tell me your fear? ok, it’s everyone here.

I keep these in my room. If I’m being emo I look at them. It’s a fun game to sort through the things you have already done,  motivating to look at the others.

What are you doing today to inspire yourself? I’m about to go for a long walk in the sunshine. Looks real pretty out there today.

Snow next door is melting fast. I reckon one last hurrah before it starts warming up. Fingers crossed.

I’m so excited for summer. This is me when Ilived in Bondi Beach Australia. I was so skinny, I hardly ever ate and spent every minute I could at the beach. Ah, that was the life. Workout at The Motion Room tomorrow, beach body is comin’ back.

Imagine being a cat. This is Sammy working/being cute. I got her skinny side…her head. Aaaahahah.

Caught ‘The Stand’ on MuchMusic yesterday by Mother Mother. That’s where title of this post comes from, I like it.

Love them too.

Tomorrow after my workout I have a photoshoot that will take up most the night. Looking forward to it. Been a few months since I had new photos taken.Ok, time to get off this unit and GO OUTSIDE! Ya, Spring Fever!

#FF FREESTYLE FRIDAY: #android + @motorola_ca

What style does everyone love? FREESTYLE.

Ladies & gentlemen I am proud to present a new contest series starting today that will take place on Fridays.  Freestyle Friday used to be a club night at Metropolis in Kitchener that was all ages. I owned that place in the 90’s. Anyone remember it?

Anyhoo, it goes a little somethin’ like this, each Friday I’ll post a FF contest, aka. Freestyle Friday, you enter, winner is chosen Monday.

This week I’ve got a shiny new Android phone from Motorola Canada. Value of phone is approx $400 and it is locked to Rogers. Contest is open to anyone in Canada.

You guys know I’m a big fan of Android. I’ve been using Motorola phones for almost a year now and I’m diggin it. The Motoblur feature is cool but I don’t use it much. I find the 5MP camera to be really good.  I use Seesmic for Twitter and some of my fav apps are Google Sky View, Retro Camera, Foursquare, FX Camera and WordPress. I find it really easy to blog from my phone too.

Here’s the specs:

  • OS Android™ 1.5
  • 5 MP Camera w/ LED flash
  • Comes w/ Motoblur (option for universal imbox w/txt, tweets, email, fb)
  • Android and SWYPE keyboards pre-loaded
  • Comes w/ 2GB microSD
  • Display HGVA (320 x 480)


Link to the photo that has ‘’ on it in the comments. I’ll pick a winner from all the weekend submissions on MONDAY, FEB. 21.


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Ahem, what do we think about THIS?

I miss the old Brit-Brit. yeah yeah, yeah yeah, ohhhhhhh.

must. get. fit. before. summer.

Work it sister.

Work it other sister.

Did get your tickets?

The last FREE SESSION at The Motion Room is Saturday. I will be working out w/ Raymbo and friends + the new Russian drill sergeant. If you wanna join our awesome workout, call right now 647 351 8671.

Before you miss your chance at fame fitness.

be famous before you die

CASIE ring needs bling. I want more things with my name on it. Anyone out there wanna get on that amazing opportunity? I’ll be famous before I die. I’ve always been that way.

In grade six I made the ‘Casie Watch’, ‘Casie’ brand clothes in uni and all kids of other little things over the years. Hmm, would you buy it? Drink my koolaid.

Have I told you how much I love my clean room? It’s like a quiet digital sanctuary lounge equipped with bed, tv, cable, ipad, monitors, phones, clothes and art. Basically heaven. Can you spot my boyfriend Ken? I love him.

Rachel tweeted me  these cupcakes today. She knows how much I loooooove the Young & the Restless. My life goal is basicaly to play myself on the show before I die.

BTW if you see these earrings kicking around please let me know. They’re my special (and NEW)  black Swarovski Crystal’s by @sparkleforlife and I misplaced them Saturday morning. Wahh.

Did you see Gaga came out of the weed smoking closet? Should I? I dunno. No.

I was a domestic diva the other day & made a Bacon & Egg pie. For those who don’t know, this is a New Zealand staple. Mum would make them all the time. Some people like it hot but I loooove it cold. Oh gawd, so yum. It’s screaming “EAT ME”.

Now I haz some’tin to share with you, listen up…

Do you have a blog? Wanna blog? Make your blog more popular? New eyeballs & ears? I’m a contributor to the Z-List blog, see it here. It’s a place you can share your photos, videos, blog or whatever. I’m going to be interviewing some NYC peeps and celebs for the site so get in and join the fame train.


don’t pay attention to what they write about you

Stayed up late last night making something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. Kinda proud of it now that’s it’s more nice looking. Something that is always changing though!

Click the photo to see what I’m talking about. LMK what you think too 🙂