friend, chicken and waffles for brekky

The Drake Hotel has great breakfast. The thing that makes it most the great of all is when you get a seat in the sunshine and you can watch people around you. Interesting. Entertaining. Cute. Stylish. Unique. Some smart. Some insane. My favorites.There was a guy carrying around a Marxism book. I think it was an accessory. Does anyone really read a 10 pound old Marx novel or do they just ‘carry it for looks’? I think the latter. I like lattes and grapefruit. I had a pretty standard brekky but I did recently have the Southern fried chicken and waffles. I told the waffles girls they need to check that shiz out when they are in town this week. Hopefully we can meet. Been sharing mutual love online.

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#awesomistic #tfc #birthdayweek

Yesterday at the TFC was amazing. I’ve never wanted to be a fan of a game as much as I did being in th. I had a blast. I’m very grateful that my friend took me. I yelled my guts out. Clapped, whistled, jumped up and down and made friends. It was a tie and the fans are the most intense I’ve ever seen in pro sports. The weather was a roller coaster of fun. Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun. Luckily Av had these killer TFC rain parkas that he got during the first season.I sat in the rain and drank my beer and I was warm and dry. I love the skyline. This is a great city. I was also super satisfied with the food. I had a chip butty. Last time I had a chip butty I was 12 and at Shelly Beach in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. I was with my family and Mum caught a flounder with a stick. I also went swimming with with dolphins about an hour out in the ocean. It was absolutely amazing. This photo is amazing; BMO/Carlsberg, don’t be shy now, you know you love it. I made friends with some cool peeps after the game. I was drinking on the Carlsberg tab at Brazen and checked out that contest you told me about. Entered it. Not sure where I can see my profile? I also met a lovely babe from MAC at Rasputin Vodka Bar. Cool place. Looking forward to being better friends with MAC and Carlsberg.

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she’s gonna grow up and write a book about you

I had a blog before this one, it was on myspace, it still is. It’s called it ‘It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be” after a favorite book by Paul Arden. It’s all writing and poetry. I revisited it today, it had been since 2007 that I logged into myspace. I guess you could say I’ve been kinda busy. I have two accounts casieandjenie and misscasiestewart. November 25 2004 I am spinning, sitting here thinking.Thoughts of you run from my heart, past my mind Turning round in my head. Touching me all day. One day, you might be mine. You light my fire, you are my star.Will I see you tomorrow? Will I ? I will be with you again.I feel your energy, moving in the air.When you are around, you put a twinkle in my eye.I want you close to me, I think you want me too. August 10, 2006 crazie//: casie.racie.spacie.energetic. dynamic.distinct. animated. always entertaining.fastmoving. neverslowingdown. sexy.preppy. intellectuallystimulating. delicate and decent. like diana, ladylike, its her middle name. a very laid back kind of girl. sort of radiant. sparkling the way the sun shines, when even out of sight and glowing, gleaming. she even she has a sister stewart. sibling. she’s also social & s.m.a.r.t.May 22, 2006There is no price imaginable that could buy all my creativity, for it is infinite and contagious. We are all units and we are all united.

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black and white and red all over

It’s not nearly as warm as it looks outside. The sun is shining and so am I but the air is breezy and cold. I walked past a truck that said ‘smart’ on it and I thought, hey that’s me. There’s three more cases of Swine Flu in the GTA. Mild, but still crazy. I don’t like pigs. They gross me out. I’m glad I never went to Mexico, I don’t think I will ever go now. Not really into dying, there’s lots of other nice beaches that aren’t deadly. I love this spot in the afternoon. The sun shines so very bright. I just got a cheque for retro pay on a raise, exciting but not massive. I’d like a massive cheque with my name on it. Or a trip. Or a new laptop. Or new shoes. I love shoes. I pulled these red boots out from storage. I love red shoes the most. I like red cars too. I used to think red cars go faster. I’ve never had a car. I never needed one. I’d like my first car to be a Porsche. Dad wants a Porsche too. Chatted him today. He’s busy building hot rods. I like that. He sounds happy. I’m happy too.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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windy ass mother trucker

Who mama. What a windy bitch she was on Saturday between 5-6pm. I freaked and was kinda creeped when I looked out the window only to see random garbage and debris flying by. It was nutso! There’s massive condo building construction happening near my place which made for sand and materials all over the place. I have never seen a storm quite like it. I got some video footage, it was kinda scary. Camera needed a tight grip, the wind was snatching stuff from all the balconies!Mad Wind #1 from Casie on Vimeo. Mad Wind #2 from Casie on Vimeo.

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see you on the weekend

Lots of stuff planned for the weekend including relaxing, couch surfing and tanning. Have a great one. See you Monday or on a patio! ♥ xo

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vacation in balconia

I walked part of the way today. So sunny and mild. Woke up early. Wore a summer dress, one that’s good for biking. The tower in the sky looks beautiful. I love when kids wear fake tattoos. So funny. Was busy in the sketch book last night. I had an art attack. This is one of about 5 new babies. I play Mario Kart on the streetcar, mostly on Fridays. I never see girls gaming but I think it would be cute if I did. Lots of work to do today. Wore my Wellies, we might get a thunderstorm. I’m undecided on my feelings about Breakfast Television and CP24. I like Frankish and Dina but the CP24 news/weather/traffic etc. all on one screen is so convenient. Its going to be really nice out. I can feel it already. I’m listening to my station. Good tunes on there. I’m DJ Basketcase.

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on the way in

This elevator smells like cheap perfume and its probably you. There’s posties beside me and they converse over condos and routes. Seasons affect them, they affect me too, like the weather. ‘Take it easy‘ he says, like its easy, like it’s so easy to take it easy. Its not, its hard to take it easy when there are so many factors pulling attention from your life & love. That guy has a purple jacket. I wish I had a purple jacket. Are there any blogs famous for being crazy, like thoughts insane? Random thoughts that lead to a story of ones life that they don’t even remember writing? I just missed my stop as I was writing and now, I will arrive when I get there. I backtrack, like a dummy. Am I dumb or am I smart? Everyone should have a blog. Its like therapy. I ran into a friend, not just any, a smart inspiring one. That’s why I missed my stop. Universe. There’s no streetcar. She says to me, Lauren Hill, “it could all be so simple, but you’d rather make it hard”. We’re both at Fresh and Wild, playing at the same time. Albert Einstein thinks we can’t live without Bees. I don’t like feeling that I have to do things. It’s a never nearly as neat as when you do it for love. Lindsay would be a hot and slutty burlesque dancer. I know this is random to you but in my mind thoughts flow at a very fast speed. I’m at work now. Like a Sim. Its Earth Day, turn off your computer and give your attention to the earths problems instead of your own. Sent from my BlackBerry device on Rogers

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tag those greenbacks

Would you get in trouble if you tagged a URL on cash?What if you wrote your twitter name?Would it help you keep track of your money? Yesterday I came across this fine stamped bill at a friends place as we were celebrating the greatness that was yesterday. Seems the Black Diamond Riders have stamped their bills. Interesting. I’m sure I’d get haterade from someone if I marked up the bills I use! Is it worth a shot? Hmm.

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