yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • omg so many good tunes you guys. gonna take me a few to reply & listen! thank you. was lookin for some tunespiration! #tgif #
  • what are you listening to on this fine Friday? #
  • writing a love story one day at a time #blog #
  • follow my long time friend @goldenclear, lost of health tips from a Holistic Allergist 🙂 #ff #

writing a love story one day at a time

Tasty brekky. Good coffee.

Unicorn skirt.

i photographed girls playing with girls hair

yesterday on twitter, this happened:


Went to see Morgan C. Ross play at Ballroom Bowl last night. You know Morgan is on the MuchMusic top 20 right now? Truth.

SO META: Casie Stewart in Casie Stewart, Galen (Tiny Danza) in Tiny Danza. Y’know how we do. haha.

Hinto made this shirt for me in 2009 for the very first Twestival. Coincidentally TODAY is my Twitter 3rd ANNIVERSARY. Gifts for 3rd anniv are leather in case you were wondering.

Then I saw some Tweeps on the street. Hey guys!

Then I ran into Stephen from HOT-Lanta. We met Tuesday at FITC.

I was teaching him how to do gang signs. Ghetto fabulous.


Then I put glitter everywhere. Glitter graffiti.

Remember I did sames last week @ Yuk Yuks. Funny 🙂

it’s that time of year again