the worlds best selling book

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How you perceive yourself has the biggest impact on how others perceive you, this is my belief and something I live. It was my mum that ingrained in me, “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative”. Luckily for myself, I’ve always been rich in that department. The book in this post is one that I really, truly love and admire. It is written by Paul Arden one of the world’s top advertising guys who comes from a great career with Saatchi & Saatchi. This is not merely a ‘book‘, this is a bible for the creative, those driven to succeed who couldn’t even ever imagine what it’s like to ‘think inside the box‘. It has taught me tools to succeed in the world, to dream the unimaginable, to break the rules, and make my own path, leaving trails for others to follow. This book is about stretching the mind and thinking about where you want to be in the world. Do you want to be well known? The best in your field? Your country? Best in the world? Or best in the universe? You decide. I know where I want to be. Posted on September 26, 2008 Can’t Fly with the Eagles if You’re with the Seaguls – Mum

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your green eyed monster is showing and it looks lousy

“Funny..because in the word “Jealousy”, there’s lousy. I think the reason why some people get jealous is because they’re not content or they want to experience what you experienced. Jealousy is when you get jealous because s/he went to this awesome place, it’s when s/he has a freakin amazing cool better version gadget, it’s when you wish you have what they have, it’s when you cry over your mommy or daddy because your friend has an ice cream and you don’t, it’s when the guy/girl in your dreams love someone else, it’s when blah blah blah. I think you get it. It’s sounds so silly, isn’t it? But you know it’s all true. I think being jealous is normal but sometimes jealousy can turn into madness that turns into an obsession that turns into “I’m fucked.” via walrusowl on tumblr Recently I saw someone acting out of what can only be explained as jealousy. I’d heard a few things she’s said then she threw a couple jabs here and there and I was “wtf is up, I thought we were friends”.  The most disappointing was the way she started acting, then after seemed to be nicey-nice again.  I don’t get it and I refuse to waste my time trying to understand. You live and learn I guess. We’ve all seen Mean Girls and we all remember highschool when girls act mean just because you’re doing well. What I don’t get, is how people don’t relize that negative thoughts and feelings become things and in the end  you are only hurting yourself making yourself look stupid. I really wanna send those people a GET WELL SOON card. I LOVE seeing people around me do well. I tell my friends to call me when something exciting happens, I say “you can always…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-08-05

gx43 franco relaxo # this ship's a sailin' to #babestock RT @raymitheminx: Ahoy there @casiestewart # Just hi fived Emily Haines #stadiumlove # Thank you @SamsungCA & @metric! This is AWESOME! in reply to SamsungCA # 12seconds – Help I'm alive ….. and in love! # Up close and personal w/ Emily @metric ! #amazing # Q: Who you here for? A: I'm media front row at @metric for MYSELF YO! # Help I'm alive! Another awesome #virgin event @metric! #vip (@ Union Station w/ 27 others) # thinking about going to #beerfest never been? any hooks on passes? # AWESOMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR # Abby just said she will 'tweet when she has an update' #YandR #nakedheiress # Photo: for some reason, just. can’t. stop. staring. # the office is busy today # FYI @sobeys on #fortyork has the most juicy + sweet watermelons right now for only $2.99 # shit happens. and i mean the good shit 🙂 # this is the mosy creepy house in toronto i have ever seen # it happens > # ask @heatherdegrassi!! RT @DowntownShallon Where did Fiona get a pig. #degrassi # yessssssssss! i love you internet, twitter, blog – just got a msg for VIP tix to @metric tonight. @laurenonizzle & i gon' be dancin!! # heck yes @michaelnus, i am totally pre-stoked for halloween and ZOMBIE WALK . ROCKTOBER! # Good post: Digital Natives – Savvy or Stoopid? by @laurenonizzle # Did you vote me to win this baby for @virginamerica yet? Tell yo friends! #Provocateur #ILU # RT @shedoesthecity Last call: METRIC!! Who wants VIP pass to Samsung's surprise concert at Union Station tonight? RT for a chance to win # ok, which one of you JUST googled "casies stewart is a…

