So, here’s the truth…I’m coming up on eight years of my blog in April. Eight is my fav number, lucky Chinese (I’m not Chinese), infinity symbol, I was born on the 8th of May. It was Mothers Day. My middle name is Diana, after The Princess. My Mum loved her. We have all the China (plates).
Ok, here we go…
My blog is only about 25% of my life if that. I don’t tell you most things that happen. I like privacy, although I am only learning what it means now. I’m extremely positive as a human, except for when I am sad. Which isn’t that often. But when I am, I am extremely lonely and like to be alone.
Being popular or an ‘influencer’ doesn’t mean you have friends. Most days, I come home from the office and put on my LazyPants. $80 jogging pants, gifted, but available at Macy’s or Holt Renfrew. Baller, no.
I go into my room, throw my 11″ Macbook, iPad, on the bed, take off my bra and throw on a t-shirt, then a scarf, and usually something on my head. I like my head covered, and my ears.
I don’t know why I am telling you this, I’m mostly telling myself. I have been dealing with anxiety for a long time, I have never been to a doctor. I’m scared they either say “You are an absolute narcissistic nut, or you have a serious creative genius ability that transcends modern innovation. Ok, I’m being dramatic but I am not a ‘grey area’ person.
We are getting into two paragraphs and most people will not be reading this. I need to write this down because I am TERRIFIED of losing my memory. I have had a few concussions, cheerleading fall, rollerblading accident, 12 feel off a loft on my back (two cracked bones, chipped tooth). Luckily my friend recommended to me that I should use someone similar to this Dentist In batavia to help make my tooth look more normal again, as she knows how it will affect my self-confidence, as I’ve always loved my smile. There’s plenty of options these days for people who need dental work done, including dental veneers, and it is a step that can help many people regain confidence in themselves.
There is a fine line between genius and insane. I am not saying I am a fucking genius (insert haha audio) but I have always been ‘different’. And, most people are idiots. If you are smart, and especially if you are ‘easy on the eyes’, you have an advantage.
BUT, with advantage, comes responsibility. I have been having extreme social anxiety about going out lately. It’s not like highschool anxiety. My friend suggested to me that I try cannabis from legal dispensaries similar to what I could find if I went to a Canadian Cannabis Dispensary (Click here to visit the website) to help calm my nerves but I am not sure it is for me right now. I know that when I show up, people are going to say hi, I will say hi, I like them, they like me. It is so nice to see them, a lovely bunch. Especially the fashion crew, I always thought they were so snobby, but they aren’t really. Only a few, get off your high horse. Whatever.
Anyways, I have social anxiety. I asked for all the notoriety I have gotten, I wanted it. I busted my lil’ ass to make sure everyone knew me…”I’m Casie Stewart”.
Aren’t you the girl from THE INTERNET/Twitter?”
“Yes, I am that girl, a real human”.