Travel Tuesday: I wanna see the world!

On my recent trip I didn’t stay at a resort or all inclusive, I really took time to seek out adventure and make my own path. It was awesome and exciting! Please vote for me (and my cute little cheezy video) in the G Adventures contest. If I’m chosen, I’ll be one of three winners to embark on an unforgettable trip which will be featured in print and online as part of the next G Adventures campaign. You can vote once daily . Ultimately, the finalists & winners are chosen by the GAdventures team but all your help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!  Plus, I made it ALL ON MY iPHONE. First iMovie ever FTW! 🙂

If You’re Happy & You Know It, Show It!

Reckon I’ve been a bit slack on work since I got back from Mexico last week. I’ve got the holiday tunes on the tele and a few posts in the pipeline. I think we’re BACK! So, as I get crackin’ on all that jazz here’s a pic (not from iPhone) from the new Nikon J1 of me and this mornings delicious pain au chocolat. Balcony grass is really charming this tie of year.

Since I switched to iPhone the ability to cut out using computer & camera to post creative stories had been cut drastically. I’m ready to embark on a new blog challenge come January and make good use of both the new Nikon and Olympus cameras.

Have you seen this crazy light show that was done for the AMA’s? AMAZING.

Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-20

The Weather Outside is…

Delightful 🙂






Walking Queen West to see Rob at Bobby Five for a new tattoo. Been waiting for this one a long time. It’s quite lovely & mild out. Wearing spring jacket and don’t even have it done up. Not really feeling the holiday spirit but really looking forward to The Nutcracker on Thursday and going home Friday.

Hope you feeling happy & healthy. Sending sunshine your way!


Dance Central, Party Central








Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-18

Weekend Tune: “Born To Die” by Lana Del Rey

Hey hey hey! Weekend tune time! This week I decided to post the latest video from the oh so talked about Lana Del Ray. Here’s her deal…

Once upon a time there was a shy girl named Lizzy Grant with blonde hair, a pretty voice, and dreams of being a star. Then she met some industry types, and her lips magically grew as big as her dreams. Before you knew it that shy indie girl with the pretty voice became latest hipster hottie! And who doesn’t dig Video Games?

Whether you love or hate this manufactures hipster pop star, you gotta admit that this music video for “Born To Die” and Miss.Lizzy/Lana are both pretty amazing. Tigers and tattoos and fire oh my!

xo Kate

Let the Sun Shine In






So nice on my balcony right now. Jenie helped me clean my room (Merry Christmas to me!) and we’ve been soaking up the beautiful sunshine. Have a meeting this afternoon then heading to The Central to record a podcast for a friends show.

Feeling better, thanks for the good wishes. Reckon I’m just a bit tired! Have an awesome day!


Ninjabread Men



Stayed in last night w/ my sister watching movies and decorating these tasty guys. I think I’m coming down with a cold. Had to cancel today’s photo shoot. Yesterday I slept the entire day. Recording a podcast with Lauren and some friends later today. I will sleep until then. Where can you buy a Nety Pot?

I hear that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?