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the view from our office is terrible

Setting up a blog/twitter for Mum today so she can update while on her sailing adventure. Gonna spend more time with my sketchbook I reckon. We hung out last night and, we really miss each other. The Unnecessary Wheels Collection is growing. If you have no idea what the heck I am talking about you should browse over Borderline Artistic, my art blog or check out some of the first ones I drew in this old post. Two of my fav’s are the bong with wheels and the blackberry with wheels. I want to have an art show within the next year. I’ve got so many things I created hiding  away, they want to come out, they want to see your eyes and give you feelings. Postsecret, all about feelings. I hear you lady, I want my own adventure TOO! Made some new friends last night at drum circle & Squirley’s. HI THERE! Interesting enough, I met one babe who looks exactly like Brett from Flight of the Conchords or exactly like an old BF or two, or three. Whoops.  I always seem to find them/they find me, maybe I do have a type afterall. 🙂 Hitting up the free Metric show tonight with O’Nizzle, 7pm Union Station. After that we’ve got fittings with Raymi & Carly of our ZEUGARI swimsuits for Wakestock. We’re staying at a loft in Blue Mountain, it is going to be epic fun. Get ready for lots of bikini’s & babes all weekend. I tried this one on the other day….ooh hubba hubba. Excited x 1,000,000. If you’re gonna be there lemme know ok. Have an awesome day xo

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good morning, good morning and how are you today?

Oh man so beauty out there today. Woke up earls and jumped on my new cruiser for a ride in the sunshine by the lake. Riding is so much more free than walking. Faster, wind in your hair. I rode alonside the lake lazily dreaming about traveling, writing and where the path will take me, the road less travelled that is. Love and miss you Mum. Enjoy sailing today. I think of her everytime I see the boats chilling. All this week’s plans are in a schedule so I make sure I maximize my time. Today I’ve got a dinner for Marc (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), inerview for a Uni newspaper and family friend coming to visit this AM. Her name is Pat and she was like a second Mum to me growing up. I thank her for my love of designer clothes and outgoing style. She was always dressed so elegant and stylish. I would love to raid her closet and see what jem’s she’s still got kicking around. I’m gonna ask her today for sure hehe. Put my old basked on my new bike last night. Got my hands all dirty playing with tools. Reminded me of working in the garage with Dad as a kid. I loved that. Pretty stoked about Wakestock this weekend. We’re still  looking for accomodation, if you can help PLEASE TELL ME NOW! We’re open to hotel, cottage, RV, B&B anything that isn’t camping really. We need to get al dolled up pretty so no bathroom = no fun. Ok, man I gotta run. Pat’s gonna be here soon with Nicole and I’ve not showered or cleaned up the place. Oh, INTERNET, You are so distracting! I just can’t seem to quit you my love. Have an awesome day peeps 🙂

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I’m a lucky girl to have you in my life.

Night time creepout at Ireland Park. Not as scary in the day… The white marks in the rock that came all the way from Ireland are oyster shells. Pretty & neat, saw the heart, thought of Mum sailing the seas. In the night the statue had loonies and quarters but the next day, the money was all gone. I would have never taken it. Bad karma. Here’s the story: Ireland Park honours the Irish immigrants  who fled during the amine of 1847. 38,000 of them arrived here that summer,  at that time our city had about 20,000 living here. Wow, my blog is so educational! Saw this pretty thing too and thought it was a lucky day. Little did I know JUST how lucky it would be… Hung out with Keri and caught up on recent happenings. Love her. Shoutout to Team Boston from us both!! Caught up with Raymi later and she is letting me use her old bike! Yahoooooooooo. Check out this PYT I’ll be riding ’round town. Thanks RAYMI!! ILU. I’m so freaking happy to be riding again. I felt so FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cruising home. Ahhh, the wind in my hair, the open road.  I’m home again. Remember how much I rode my old bike last summer? Stoked to take her out for a ride tomorrow AM. I think we look really good together, you could say I’m now in a relationship ♥.

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