film fest day five: lovely to meet you, welcome.

Yesterday was quite lovely. I attended PSH’s film Jack Goes Boating in the afternoon with Michael. Walked through Kensington in the sunshine and passed Tattoo at/for 4:20.

Then I met Lynsie and Shawna at The Red Tea Box to greet the cast of Jucy for a Tea Party. Was terribly cute, the party and the three of us blonde blogging babes. The Blondetourage rides again.

I’m going to see Jucy tonight and quite excited. The Director Louise Alston gave us a CD with the films soundtrack and tickets to attend. The three of us sat down with Jackie (Francesca Gasteen) and Lucy (Cindy Nelson) from the movie for a chat around the tea table. They were charming and we are friends now.

Post Tea party we went to Squirly’s one of my fav spots on Queen Street with some friends. Lynsie, Dwayne and I went to Hotshot gallery for treats & a toast to Jeffreyy‘s photography. Lovely exhibit he did in the kitchen of a resto called Grace on College. The night kicked up a notch, after that when we walked the red carpet at Charles Pachter’s gorgeous house. Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason.

It was the event for Steve Nash’s film Into The Wind and quite the place to be. That’s where I met team Australia as I like to call them, Brad, James & crew from Aussie TV/radio. Shit got crazy after that. I took them to the Vitamin Water Back Yard in Yorkville and we tore the roof off that place. So fun.

I have some serious following up to do and a stack of business cards in front of me. I would really like to star in a film, there is no doubt that I am a great actress. Ask Mum! haha After tonight’s movie I’m popping over to the Festival Music House and checking out the most adorable Beatrice ever, Coeur de Pirate. Here she is on Jian’s show (she starts at 2:30). Stoked, I have a crush on her.

Happy TIFFing friends!

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