Howard Green on BNN: What’s the deal with Klout?

It’s always a pleasure for me to go back to 299 Queen Street, the most famous address in Toronto and the home of my last full time 9-5 job. Especially when it’s to be on camera! This time I was on BNN talking online influence with Headline News anchor Howard Green who also spoke to Shelby Walsh, VP of Operations at Trendhunter and Joe Fernandes, CEOof Klout. Watch the entire episode on the BNN HERE or my single clip HERE. Ok, here we go, 00:30 seconds and we’re LIVE. No anxiety. I love being on TV! I’ve officially moved from ‘Social Media Expert’ on eTalk to ‘Pro-Blogger, Casie Stewart, BLOG ENTREPRENEUR on BNN.Look out world! 🙂 Mum, Dad & Nana are gonna love this!  

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I’m a gangster for real, I feel so damn gangster

I love this photo. Took it today as soon as I got home from the airport using the 360 app on iPhone. I find this city so beautiful to come home to. Have you heard of Pigeon John? Khayyamm always has good tunes and I was introduced to him when we were in Sin City last week. He’s not really a gangsta’ and neither am I. I came all the way home TO THE FREEZING COLD in Havaianas. Crazy woman! Packed socks in my bag so I was warm on the plane but couldn’t not be bothered to get other shoes just to run to the car. I was tired and lazy. My ankle is really swollen and my foot hurts. I have an old injury from about five years ago that is painful every now & then (love that movie). Urghhhh. I did however. spend the entire day on the couch (the internet). I’m doing hot/cold on it and have a castor oil compress for the night (thanks Mum!). I’m always stoked to check the mail when I get home from work/vacation. I was VERY pleasantly surprised with a bunch of jewellery I ordered from Etsy (late one night) and a box with the warmest, wooly, winter slippers EVER.  They’re called Glerups and they’re from Denmark with a lovely family story about how they’re made. Glerups are made from 100% natural wool. Swoooooooon! Being Kiwi I’ve had wool slippers before but never as fancy as these.  (I feel Mum is going to ring once she reads this saying she needs a pair!) Check out other styles (men, women, slipper, shoe) at I got the black Women’s Slipper that retails for $99 CAD. I’ve been wearing them since I got ’em! They are SO incredibly warm. Thanks for sending Sadie!

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The Virtual Mirror for Styling Your Face

Your face is extremely important to you and if you have/like to wear glasses you wanna have ones that make you feel good. Mum used to always say “looking good is feeling good” and its so true. My favourite vintage waldo-ish glasses are really scratched so when ClearlyContacts asked if I wanted a new pair I was IN! They have this cool new feature that’s a virtual mirror for trying on glasses. I played around with it today and it makes the online shopping process WAY easier. Check me out gif styling & shopping at Whole Foods earlier today: Clearly Contacts is offering a promotion tomorrow to all first time customers starting at 9am (EST) and the first 10,000 glasses ordered are free. YES FREE! Promotion doesn’t include sunglasses. To get your free pair visit them on Facebook or click on photo below. I decided on a new pair of nerd glasses and black Ray Bans (so excited for these!). There’s a good chance they’ll be waiting for me when I get home from Vegas. STOKED.

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Apps: Shopcatch – Location Based Dealios

I know it’s post holiday and Santa probably brought youuuuuu all you wanted BUT if you’re like me and love a deal, this might just be of use. Some friends introduced me to ShopCatch, an app that shows you location based deals. I was at home when I snapped these and it gives me a pile of post holiday deals along Queen Street and what’s happening at the Eaton Centre. I have some GC’s to use from Christmas so if it’s nice out tomorrow I’ll see  what deals have my name on them. I reckon Mum would love this to watch for Winners clearance. Keep an eye out over the next couple weeks cause they (Winner’s) mark EVERYTHING down cheap. Maybe not in the city but surely in the burbs! Have a cool app you’d like me to check out? Send a link to [email protected].   

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PASSIONATE VOICES + SAY MEDIA: Canada’s Social Media Cool Kid

Here’s an excerpt from a recent interview I did for SAY Media’s blog ‘SAY DAILY’. SAY is an awesome company out of San Francisco that works with “passionate voices” like me to to pair us up with brands and stuff. They publish cute venn diagrams each Friday. Your blog is called Casie Stewart: This Is My Life – in 140 characters or less, what is your life? Lots of hard work & dedication turning my dreams a reality. Celebrating life’s moments and making the most of each day. Awesome! You’re a social media expert in Canada – what are some of your social media secrets for the rest of us? Life is about building relationships and so is social media.  If you want to grow your audience, have conversations about other things than ‘just’ your business. You’ll make more friends that way. Start a blog! A blog is the home for everything you do online. Use Disqus commenting so that Twitter & Facebook are integrated within your commenting system. Read the rest of the interview here. Some of their other voices are Tavi Genvison, Seth Godin, and The Sartorialist. Check out interviews with Honestly WTF fashion babe Leah Chernikoff.  The HTC campaign I was in last year was with SAY and so are the fancy advertisements in my sidebar. In December we went to the their holiday party in Toronto and guess who was in their signage?! Me! I was totally surprised. I know Mum would have loved to see it. Next stop, billboard then broadway! Ok, no broadway but billboard has a nice ring to it. Stay warm out there!!

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Dear Photograph, see you in the future. xo

Over the holidays I hung out with my friend Taylor, the founder of Dear Photograph. I love this idea so much that I really wanted to submit a few of my own memories. Mum and I dug through TON of old photos and these are some of the ones that didn’t make it. You’d be surprised how hard it is to line everything up just right. Jenie & I with Johnny’s old car. I always had a thing for self photography.  Always likes to play in the rain too.  Stylish and plying the in the snow. Dad & I cut down the tree. This one is my fav & the one I submitted.

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