I’m Sorry.
I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. I had a great chat with a friend and loyal blog reader this weekend about my blog THIS IS MY LIFE. I have been updating daily for years up until January of this year and to be honest, I was tired and didn’t really feel like sharing. Maybe I had the winter blues? I’ve also been feeling a little dissatisfied with the blog. I would like to implement a few changes like switching to a more reliable web hosting platform in order to improve my reader’s experience. However, I need to learn more about A2 Hosting first. I started blogging so I had a place to keep all my memories. A collection of people, places, things, and thoughts. It evolved, took me around the world, to red carpets, runways, TV, print, and even film. I would not have been able to do all those wonderful things without you guys reading about all the adventures. Thank you 🙂 In other news, I’m back on track this week after the nasty cold I had last week. Attended a funeral on the weekend and got to stop by and visit boith Mum and Dad with Sean. Always nice to give them hugs and have a few laughs. Mum framed these and kept them out to show me. I’ve always been an artistic kid… … with a flare for the media! This quote and artwork posted in the local paper when I was 7 years old. I hope your week is off to a great start! Have an awesome day, ♥ CASIE
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