The Young & the Restless Influential

Went to The Hoxton last night for launch of Parts & Labour Catering. Everyone & their blog was there. Look, two of your most favourite blonde blogging buddies together again.


Brown Barbie is a really good date.


Ever had a bacon wrapped date? Yeah it was so good. I needed a bigger fork to shovel this tasty poutine into my mouth.


I didn’t make it to the taco station but I heard they were tasty. I must have missed the large meat table, one of my fav things at P&L parties.


I’m Grimes. #oblivion #digin #hoxton

Apr 5, 2012 | Source:


Some ding dong tried to say Raymi and I are not friends. Why do people do this? I don’t get it. Don’t talk smack, just deal with it.

My dress from Bicyclette was a statement piece. Souvenir from the night, signature P&L hat.


Thanks for a fun time old friends!




If you had been thirsty for something you whole life, then you found it?

Then you found it, what would you sacrifice? Think about it. Then think about what you are searching for and go find it.

Title is a quote from Ian Ruhter who has taken a delivery truck and his life savings to create a massive camera based on the 1800 wet plate technique. It is incredibly interesting and beautiful. It will inspire you, it inspired me.

Following his passion for film photography he travels around American shooting photographs that cost him $500 dollars per image.

My sister Jenie took this cool shot yesterday from the highway on iPhone. So happy she has iPhone.


Found this little guy in our quest to make jewellery. Do you know who he is?


Have a really busy day today. Teaching a private blog lesson in an hour then off to a meeting about upcoming charity event then rushing to studio for a photoshoot for upcoming project. It sounds fun but it’s gonna be a rushed day. Heading to Hoxton later for the launch of P&L Catering. Everyone and their blog will be there I’m sure.

Some staples in my day, good book (know which one?), sunnies (RayBans), stylus (drawing), Macbook, sketchbook for notes, Sharpie pen for writing everything down.


Some friends created this totally awesome app that’s a hybrid between video & photo called Flixel. Check out this one I made the other day. CRAZY cool. I’m gonna make a whole Flixel post soon.

Took this just now off the balcony, it’s beautiful out there. GO! Go out and do something awesome. Maybe it’s just a little walk in the sun. Have fun 🙂



I heard Tuesday is the most stressful day of the week?


It’s always been one of my favourites. I’ve been working from standing desk every Monday and I’ve found it to really increase my productivity. I’m working with a bunch of new people in exciting projects. I’ve just joined the Board of Directors for a new fashion brand 3F, who has a store at Yonge & Dundas. More on that in the coming weeks…


Made my fav lunch today, Campbells Tomato Soup with rye toast. Something about it makes me feel right at home. Mum used to make it for me all the time.

Barbie and I turned out living room into a jewellery studio last night. We were much more successful at mess making than starting a new line of anything. We won’t be quitting our day jobs anytime soon.


I made this necklace that includes some pieces of old things I had in these many bins. I wanted to make something with keys on it after seeing a few on Pinterest and as SOOON AS I was done. I got an email from Stolen Girlsfriends Club (my fav NZ designers) and they had a similar necklace that just came out. You could say I’m quite on trend 😉


Concierge rung me to let me know I received a fancy looking package from KitKat. Lucky me! It’s actually really cute & full of things to de-stress myself; chocolate, stress ball, tea, iTunes card, note pad and some really good smelling tobacco oil.  The ‘Take-a-Break’ kit came to inform me about National Stress Awareness Month. KitKat is giving away all kinds of money & prizes on their FB page at Getting a prize of $100K would CERTAINLY alleviate an stress I have. For now, I’ll take the snacks. Thanks guys!


Off to a meeting next door then back home to dive into this chocolate & tea. Have an awesome day!


There’s something sacred about reading a blog…

“There’s something sacred about reading a blog post on someone else’s site. It’s like visiting a friend’s house for a quick meal ’round the breakfast table. It’s personal — you’re in their space, and the environment is uniquely suited for idea exchange and uninterrupted conversation. In many ways, we should be treating our blogs like our breakfast tables. Be welcoming & gracious when you host, and kind & respectful when visiting.”

