I’m Sorry.

I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. I had a great chat with a friend and loyal blog reader this weekend about my blog THIS IS MY LIFE. I have been updating daily for years up until January of this year and to be honest, I was tired and didn’t really feel like sharing. Maybe I had the winter blues? I’ve also been feeling a little dissatisfied with the blog. I would like to implement a few changes like switching to a more reliable web hosting platform in order to improve my reader’s experience. However, I need to learn more about A2 Hosting first. I started blogging so I had a place to keep all my memories. A collection of people, places, things, and thoughts. It evolved, took me around the world, to red carpets, runways, TV, print, and even film. I would not have been able to do all those wonderful things without you guys reading about all the adventures. Thank you 🙂 In other news, I’m back on track this week after the nasty cold I had last week. Attended a funeral on the weekend and got to stop by and visit boith Mum and Dad with Sean. Always nice to give them hugs and have a few laughs. Mum framed these and kept them out to show me. I’ve always been an artistic kid… … with a flare for the media! This quote and artwork posted in the local paper when I was 7 years old. I hope your week is off to a great start! Have an awesome day, ♥ CASIE

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If You Want Someone To Do Work, Pay them!

Ok, it’s Social Media Week around the world and whether you are part of it or not, one thing you can’t deny is that social + media has become an integrated part of our lives. Raise your hand if you’re on Facebook? Bloggers are taking front row seats at fashion shows, writing for magazines, being written about in magazines, appearing on TV, travelling on sponsors dimes and snatching up newly created jobs in just about every industry. You can’t avoid the shift in how media is now delivered or consumed. Something happened today that inspired me… I was scolded by a PR person (from an agency that I really like whom I have been posting & making videos about their things FOR FREE for over a year) because I didn’t promote a contest on MY blog to MY Twitter, enough. Some, but not enough. The second part of the scolding was because I didn’t make it to opening night for their ticketed event AND the winner I picked for my contest cancelled. So, the tickets went to waste. I’m sorry, I was ditched on Valentines Day ok!  The thing is, if they had of made a little contract and sent me some money, I would have been there (regardless of what happened) and promoted it. I probably would have asked friends to take part so we could go together. I often get people wanting to me to post about an event, run a contest, share with my friends, and attend events. Do you know how long that takes? To and from event easy 2 hours, blog 1-5 hour, contesting, sharing online, writing copy, taking photos, coordinating winners. It takes hours to make and create content. If you paid me minimum wage I’d barely have enough to take myself out for…

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Wool Sweater, Winter Warm

Actually, it’s freezing in the office today. This sweater was Mum’s. I had a great weekend, lots of sleep. I guess that’s what we call hibernating. Lunch time came so fast today. Sitting at One of A Kind waiting for lasagna. They serve lunch now. Used to love this place back when. New printer & tablet arrive from HP today. Gonna make Valentines. Good thing Spring is just around the corner. Enjoy the day, XO CASIE

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Award-winning chef Jonathan Gushue reported missing?

Yesterday was lying in bed, aware, awake, ready to get up, but not really just yet, a few more minutes pleaseandthankyou. I like to think about my day and outfit. Then someone was calling me and it was Mum. She rung to say the Exec. Chef from Langdon Hall was missing and it was all over the local news. (I am from Cambridge and  like to be up on news.) I spent lots of time on Langdon Drive growing up and have find memories of Langdon Hall. There are deer in the back forrest, it’s really beautiful. I was there in May with Mum for my birthday driving Infiniti G37. LIKE A G6.  The Chef is Jonathan Gushue and he’s been at LH for 7 years.  The missing story is kinda weird but he has family he’s been missing since Dec.31, 2012. It feels like a movie. (Doesn’t everything?) He used a fake name at the hotel, but he’s pretty famous. I love when characters do that in movies. Strangest quote from everything I have read about this disappearance is in this from TheStar “Every aspect of my husband I am in love with,” she said. “He is my soul mate. My children worship the ground he walks on. We deal with our issues.” Apparently he has disappeared before and has been in AA for two years. Not a good combo. I hope he returns safe to his family. If you have any info about Jonathan Gushue, call Waterloo Police at 519-650-8500 ext. 2299. Here is a nice video about him and Langdon Hall.

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After being sick for the last 10 days I am finally feeling better. I’ve had cough, cold, sore throat, stomach flu, and more sleep than perhaps ever. My batteries are recharged to start the year. I’m back in Toronto and it’s nice to be home. Holidays home with family and friends were so much fun. Hung out w/ Dad and Skyped our family in New Zealand. Jenie and I wore the same thing on Christmas. We are becoming more twinsey. Mum has some reading to do. Mega snow came but it didn’t bother anyone! Made some robot puppets and had sushi the other night.

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Home for the Holidays

I was so sick this weekend. Spent yesterday in bed watching Netflix (Frida, Elf, Archer). Went to see This Is Forty last night, it was good. More sad than I thought it would be. Made it home to Mum’s today and first thing I did was take a nap. It’s so nice to be here. I’m soaking up every minute of relaxation and listening to Christmas music. Excited to see family tomorrow and hang out with Dad. Mum and I are gonna try to watch The Hobbit this week. I really hope this damn cough/cold is gone when I wake up. I’m sick of it! Sending love and warm thoughts for the holidays. Merry Christmas! <3 CASIE

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