Speaking | I’ve Joined the National Speakers Bureau

Exciting New Speakers at the NSB!

Ok, this is pretty cool. I got a notification that the NSB (National Speakers Bureau) was going to be sending out a note about ‘Exciting New Speakers‘. Little did I know they’d have a full feature on the website, newsletter, and I’d be amongst some of Canada’s greats including Olympic hockey coach Kevin Dineen, Jennifer Jones from our Olympic curling team, and luxury hotelier Tony Cohen.

Exciting New Speakers at the NSB!

I’m available for speaking gigs anywhere in North America. If you’re interested, visit their website and check out my profile. There’s a spot to request more info along the header.

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I feel so professional, I mean, I AM a professional, but I actually feel it now. I’m very proud to be one of the speakers on the NSB roster. It’s been a long journey around the world and almost a decade of documenting on the internet. I’ve got a long way to go still! Can’t wait to see what the future holds. 🙂


I’ll Be in Balconia or Muskoka Till September, Ok?


Had a great weekend, hope you did too. Skipped home to visit Mum Friday and did some Saturday shopping.  Was back home in the city before dinner that night. Sean and I had a great day on Sunday. Since we’ve been making an effort to eat healthier we’ve not been going out/drinking as much. It’s great! I did groceries on Sunday morning and were out of the house just after noon.

Had a walk through Kensington market and ate at a delicious Mexican place on the south side of Roach-o-rama (sorry I don’t remember the name). Burrito was BURFECTION! I got a treat from the ice cream truck on the way out.

This rainbow filter is called ‘Through Marino Wool Sweater’. Thanks Mum for that gift!


I spent some time reading on the roof top patio ‘Balconia’ before zipping out to the new Target at the Stockyards to refurnish the place. I managed to give it a new look and feel with some pillows and accessories while Sean was napping. Target and I are becoming good friends. Sean is building a storage box to go under the table.


Was my first time grilling cauliflower on the BBQ and WHOA it’s totally delicious. Used this recipe for grilled cauliflower skewers from Chatelaine and added some Diana sauce and garlic to the mix. Sean made burgers. I am so happy it’s SPRING FINALLY!


I picked up these solar lanterns from Target and I’m  kinda shocked at how surprised I was that they worked. Why did I think they wouldn’t work? I got three sizes and the biggest one was $22. They charge during the day and they you turn them on at night.


Looking forward to getting home and catching some rays while I read some more of this great book Simon Schuster sent me recently. They saw me on CBC and send over a bunch of books. I vow to read and sew more than ever this summer!

Hope you are enjoying the day. Remmeber…

You will never be younger than you are today so make the most of it!


Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany’s & YSL

Pinup! Lovin' the vintage touches YSL & Tiffany's.

Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Spring is here yahoo!

  • Dress American Apparel
  • Diesel Jogg Jeans
  • Thomas Sabo bracelet
  • YSL vintage scarf
  • Tiffany’s vintage silver pearls
  • Glasses from my travels
  • Essence USA matte lipstick
  • HBC case by GelaSkins on my iPhone


Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Thomas Sabo bracelet, Tiffany's

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | A TIFF Documentary!

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | A TIFF Documentary!

Last September during TIFF I filmed a documentary called Behind the Red Carpet, directed by Michelle Daides. I was pretty hush about the whole thing but now I can let the cat outta the BAG. The film is finished and the trailer is now ONLINE! My role is the blogger and in the trailer you’ll catch a funny bit about some extensions.

I really can’t wait for the premiere to see what bits made the final cut. Nicholas Cage and Olivia Wilde are in it too btw.

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | I'm In Another Documentary!

Behind the Red Carpet – Feature Documentary

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | I'm In Another Documentary!

Behind The Red Carpet – an uncensored view into the Toronto International Film Festival….

  • In a world of smoke and mirrors, we expose the movers, shakers and key players who puppeteer the brightest talent and engineer the most exclusive events during one of the biggest film festivals in the world.
  • BTRC features celebrity photographer George Pimentel, PR Maven Natasha Koifman (NKPR), Renowned Blogger Casie Stewart, Entertainment Editor of The Huffington Post (Canada) Chris Jancelewicz and Spoke Club President, Pierre Jutras as well as a slew of A-Listers from Maria Bello, Alan Cuming, Paul Haggis, Olivia Wilde, Nicholas Cage etc.

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If you didn’t see the trailer for the other doc I was in last year ‘It’s All About Me‘, watch it on YouTube here. It was in few film festivals last year and even won an award!

'It's All About Me' Awards

Hopefully my next film is in Hollywood! A girl’s gotta dream right?!


Speaking | Mark Your iCal – CM1 May, 22nd, at CBC


Next month I’m speaking at CM1, Canada’s Community Manager Conference. I was a panelist at the last one and this round I’ll be speaking about ‘Influencing the Influencers’. I’ve travelled the world and worked with some of the worlds biggest brands and done heaps of work as an as ‘influencer’.  It’s been really neat watching the roles of ‘influencer’ and ‘Community Manager’ evolve over the last five years. When I started at MuchMusic/MTV as a ‘Social Media Coordinator’, the role ‘Community Manager’ was almost unheard of. Now, it’s a job you’ll find at almost every agency and client-side brand.


I’ll be sharing my experience and tips for brands and bloggers when it comes to working together. I was recently on CBC in a segment about this very topic (scroll down to March 22, episode).

Follow the conversation for tickets and speaker up dates on Twitter here and take a peek at the other speakers here. I’ll see if I can contest some tickets for you guys to come!

CM1 May 22


* Photos of me by Adrian Fiebig

Inspiration | We All Need Love

We all need love. Casie

Inspiration | We All Need Love - CASIE STEWART

We all need flowers too. These are for you