CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope


CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope

Sean got me this Good Kid Mad Hope hoodie from the CSAW Company for my birthday. Didn’t realize just HOW rad CSAW is. It’s also super soft and perfect for this not-yet-summer weather we’re having. You’ll see me living in this and the COTTAGE sweater (both from Community 54) right into the fall.

CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope

Ellie Goulding in the same hoodie. Whut whut. 

CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope

I’m ready for the weekend. Heading up to Muskoka later this afternoon. Can’t wait to be on the lake, and wake up in the wilderness tomorrow morning. Hoping to have a fire tonight and roast some marshmallows to kick off the summer! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Be safe out there!


When Life Gives You Lemons? Make Something!



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Artness is All Around You

Artness is All Around You

Saw a bunch of artistic things around today as I was out walking. One kinda crazy thing I saw was this let of kids mannequin legs out for the trash bin. Naturally, I snapped a photo and posted on Instagram. My friends at the AGO regrammed my photo as part of their #isartalien pop up.

As I was on my way back to the office after lunch I saw that a mad had picked UP THE LEGS and was taking them somewhere. I creepily snapped this photo to document. You know how I do! Hopefully he is using them as a sculpture or something artistic…


This table is at Ravi Soups, I thought it looked lovely with the chairs and floor pattern. The floor in there was super slippery from the rain so I was concentrating on it quite a bit.

These guys are workin’ on the railroad near our house. All the live-long day.



My rose coloured glasses seem to add a brightness to everything despite the dreary rainy day. I’m really looking forward to the weekend. More than ever, really. I feel like I need a vacation, even if only for a few days.

Sending sunshine your way!


Got Wood | New Stuff for the House from Artemano

On Monday night Sean and I took a little trip up to the Toronto Artemano store.

Got Wood | New Stuff for the House from Artemano

On Monday night Sean and I took a little trip up to the Toronto Artemano store. It’s located just north of Eglington on Caledonia. With furniture stores in Montreal, Toronto, Quebec and more, they specialize in high quality wood furniture and home décor shipped anywhere in North America. I know Mum would really love this place.

Got Wood | New Stuff for the House from Artemano

After a busy day it was lovely to escape to such a peaceful atmosphere. Janaya welcomes us into the store for a private shopping experience. They’ll be featuring my five fav items from the store in an upcoming post on their blog. There are heaps of magical pieces for yout home made from salvaged wood, boats from Thailand, and massive fallen trees. It’s not for the bargain shoppers, but if you are looking for a beautiful statement piece to join your family, this is the spot.

Got Wood | New Stuff for the House from Artemano

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Yep, that’s my birthDAY BANNER ‘CAMP CASIE, NO BASICS’!

Big thanks to all my friends who came out to Trinity Bellwoods for our first epic park party of the season. It was the perfect day to celebrate in the sunshine! It was a little windy but that did NOT stop us from having a gay ol’ time on our blankets w/ beers, stickers, snacks, and each other.

Lauren, huge thanks for organizing. You are my bestie and ILU.


Sweet shades Sheldon.


Steven you did an amazing job with the decorations. Stevo ‘streamers’ Stinson



Emoji stickers for everyone! This is my fav emoji.





The can collectors were out as per usual!


Oh hey blanket babe!





It was my first time getting a cake in the face, seriously. I’ll post the video soon!


Love y’all!


How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?


Yesterday was my birthday and to be honest, it was a really long and exhausting day! I’m dying to get up to the cottage an have some peace and quiet time in the wilderness. I went to the doctor for a checkup. I know strange thing to do on your birthday but I had the day off work and I’d been putting it off for ages.


Keri and I had lunch at the brand spankin’ new California Sandwiches at Bay/College. I had NO IDEA they had locations that were so modern. I’d only been to the the Claremont location that is older than your grandma.


I went to the office for an event in the evening. We had a bunch of artists into the office and Luke Austin played some acoustic tunes for us. He is REALLY good, check him out here.



Got some nice surprises throughout the day including flowers at my old agency! I used t get gifts there all the time so when flowers arrived for me yesterday, I’m sure everyone rolled their eyes. They are beautiful, thank you Evolution PR.


Did some work from the roof at the office this morning. Man, it’s so nice up there.



Title is a quote by Satchel Paige. This is my 32 year old face and I feel pretty great. I think I’ll always have a childlike fancy about me. It helps to always look on the bright side. Hope you’ve had a great week, sending you love & light!