The Vatican’s Actions = Gay Gay Gay

This is SO wrong.
Article copied from here.

“It’s not everyday that the Vatican is called “grotesque” by mainstream publications. But that’s what one of Italy’s largest newspapers, La Stampa, labeled the Vatican as the Pope’s home tries to block a non-binding proposed UN resolution calling on governments worldwide to decriminalize homosexuality.

The Vatican issued a “slippery slope” argument for their opposition to this measure, saying that it could lead to same-sex marriages throughout the world. Apparently us gay folks are like nuclear weapons that way – you allow one country to have them, and then all of a sudden….

For the Vatican to oppose this measure is not only grotesque, it’s the antithesis of Christ-like.

The measure simply calls on governments around the world to (1) stop throwing homosexuals in jail, or in extreme circumstances (2) stop executing them. The resolution has been signed by every country in the European Union, and France is due to submit the resolution to the UN on December 10 – the day that we’ll mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” “So instead of aligning themselves with the EU countries on this issue, the Vatican has chosen to line itself up with Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Burundi, Afghanistan, and Sudan and the nearly EIGHTY other countries that punish homosexuality with significant jail time or death. Way to go, Vatican. I think we can also appreciate the Vatican’s complete lack of tact in issuing their statement of opposition on World AIDS Day 2008. The criminalization of homosexuality is one of the biggest impediments in fighting HIV/AIDS around the world.”[READ MORE…]

P.S. If you are ever looking for a marriage counselor 😉

HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY!!!! Who wants a present??!!

This holiday season I have partnered with Givenchy to give away a lovely Organza Gift Set including a 50mL spray, 75mL silky body veil and a 75mL shower gel. This package is valued over $80 and would make an excellent gift for yourself of someone you love.

Givenchy Holiday Sets are beautifully packaged in a classic sequined
box with everything you need to celebrate the season. Organza highlights the femininity of every woman- that of the mother and the lover. Organza awakens a goddess that lies hidden in every woman. This is the perfect fragrance for an exceptional and timeless woman; a combination of elegance with richness and purity.
Please tell me your most meaningful holiday memory in about 100 words or less. I’ll pick the one that makes my heart the warmest and contact you for shipping details.

Please write your story in the comments of this post or email me at [email protected]. I’ll only post your emailed note if you want it to be published. Totally posting the winner ♥

Contest closes December 15th to ensure you will receive it before Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever it is you may be celebrating this year!

I’m looking forward to hearing your holiday memories!

Raising Malawi

Madonna’s movieI am Because We Areairs today at 9pm EST on the Sundance Channel. Madonna has been awakened to the crisis in Malawi. It is an impoverished African nation where one million children are orphaned by AIDS.

i saw this while i was walking
down spadina yesterday

World AIDS Day ♥

Today, December 1st is World Aids Day. The World AIDS Day website has a ton of ways that you can help educate yourself, others and get involved in the cure for AIDS. I have participated in the AIDS Walk and have supported several charities over the years. What have you done lately?
Support World AIDS Day

Here are some ideas from the World AIDS Day website:

  • Get a red ribbon collection box for your workplace, school, community centre or event to raise money and awareness of HIV.
  • Organise a red-themed fundraising event in support of the NAT. Here are some ideas of how to turn your event red for World AIDS Day:
    • Have a red non-uniform day at your school or workplace and make a donation for the privilege of wearing red
    • Do a sponsored run, bike ride or whatever takes your fancy dressed completely in red
    • Organise a red-themed party or red-themed dinner for friends and ask everyone to make a donation
    • Or come up with your own red-themed idea!

Its time, holiday…

the stores are
filled with over sized items.
chocolate and pressies
for one for all.
plenty of people passing
in hallways
decked out with discounts
and savings for sale.
meeting and greeting and
spreading good cheer
its time, it’s time
the holidays are here!