yesterday in the news exciting things happened that i can not yet share with you but when i do you will be happy like me

if you’re happy and you know it # i need to write a short bio. wanna help? # omg love you Mum! Skype is the best. They are on a boat and I am clearly excited. # On skype with Mum from her boat somewhere Taddoussac River outside Quebec. So neat. They saw Beluga whales today. Mum said it’s is like NZ. # proudly not watching #bachelorpad # drum circle babe. calling. # Check out our #SXSWi panel feat @unmarketing @thatericalper @Kathy_Valentine & me! Yahooots # okok there are a bunchof brunettes # Most the bloggers I know are blonde. Who are the brunettes? # Where do you get your sunglasses? They’re cool. — Kensington Market & vintage shops all over the place. # how soon could you travel on a moment’s notice? — Soon as I get a ticket via email. # what is your favorite store to shop at lately? — Apt. 909 Vintage or CTS. # Photo: these guys are gonna get older and i’m looking forward to meeting them later. # RE: @rlangdon The music was really good too.Rock the dance floor baby! # I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs. #MitchHedberg # I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long. #MitchHedberg # A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer. Mitch Hedberg #

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blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

I was a 3rd grade unicorn. /via @wafflesgirls # Any of my followers in the GTA have #iPad #039;s? I have some screen protectors and skins to giveaway. Hit me up for info /via @cellguru # RE: @photojunkie awesome. stared at this for a while. i like. # Summer fun my friends. RSVP: Aug. 23 @tweetgasmTO & Aug. 26 #GenYTO # blog makeover show? # Nice phone… # Photo: tumblr love. # Photo: i see you # Photo: suicideblonde:Rihanna photographed by Ellen von Unwerth # do we know what RiRi got tattooed yet? # Photo: pjpanoramas: Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store. iPhone 4 line, days after launch. # “I believe in my heart that @LadyGaGa is going to positively help shift the world for the better. She is…” # dying w/ laughter reading @raymitheminx blog today. she is so funny “photos don’t take them fucking selves you know.” # oh snap, y’all know whoa time it is. # Tell me … how many lights do you see. — It’s so dark in here. # Is Tim Deegan as useless as he seems? Like, he is the worst. — He’s pretty cute. # Staff at this branch are the best. Srsly. (@ CIBC) # Photo: jeopardy + snoop (via polkaroo) # OMG Len, amazing. RT @LenCervantes: @polkaroo! like my halloween costume? # ME TOO! RT @erin_bury: Tomorrow night I’m going to a party with a donut wall. So…yeah. Pretty excited. @INQMobile # if you are not following @brundle_fly, you really need to. he is awesome and his avatar today melts my heart. # it’s like real hot out today. love it. # Do what she says!! NOW!! RT @raymitheminx: vote for waste case! #…

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it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the Hooters Bikini pageant, it’s hot/awesome. Have you ever seen the Hooters  outfit on me? It was 2005, I looked different, heavier. I never worked there, but I was close once, in my younger days.  I won a pageant and bikini contest back then too. Ha. Thanks for the votes in the Virgin contest. I’m in the lead, lets keep it that way. I think the other six are under the impression it’s a job.(Yes, only six entries!) It’s just like winning an online pageant, you get to carry the title of Toronto Provocateur for the year and you have perks/duties. You get to be the party planner and 12 free trips, I have room for that in my life.  I do. I would LOVE some free trips… I dream about all the people I could visit, conferences I can attend and things to explore. I’d also REALLY like to be able to leverage the stellar community we’ve got for GenyTO and do some really great/cool/fun things. I’m darn sure that’s a win-win for everyone. We’re having GenyTO on July 27th. You saw how fun the game was I went to recently. Did you know that out of the whole group, I had only ever met two of those people in real life? And one is Jon fron the TFC. Tickets are $40, the  special code to purchase is ‘genyto‘ and you can get tickets here.  All the other important info is right here. I would love to see you there! Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your RAD romance ♥

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a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

Thanks heaps to Jeremy for inviting us to come play at The Gladstone Hotel on Friday night. He’s the Creative Director there and deff knows how to party. We ended up doing karaoke  later on (bug surprise) and thanks to everyone who bought me (way too many) drinks. The event space upstairs at Gladstone is looking like a future party spot. Chatter Jer about doing some fun things there. It would be perfect for a #GenyTO! Weeee! Gawd I looooove summer. SO much to be had like erry day. Don’t waste your time doing nothing, get off the couch and go!

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i feel like a celebrity in this room with you

Woke up and had as couple great phone chats with friends. Fun night out with the work mates last night. I seriously love my work. I love what i’m doing and the people. Tomorrow May 2, marks 6 months working with MuchMTV. I was in my old job for two years and knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. I needed to be doing somehting I loved. I loved twitter and blogging and publishing and internet and I knew I could find a job where I could show that love in a big way. I found it. There are so many new jobs popping up all the time, we’re a lucky generation to be able to say “Hey I want  __________ and I’m gonna get it.” One of the video’s I did for My City Lives last week talks about GenyTO and the group of like minded individuals behind the idea that started it in Jan 2009. I’m so inspired by the friends I’ve made over the last couple years. You can watch the vid’yo here, having trouble embedding it for some reason. Heading to Marijuana March Freedom Festival with my sis now! BYE.

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video made the internet star

I always dreamed of having my own show and thanks to the internet it’s so possible for anyone. I’ve been making some vids but I would LOVE  to win this $250,000 viralocity contest with Doritos… BTW, I’m sick of the work viral. I can’t enter it because of my job but it’s open to anyone in Canada over who’s ever been  teenager.  I checked a bunch of videos today and didn’t seen anything particularity hilarious. This one is my fav cause it’s artistic, short, cute and has good music: This is Billy, he makes youtube videos that have mega millions of views. He said key things to viralocity are: 1. Humor 2. Short & Sweet 3. Unique. Sounds kinda like me doesn’t it.  heheh… I joke. You gotta have creativity too.  Doritos are out to see who can make the biggest digital footprint, so I asked him a few questions about the internet! How long you had your site up? 2004 Do you use formsrping? No. Tumblr? No. Youtube views?  Over 11 million. Twitter: 879 followers/1,045 tweets.  Have you ever been to GenyTO? No but I want to. Where you from? Victoria, B.C. Met anyone famous? Rhianna in YYZ. Nice softspoken, pretty. Interesting. If YOU make a vid I’ll totes post it!!

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