– Trent Walton

Thanks Kate for sharing this quote. This month marks SEVEN years I’ve been blog writing and I’m pretty proud of that. It started out as a journal of “people, places, things & thoughts in an attempt to keep more memories” and it’s done that and so much more. See original Blogspot blog here. It’s opened up doors to things I only ever dreamed about doing and allowed me to connect with amazing people all over the world. I love opening this window to my life and sharing it with you. Thank you for being part of my (this is) my life.

I’ve had a slew of different jobs in fashion, tech, and entertainment which have all shaped the person I am now. Many moons ago I found out that Martha Stewart started her empire at her kitchen table. Just like her and many entrepreneurs, I started there too. I would sit for hours and create things. One of the first companies I started was Kitchen Table Productions in 2005. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do exactly, but I knew we would be producing things and they would creative, they would be media. I’ve always looked up to Martha in the way that she has branded herself in so  many areas, product lines and really grabbed business by the reins. Never mind the short term she spent in jail! I ain’t mad. I’m gearing up to do some pretty rad stuff this year and I’m super stoked about it. If  you ever want to chat me about working together, speaking or anything really, just ask. Leave a comment or shoot me an email. We’re one quarter though 2012 already and it’s a really awesome year. Now, all we need is summer to show up and we’re golden.

Loving this tune “In Your Light” by Gotye. I DL the album from iTunes and it’s really good. This is a great morning song to put a smile on your face.

Move over Martha, there’s a new Stewart in town! 


Updated Borderline Artistic with Draw Something(s) of the Day: couple by others and some by me. This one by Jason N. was impressive.

Mailbag! Monday, April 2, 2012

Got some pretty rad stuff in the mail recently. Leggo!


Nail Polish Canada invited me to try out Magnetix China Glaze. It’s a nail polish with magnetic properties that does these funky designs when you hold a stylized magnet once you put on the polish. It’s not hard to do and looks quite fancy.

The package says to hold the magnet there for 5-10 seconds but I suggest holding the magnet there for at least 20 seconds really helps. Colours here are ‘You Move Me’ and ‘Instant Chemistry’.


The peeps at Hanes sent a pile of hosiery and filled me in about  a contest on their Facebook page.  If you enter, you’re eligible to get Hanes Hosiery and a $50 VISA gift card. That pair in the middle are like fishnets but little squares (cue Weeds theme song ‘Little Boxes) and I love ’em.

Really clear blue skies in Toronto today. The air is a bit chilly but I’ve had the patio door open all day. So good.


And…for the final mail item of the day… I’ve wanted one of these F-O-R-E-V-E-R… Gun Metal studded iPhone case! It just came today from my friend Andrew.

There’s a whole bunch of different cases available at Felony Case and if you order one use CASIESTEWART discount for $10 off.

If anyone tries to every steal my iPhone, I’ll be able to defend myself. This thing is sturdy! My friend Jen from She Does the City recently was punched in the face and had her iPhone stolen. No joke. Scary! Read it here.

This weekend I hung out with O’Nizzle, who played a good April Fools joke, Raymi for her 29th birthday and Saroox came along too. Each girls name links to their blog post.

Have an awesome day. Go outside!!



Canadian Club Prohibition Tour 2012

I recently went on a two day travel adventure with about 10 media peeps to the Canadian Club HQ in Windsor, Ontario. Lemme tell ya, you put a bunch of grownups (yeah, sounds weird eh?!) on a bus it’s just like being in school. Limo’s picked us all up, then we sitched to a stretch limo bus and off we went.

I shared a few photos about two weeks ago but these are the official Praxis PR ones taken by Ryan Emberly with a camera. See the whole album here. I absolutely loved this adventure. I felt like a kid the whole time, except well, the fact that we were drinking whisky. We arrived at the brand centre and were invited to make out own drinks. It was awesome. We had a tour of the place, learned the history, had a few more drinks and relaxed outside in the sun. It was super relax but well organized.

