DON’T MAKE FUN OF ME. Ok, you can. I make fun of me every day.
People have been asking me ‘why don’t you make more videos?’. I asked myself the same question and… I HAVE NO IDEA!? I’m going to make a video every day until the end of the month and then MAYBE FOREVER. Who knows? When I set my mind to something I get pretty serious about it.
Have any deep dying questions you’ve wanted to ask? Want me to teach you something? Any questions? Any idea? Bueller?! I’m sure I can find things to make videos about every day but I am giving you a chance to inspire something. My Youtube channel is HERE and you can subscribe to it here or subscribe to my blog here (get it email, RSS, fairy, letter mail). I have a team helping me get a few things in order before I got to SXSW next month and making videos is part of the plan.
It’s about to get crazy crazier. You can call me Crasie 🙂
Know who are two of my favs on the internet, these two: My Drunk Kitchen & Jenna Marbles. Enjoyyo.