happy to say I have officially hired @katekillet to be my paid assistant/intern. Welcome to the team babe! #awesome # Lunch date w/ Andy (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/dHJpab # BYT (@ Sense Appeal) http://4sq.com/fyjTU9 # would you guy be interested in a massive paint party this summer? think dance party, paint, bodies, babes, hotness. # winner of #textuality ticket is @rayannelangdon! thanks @rockitromo http://post.ly/1uoJH # listening to "Alors on danse – stromae (electro-funky remix)" ♫ http://blip.fm/~13tcvw # what…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Been getting really good at leaving parties. (@ The Mansion) http://4sq.com/gDggyP # I want to drive an Audi. # We are looking at the same moon. # Casie in the Sky with Diamonds (+ glitter). # Oh hai (@ Lou Dawg’s B-B-Q!) http://4sq.com/hlGFkr # Picture yourself in a boat on a river… # heading to @loudawgs. # Haha RT @victornewman Love using television to tell my kids to take a long walk off a short pier. # imma professional. are you? let’s #twerk add me! http://www.linkedin.com/in/casiestewart # if you don’t vote you can’t say sh*t. http://goo.gl/fb/bb11p #blog # my daily booth photo right now makes me SMILEY. it’s top right corner on my dot com. # only caught the #yandr once this week. being an entrepreneur is clearly more exciting than the life of @victornewman. # way to crash my own site. # New Blogging Opportunity: $100/post https://casiestewart.com/jobs #toronto # stalk it like it’s hot. # oh i am cooking up some fun stuff for you. # Photo: META http://tumblr.com/xmj21j0ah4 # #deardiary http://post.ly/1s0Fh # #plasticsurgery http://bit.ly/e0821A # i love the internet. # started this blog in 2008: #borderlineartistic http://borderlineartistic.blogspot.com # OMG! Yay! Will totes be watchig the news for @guardly tonight 🙂 Congrats team! (@YouTube http://youtu.be/mQD8hZqIaS8?a) # ah, just got asked to be in a celebrity poker tourney. this gonna be funny. #POKERFACE > imma dress like gaga. #ladyblogga # RE: @FrontRowMag what a babe. http://disq.us/1md680 # just realized i am going to be in #boston for #4sqday better find a meetup STAT! # YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! http://dailybooth.com/u/8t7ir #

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