someone had to build the ceiling first

Feeling inspired today. It’s one of those days when I’m tired from working tirelessly but I have bright eyes when I think about where I’m heading. I was sitting on the couch last night and thought, man, how do I do it. So many things, so little time. The answer? You just do. You don’t sit around thinking about what you need to get done and wast time talking about it, you get off your ass and go. GO! I did a heap of laundry last night AND cleaned my room. That’s hugely productive for a school night. I hung a heap of summer gear around the bathroom and thought it looked so pretty. I love bathing suits. We have an office picnic and I wish I could lay out in the sun wearing one since it’s prime sun time, noon -2pm. Though, NSFW (That’s ‘not safe for work  Mum). Played with my clothes and makeup for a bit, felt just like beauty school. haha Must pack tonight as I fly out to Boston at 6am. I told my friend when booking that I was a morning person and well, that’s exactly what I got! Ask and you shall receive! haha love it. I’ll be at Tech Karaoke later in the evening to sing a few love songs to friends before I get my beauty sleep. I don’t usually go to Bucks for coffee in the morning but I drove in with Sabrina again since I didn’t get a helmet last night. I like this thought, it probably lead to the feeling of inspiration.  Someone had to build the ceiling first.

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a little walk down memory lane

didn’t bike today. drove in with sabrina. feel really bad about having no helmet. as if today will be the day i get in an accident because i know i need a helmet and i told the internet i’m getting one. i’ll get one after work. feeling hungry and tired. i wonder what catering will bring for lunch? something good i hope. my youngest stewart cousin is six month pregnant. seems like that’s what all my kiwi cousins do as soon as they get close to twenty, marry & make babies. i guess having family around makes a big difference. i’ve grown up without having aunts, uncles, cousins and stuff around. i have to look out for myself. i never went to an ontario private school like some other kids i know. not saying that mum and dad aren’t there because they are, but after them, it’s the friends i call family. friends are good family, you get to pick them. i’m gonna get a pedicure at lunch today. it’s been a while and i just wanna relax. i wore a sweater today that i got in niagara falls, NY when i was about 10. we went with the burchells for a dance competition. showstopper – american dance championships. i got it at united colours of benetton, it has a nautical theme. i’ve always loved it and it still fits so i’m keeping it forever now. i do that with clothes. it’s not just a sweater, or skirt…it’s a memory of where and when i got it and how it makes me feel. i get attached to my clothes and that’s why i keep them, i donate and give away some, but most of them stay.  i’ll be a hundred with the most massive collection, when I think about that…

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i fixed it

Remember about a month ago when someone was leaving nasty comments? I found out who it was, someone I used to be friends with, and not surprisingly, a girl. Before I knew who was dishing out the haterate I made some changes to commenting and it was not working very nicely. It’s fixed now. I was testing with Mum yesterday and sorted it out.  (Thanks Mum, Love You). I drew this picture using Imagination Cubed. You should try it, it’s fun.

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bike helmet meets babe

I’ve been avoiding wearing/getting a helmet despite Mum’s efforts to convince me I need one. This is going to be hard for Mum to read the most I think… Last night at the intersection where near my house, a 34 year old woman was  hit almost killed when a car struck her while biking. She was not wearing a helmet. The streets were closed off and as I rode by and saw the lonely bike standing beside the police car, my heart dropped. I took these photos on the way to meet Saul Colt for dinner. The accident happened while I was there and 3 blocks behind me in the photo. I’m going to get a helmet within the next week. I will be photo-blogging it all the time. If you or your company wanna be my helmet head sponsor please email [email protected]

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my hot date: me + internet ♥

Finished up the day with some work writing, always nice. Biked home. Changed out of the white dress, felt a raindrop on my face. Got to Wired Wednesday in time to say a few hello’s to familiar faces and get a seat close to Saul. Learned about Zoompass, BrandMentions Brand Tracker, backtweets, yoono and saw the babes form Scribblelive. Lots of cool people and good ideas. I learned stuff and I like that. Looking forward to seeing many of those beautiful faces Friday for GenYTO. A hot 12 inch sub and I sat down at the computer. Opened email, RSS reader and started reading a post from How to Make My Blog. That lead to new tabs and my internet excursion. I’m just getting in to backtype now; seeing all my comments and searching my name through the interwebs seeing what’s out there. Out There: a marketing & pr agency I made up in Entrepreneurship class in hignschool.  Got a good mark.  Mum will remember. Been thinking about L.A. lots lately, California in general. Made a new friend at the LA Times. Traveled deep into the internet on the couch finding new things and blogs last night. Didn’t stay up too late,  got a good sleep. Had a nice date with myself.

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there’s nothing worse than being ordinary

I’m watching American Beauty…for the second time today. I love this movie. It’s creepy and yet I find the story so captivating that when it came on again, I didn’t change the channel. It’s brilliant. I have two favorite parts beside the girls dance with the roses and the music.  I like when Angela says “OMG, you like totally love him, you wanna have like a million of his babies”. Later, Jane says  “Well, I guess I’m not a very nice girl than am I”, I like that part.  Had the sketch book out. Drew a unique interpretation of the creepy video camera guys room. The room with all the videos and the white walls.  He’s weird and I like him. Cooked up some chicken soup from scratch yesterday. You’d be proud Mum, turned out great. It was spinning in this photo.  I love cooking and baking.  Haven’t been in the kitchen much lately, should do something about that really. Now & Then just came on, reminds me of grade 8 and Lisa Baker. Stunningly beautiful video of Niagara Falls in motion, all time lapse photos. Very cool.

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