I can conly imagine the stories those walls could tell. The building is really, really old and was the main for trading liquor across the border during prohibition. The tunnel is still there and a few of the boys actually went in it. I was wearing a dress so I didn’t climb down but I took a video. Brock is down there somewhere.

There was a whole bunch of ‘fake’ Canadian Club that people used to sell during prohibition. I’d love to have this Toronto stuff, I wonder how it is compared to the original CC?

In the afternoon we played a game that had us running about the entire place with fake guns in teams. It was hilarious. School trip. Riot. This photo was taken in the original Speakeasy in the basement of the CC HQ. Al Capone used to hang out here. There’s a bullet hole in the wall.

On the second day we checked out the spot where they make all the whisky. It was rad to see the HUGE containers where it gets all mixed. I have a real love for touring breweries & distilleries. Once I toured Cascade Brewery in Hobart, Tazmania. It’s one of the coolest places I’ve ever been.

Before heading home we went to secret spot where you’re not allowed to take photos and saw the actually aging barrels. This is it. We tried some whisky that wasn’t aged yet and oh man, it was so strong. Just the smell of it would put hair on your chest. Not joking.

Thanks Praxis and the team at Canadian Club for the hospitality. Looking forward to drinking the rest of Canadian Club’s new spiced whisky, Dock 57. Cracked it open this weekend for a taste test 😉

Thanks for this shot Ryan!


Get off the couch.


Went for a run this afternoon after getting inspired a post by titled ‘Women, Fitness & The Myth‘ written by by Bangs & a Bun. She’s one of my fav writers and my fav UK blogger. I’ve been followung her for years and seeing her progress in business, blogging and fitness is motivating. Her latest venture Spikes & Heels is what got me to put on my shoes and kick some pavement. I’m so glad I did!

It’s an incredibly beautiful day in the city. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake.


If you stand on this one certain rock you can perfectly hide the CN Tower.




Empire Sandy, looking dandy. I’d love to go on a sail for my birthday. A sail for let’s say, 30 people? 30th birthday. Does anyone know who can make this happen? It would be magical.


Somebody was backed up at Lower Spadina.



Shadow play 🙂


Toronto Music Garden is one of my most favourite places in the city. This tower has a beautiful story, if you go there you’ll see it. One time Keri and I did this MEGA Planking thing for ‘World Plank Day‘ in 2011 when it was cool for like a week. Most of them were done in the music garden, see here.

It’s almost Earth hur for Earth Day and I’m planning to be out of the house. Have a great night!


Through the looking glass…what do you see in there, Alice?

  I love this photo.




We had fun today. Darren Kwik cut a few hairs on camera while we chatted Pinterest at his interest. Next up was Bicyclette. I love that store so much (which is why I suggested we go there). Remember last year I did a full tour? It’s sequins, lace, chains and all kinds of pink, flowy, flowery things I want to wear. I can only imagine how great it feels to be Paige, the darling owner, she works in my/a dream closet.

I bought a rainbow at the art supply store on my way home and and chalked Kate’s hair over drinks. Pinterest hair. I’m going to turquoise mine next week. Her life is a chick flick and I love it.


I have been spending a fair amount of creative energy in Draw Something lately. I posted my fav drawings by my opponents on Borderline Artistic, my drawing blog. You should check it out…

Do you want to see it? Do you? Do you? [audience cheers] [Simon bends down to get drawing] Were you looking at my bum? Bum-lookers, cheeky monkeys. That whole skit is a hoot, thanks SNL.


Awesome Tweets

Thanks for keeping the awesomism movement going. Pass it on!

Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sat, Mar 31 2012 01:10:06

@casiestewart Saw this & thought of you… "without ME it’s just AWESO–" :)Leesa Butler
#makeTwitterchemistry @casiestewart D.


