Collect Moments Not Things

Collect Moments Not Things



Woke up not feeling so hot and decided to start my day from my favourite office, the BED OFFICE. It’s one of my fav spots besides a busy cafe when I need to get writing done. We have a patio and huge windows that let the light in and it’s inspiring to cozy up with a coffee and my trusted Mac companion, James Dean. I treasure those moments.

All my gadgets have names of famous men in history. My first iPad, Andy Warhol and old laptop, Robert live with mum now. My cameras all have girl names.

Saw this sign on Queen Street yesterday. I love the word ‘meander’. Reminds me of Sunscreen by Baz Luhrman. Posted about that song back in 2008, wow that’s ages ago.




After a lazy start to the day in our loft I’m back in the office working away. One of the things I love MOST about being a blogger/writer/freelancer is being in charge of my destiny. Today is one of those days where I started out sluggish and am finishing feeling on top of the world. I’m extremely thankful that I never gave up on blogging even though there were a few times times I just wanted to throw it all away.

There’s a lesson for today, don’t give up. You really never know what will happen from one day to the next. 🙂





Feel The Sunshine, Flash Your Smile Around

Feel The Sunshine, Flash Your Smile Around


This weekend I had some much needed hangout time with my mum and sister. We had brunch and went for a walk along the boardwalk by the lake. It’s so pretty down there. Visiting to the beaches feels like a mini vacay!


Took my DSLR along for the day and snapped some pix. Perfect day to be outside and have some laughs.






Mum has always been a huge inspiration for me. A couple years ago she sailed to the Bahamas with her BF on their boat, I didn’t get to chat with her as often as usual so I often wrote letters to her right here. It makes me so happy to hang out and we always laugh our heads off with little jokes.


Thanks for a fun day ladies! Feeling energized!
Feel The sunshine on your face, flash your smile around!


Get School’d: BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel

Get School’d: BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel


Hey guys! On Dec. 22nd I’m hosting a session on BLOGGING at The Gladstone Hotel in their new workshop series. Tickets are going fast and I’ve been told there’s just a few more.  The night will cover tips and tricks on starting a blog and how to build an audience.

Get a Ticket 

The Get School’d series brings you knowledge on diverse topics such as growing and maintaining a beard, blogging, learning ukulele, indoor gardening, wine tasting etc. The goal is to be fun and educational. I’m planning to take a few upcoming classes myself.

If you’re gonna be there, let me know. Feel free to come with questions, I’d be happy to answer them for you!


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#TasteLife | New Label Design for Yellowtail Canada

This summer I worked with Yellow Tail Wines from Australia to crowd source an image through a contest that would inspire a new label for 2015. Yellowtail Canada asked Instagrammers to share their best #TasteLife moments all summer to win weekly prizes, with the grand prize of the ultimate Taste Life Adventure.

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The winning Taste Life image (above) features two women set against the backdrop of BC artst Douglas Coupland’s Bubble  Gum Head piece. The limited edition labels will be featured on two [yellow tail] varietals, Pinot Grigio and Shiraz.

You’ll be able to pick up a bottle with the new limited edition label this spring. Now, we just gotta get through winter! To see posts tagged [yellow tail] click the image below!

Here’s to an awesome day,


Dragonette Dance Party at Good Day Hair Shop

Dragonette Dance Party at Good Day Hair Shop

The other day I was at Good Day Hair Shop in Kensington for a little pop-up party and DRAGONETTE was there. The performance was intimate; small venue and less than 100 people. Here’s some photos via She Does the City by Becca Lemire.

We decided to kick the party up a notch and dance with lead singer Martina Sorbara. Everyone threw their hands  in the air and sang along. It was a magical moment!

Good Day Hair Shop is in Kensington and you can find them at That reminds me, I need a haircut!

Events | Santa’s Log Cabin at The Eaton Centre!


Saw Santa with my sister  the other day at his Log Cabin in Trinity Square outside The Eaton Centre. We’ve made a point to visit the old guy at one place or another almost our whole lives. Despite knowing the truth, the mystery and wonder of Christmas is still alive in our hearts and it’s always fun to get a photo.

I guess we kinda look alike 🙂


The front of the cabin features out all the beautiful trees deigned by stylish Toronto notables like Suzanne Rogers and The Chic Canuck.


The Chic Canuck Team



Jenie used to dance with the Raptors Dance Pak so seeing THE Raptor was trés exciting. He totally remembered her and gave her a salute when she arrived.


Thanks Brill Communications for the invite and George Pimentel for the nice photos. Timber Block’s R-30 Insulated Cabin is open Fridays from 4-7pm and features comfy seating, free wi-fi and charging stations. There’s also a neat little tree maze for the kiddies! Or big kids like who who still gave it a go even though I could see over the trees.