The Weekend: Saturday Sunshine

Good morning, good morning! Went for a early coffee and chatted with Mum while I walked through the park. I planned to sleep in but I could see the sun peeking in, inviting me to go out & play. It’s lovely out! Planning to get deep into the archives inside my TB drive using my new Ultrabook from Dell. Haven’t been able to go there since switching to Mac & giving mama my PC Netbook. I can’t wait to see what I find. It’s amazing how you forget things as time passes. I started this blog as a journal to keep more memories and it’s totally worked. I’ll post some of my findings later today. Check this old pic I found cleaning up today. Teenage model, long hair, braces! Ahhh. Don’t laugh.

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Textile Fancy + Pop Princess + Toronto Fashion Incubator

I’ve mentioned 3F a couple times over the last month. The brand is new in Canada and I’m on the Board of Directors. Fancy, huh? I felt like ‘Young & The Restless’ joining the board!  The 3F flagship store is at Dundas Square & the company was launched to compliment and integrate the family business KTC (Kazareen Textile Company). KTC is a leading supplier of apparel and textiles for some huge brands in North-America and Europe. Notable clients are Marks Work Wearhouse (see my posts on Mark’s here!), A&F, Polo Ralph Lauren, Tommy, and Calvin Klein. They have some agressive growth targets to open 33 stores in the next three years so you can see why I wanted to be part of the action! The other day they had pop princess Aleesia in the store for a meet & greet with fans. 103.5 was on site broadcasting live too. Next weekend at Metro Toronto Convention Centre all the girls from America’s Next Top Model will be in town and 3F is one of the Social Media Lounge sponsors. I’ll be backstage hanging out and probably feeling like a midget around all the models. Ha! @casiestewart 3F team is full of energy & excitment as we just signed on to be a part @ANTMLiveCanada happening next weekend! #3ffashions — 3FFashions (@3FFashions) April 27, 2012 In other fashion news, Toronto Fashion Incubator celebrates it’s 25th Anniversary on May 3, next week. I’m on the Social Committee and I’d love to see you there. Get event and tickets  info here.  It’s almost sold out! Now I am faced with the DAUNTING task of finding something to wear. Have some ideas? Your bff/sister/friend/mum is a fashion designer? LMK. I need to look fabulous! I can’t believe it’s almost MAY. OH MY GAGA.  

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I’m going up there. Right on the edge. Cross my heart and hope to die I make it though ok. A wee bit terrified but excited in the same. That’s my favourite feeling, nervous/excited. The kind that makes you get all riled up with excitement yet you’re deeply terrified.

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Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.

It’s hard to deny the fact that we might be facing snow today. Actually, it IS fact and there is nothing I can do about it. Title is a quote by Mark Twain which I’m sure you knew already. When ever someone complains about the weather, this quote runs through my head until I can’t hear them anymore. There’s no point in complaining! I reckon it’s my last chance to don my favourite winter wear and go to bed early (aka hibernate). The sky looks grey and gloomy. I’m brewing up a sage tea to gargle with for the sore throat I woke up with. I managed to avoid getting sick all winter but alas, I am a mere mortal and it got me. Here’s  Mum’s sage tea remedy for sore throat and thyme bath for colds. THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!  Found these old photos of Mum & Dad. Where exactly is this one with the CN tower. I think it’s right near my place? Turned my living room into a DIY studio and made a few accessories. My BFF Keri Blog came back to town yesterday. I’M SO GLAD SHE’S BACK. We watched the show Rogers did on me last month. I can’t wait to show you once I get it online. I’m at FITC (Future. Innovation. Technology. Creativity.) this week from Mon-Wed. The conference features over 70 renowned digital creators from around the globe sharing knowledge of the best and brightest in the digital space. It’s my second year as a Digital Corespondent for TAXI, one of the worlds leading creative agencies. See last year’s writeup on and this blog. Planning to put on my glasses & nerdy disguise to soak up as much info as I can. It’s going to be a couple quiet days while I get my…

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“Conversations With Myself”

I’m tempted to write a memoir with this title about my life and the past seven years blogging. I started April 2005, first on myspace, then blogger, then Tumblr, Posterous, and WordPress. Throw all the other platforms into the mix and there has been lots of change in how content is shared and how I personally deliver my stories to the world. It started out as a dairy, a place to keep my memories and back then, I never even imagined it would turn into a career and open up all the doors it has. One of my favourite posts is “A Blog is An Engine” from February 5th, 2010. “A blog is an engine and behind that blog is a person. There, in that very chair,  sits a  person with bounds of creativity. The type of creativity that you can not ever imagine because it is unimaginable to your mind. It creates.  By the time you are reading this the engine has worked twice as fast,  faster.  The engine is moved by some type of driver and the engine has many tools. It employs services to work as engines in order to make it grow. The production must try to keep up with the mind yet the creativity, it DOES NOT STOP.  It flows and drives and moves and the more it makes the more it has for it is infinite.” I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a book for a while. I wrote my first book at 16 and became a published Canadian Author so if I could do it then I can SURELY do it now. I strongly feel that the more creativity I let out, the more I let it flow the more I have.  There’s lots going on but that only motivates me MORE to do the things I…

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Picking the Right Glasses, for Your Face!

I’m a huge fan of wearing glasses. They’re a statement piece for your face and can change a somewhat boring outfit into something with a lot more style. I’ve had glasses since my first eye checkup in high school. They were my first ever high end designer item too. I saw a pair of Gucci frames before I went in to get my eyes checked, as we were wrapping up my appointment the doctor told my my eyes were near perfect. You think a girl would be happy about that, no, I wanted those GUCCI GLASSES! Fortunate for fashion, I was able to get them in the weakest possible prescription and Mum & I went home happy after placing the order. Now that I’m grown up (sounds so weird to say that, but anyways) I have to get my own glasses. A good price and easy shopping experience are important. Yesterday I chatted with Derek Derek Desierto’s about his top picks top picks for the spring and summer. Derek is a Canadian celebrity eyeglass stylist and the in-house designer for Listen here: Derek styled my face with the handy Virtual Mirror I told you about in January.  In our short talk I learned that you should pick glasses that are the opposite shape of your face ex. square face, round glasses etc. These are a few of his latest designs w/ Clearly Contacts. Any guesses which ones I picked before looking two inches down the page? (Worst guessing game ever, I know) I went for the fashionable & feminine Birch: They should arrive next week and I will do an unboxing & try them on for you style like I did last time. Follow Derek & I on Twitter at @mrdesierto & @casiestewart.  Check out this TOTALLY rad commercial for HTC that…

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