Day 421: That Magic Hour

We went to a garden center today and got some things to grow herbs. We have a tradition of going to one every Mother’s Day weekend to get a nice big plant for Sean’s Mum. We were only out in the world for about an hour but were both so tired when we got home. Why is everything exhausting these days? Sean had a nap and I went for a walk then watched my show. Listened to one of the Peloton walking workouts and took a bag with me to pick up some trash. Our area is pretty clean but after winter, there’s always a few bits on the road. I’m working with Telus again this month for their May ‘Friendly Futures‘ contest where they’re giving away $100K in charitable donations. For my contribution, I made a donation to Tree Canada and committed to doing a community cleanup. This is some friends and I and in Vancouver (2018) with some of the Telus team for their Telus Days of Giving when we made care packs for local schools. Read more about Telus Friendly Future days here. In other news, I looked outside as the sun was setting and couldn’t believe it was 8pm! Love it. Morning is my fav time to get things done but right before sundown is so beautiful, that magic hour. The sun goes down across the lake, shining her colourful light, nice and bright, right into the cottage. Hope you had a nice weekend. ?

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Day 380: Always Be Growing

Today was a good day. I feel like I’m learning more about myself at high speed the last 2 weeks, testing my abilities by doing new things. It feels good. I’ve been on a 7-week streak of Peloton workouts and consistently running 2km before I get ready for work in the morning. I find getting outside first thing really sets me up for the day. I have time to get fresh air, exercise, put things in perspective, or burn off some anxiety. I know I said this the other day but I love smoothie bowls, honestly, they’re so beautiful and easy to make. Delicious and extremely good for you. Look at this vision of beauty. I stan. One of the characters in the show I’m watching (The Arrangement) said “If you’re not growing you’re dying” and it really stuck with me. I often used to say, “innovate or die” and I think it’s really important to always be growing.

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Day 376: You Make Me Happy

This week has been good. I’m getting into a workflow and figuring it out as I go. Most days I get up at 7-7:30, go for a run at 8 am, do a short Peloton workout, then get ready to start work at 9:30. If I’m at my desk or working inside the whole day, I like to put on something I’ve not worn in ages and go for a walk. Sometimes it’s just around the neighbourhood, other days it’s a nice long walk with a friend. YOU MAKE ME HAPPY The title of this post ‘you make me happy‘ is also a song also used in my latest video here. When I put on this jacket, it instantly made me smile. Made me think about how my clothes make me happy. So many of them have fond memories of a time or feeling. After spending 90% of 2020 at the cottage, one of the things I was really looking forward to was being home with my stuff. I love playing dress-up or sorting through things I haven’t worn in a while. While the world around us is so different, I find great comfort in the familiar things. Might be my Taurus nature to love home so much. I don’t have many family heirlooms but some of my most treasured things are clothes worn by my parents or anything from nana. Remember the other day when I mentioned Transitional Coat Season? Well, here we are again with another coat! I ordered this one 5+ years ago from one of my fav artists, Valfre in Mexico. It didn’t fit for years but I couldn’t bear to part with it, no matter how many times Sean said “you have too many coats“. Glad to report she fits great now and Valfre is…

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Day 360: Wednesday Workout

Today was a good day. Went for a guided run on the treadmill with the Peloton App. I love their fitness trainers and music. I also did a barre workout and it reminded me so much of ballet as a kid. From 3-13, I spent heaps of time in the studio with multiple classes each week. I learned so much from Ms Lisa, not just about dance but strength, persistence, hard work, and how to stand tall, walk with my head high. Took another short dip in the ice today, a cold plunge hurts but feels great after. I didn’t last too long today, it was windy and that makes it harder. I’ve got some friends in the city who want to give it a try so we might find a spot in the city next week. Looking forward to our weekly trip to town today, Walmart here we come. Wonder if they’ll have any plants in yet? Last year I got a beautiful Monstera and a Fiddle Fig at Bracebridge Walmart, each for $25. In the city I paid $80 for a Fig tree the same size! Sending you good vibes through the internet, hope you’re having a great week!

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Day 353: Can’t Break My Stride

Feeling good this week. It’s like that full moon energy is in my blood! I’m on a 3-week Peloton streak and have been running each day. It’s still cold but I don’t even mind. Fresh air and exercise are something I look forward to each day. I am SO looking forward to warmer days. I went through some summer clothes the other day and can’t wait to put away my winter gear and bust out the fun stuff. I know it’s gonna be a while still but I love having something to look forward to. It looks like our lockdown order is going to be extended next week. We’re moving from Stay-At-Home order to Lockdown which means just about everything is still closed. Sean and I will be spending next week at the cottage. I wanted to be there to mark 1 full year of the Pandemic. So crazy it’sa been this long. I hardly remember pre-panini life! Hang in there! We will get through this. Look for little things in your day to bring you joy. This song is my whole vibe today, can’t break my stride! Put it on and have a dance party. I promise it will make you happy! I love rapping along w/ the lyrics, can you believe I still remember them from the 90’s?!

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Day 352: A Good Old-Fashioned Phone Call

Today I booked a meeting with someone and when she asked for my phone number I was so RELIEVED. In her email, she mentioned Zoom fatigue and I was like ‘YES I AGREE’. We ended up having a great chat for 30 min before even getting to the meat of what we planned to talk about. It’s amazing how wonderful a phone call with a friend or family member can be. I ring mum about once a day to chat about the day. Sometimes when I have a good day, I call her a couple of times! I miss seeing people so much but there’s something so personal about a good old-fashioned phone call. These days gabbing with my girlfriends is the best way to connect, if we’re not able to meet for a distanced walk. In other news, I’m on a good streak with Peloton workouts and discovered a new fav today. There’s a 20min Bad Boy Entertainment full body and it is SO GOOD. I’ve been a HUGE fan of Puff Daddy & the Family since the 90s! Went out for a run at magic hour and she did not disappoint! The sky was so beautiful. As I arrived at the Dundas West bridge on my way to Roncy, the sun was just setting on the horizon. The cotton candy sky had me smiling as I ran the rest of the way home. I think this is gonna be my new thing, I usually run in the morning but a night run is a great way to close out the day. It made me feel alive and free! I am living for these longer days when I can get outside AFTER Young & The Restless and it’s still light out. Hahaha!

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