Oh heyyyy there you, life, blog, friends! It’s Friday morning and I was up super early. Working on that doc I mentioned today. Had awesome meeting last night with some of my team for upcoming project and was so inspired I found it hard to sleep (aka got lost in Pinterest. Sigh). There’s so much going on all the time I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with that fact that all kind of things I’ve wished for and worked towards are actually happening.

It makes me nervous excited which is in fact, my most favourite feeling. Ever. Let’s start the day with this Tweet and let it carry you. #FF via blog for Rayanne; She is awesome and you know it, clap your hands! 🙂

Thanks Becca for this snap of Morgan and I from Brock’s showcase during Canadian Music Week last weekend. I believe those boys are at the Juno’s this weekend. If you’re not from Canada you might not know what the Juno’s are. We’re pretty good at making music in the Great White North.

Popped by Diesel’s flagship shop for the Spring/Summer 2012 preview event the other night hosted by Flare and LOULOU mags. Hung out with blog friends, looked at clothes. Had my hair done just before, thanks Darren.

Drinks were non-alcoholic which was refreshing. Going to a zillion events all the time is tiring and dehydrating. I appreciated the short event and fresh juice. Drink more water.


Look at this handsome afro man, Babe Lincoln:


These are a few of my fav items. They’ve got a pastel mint leather jacket that I would love to own (hint hint). I’ve not been a big wearer of Diesel since highschool but there was a bunch of things I could totally pop into my current rotation. This tank is so emo, I love it.


I enjoy the brands creative campaigns, advertising, in your face billboards etc.  They’re always working to create somthing with a little bit of shock value or tongue in cheek. Remember the one with the crazy looking dolls?  They were really creepy/cool. Early 2000’s or something. I looked but I can’t find them. If you do please share with me.

Jay Strut and I had a deep & meaningful (D&M) chat about blogging when Spiro from It’s All Style To Me snapped photo below (Spiro’s event & style coverage here). I’m wearing Diesel jogg jeans, yes, they are 50% jogging pants. Don’t judge, they’re really comfortable, I hardly wear pants. Headband is Shop Bicyclette and shoes are Sperry.

Ok the end. Must get coffee. Can’t be late, always late. IS THERE AN APP FOR THAT?

P.S. I made a vCard. Add me to your phone if you like scanning things. I’ve never scanned anything. Seriously.

Do I need to download a scanner? I’m not really a QR code person but I was inspired distracted last night.

Hey look, a cat on a scanner!



Remember how I always tell you “you’ll never again be younger than you are today, so do something awesome”? Last night I experienced that in full force and I am going to tell you about it.

I was feeling meh and tired sitting on the couch writing about how I didn’t feel like blogging when Sean asked me to come to a music video shoot.  It was over at midnight so I got dressed, put on some makeup and went. Being in videos is fun and I’m s sucker for being on camera.


These guys are the band. They’re called Shit From Hell, they’re all successful lawyers/businessmen and around 50. Yes, 50. The crazy thing about one of them “Ritalin Boy” (second from left) was having open heart surgery in the morning. Like, NOW, while you are reading this he is on an operating table with doctors in his chest. He had to be at the hospital for 6am. OPEN HEART SURGERY.


They rolled him out in a wheelchair with hot nurses and a drip bottle of Jaegermeister. So badass. I was surprised at how entertained I was by their performance, I’m not a punk music junkie but I love a good live show.

They exuded a comedic confidence you don’t see in younger bands. Some of their songs are “Horny Single Mom, F*ck Buddy, Super Poke, Onterrible dedicated to MP Tim Hudak (whom they detest), and Double Bubble Trouble inspired by the bubble girl at the G20 last year. They had a full on industrial bubble machine too.



They made me think about getting older, we’re always getting older. Now. Now. Now. Oop, there slips another moment of your precious life. Don’t waste it people.  You never know what is going to happen from one day to the next. So, why waste time feeling like crap, being lazy, grumpy or old? If these guys can rock a full crowd’s socks off the night before open heart surgery at 50 on a Wednesday night, you can do anything. 


This life if yours to live,  grab it by the horns and ride it like a wild bull.  Yeeehaw!