No Passing Go – No collecting $700 Billion either!

Shit is going down – Like the DOW – Read more here! Bushy’s bailout bill has not passed go in the House for approval. Now it seems those in Washington have to start from scratch and attempt to cut, copy , paste and revise the bill befiore anyone collects the money. Expecting a defeat, the Dow fell 700 points today.

Don’t Call Me!!

You called at dinner time my whole life, but now baby, you won’t be calling me anymore!!

As you may or may not be aware, Canadian Radio-Television Broadcasting is creating a National Do Not Call List for Telemarketers. Heck yes!! You won’t be able to avoid ALL calls, but most you will.

Who can still call you?

  • There are certain kinds of telemarketing calls and faxes that are exempt from the National DNCL, including those made by or on behalf of:

  • registered charities seeking donations
  • newspapers looking for subscriptions
  • political parties and their candidates, and
  • companies with whom you have an existing commercial relationship; for example, if you have done business with a company in the previous 18 months––such as a carpet-cleaning company––that company can call you.
Add your name & number to the list here starting tomorrow!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Relax…

Just add beach.

Whoopsy Daisy

Vintage is the New Black

I rented the SATC movie for the weekend and I loved it. It’s a real feel good episode and conclusion to a much loved show. I decided to take a peep at Carrie’s assistant, in the movie Louise from St.Luis swears by the site. You can rent vintage and brand new accessories for a week, a month, or as long as your little heart desires. You can also view items featured in the Sex and the City movie. I haven’t looked at the site for a while but they totally nave more stuff now that when I last looked at it. All products are 100% authentic and come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The collection of vintage bags and jewelry are gorgeous. Looking at pricing, it looks like items start around $15/week and vintage stuff, my favorites, start around $150/week. There is also the option to ‘steal’ which means the item is available for purchase.

FYI: On the cover the French title translates to ‘Sex & NY’. he he he

1992 Fashion = Love & Passion

Last week I picked up this book from a second hand book store on Queen Street. As a child I often spent time sewing with mum at the kitchen table. She used to make all of our dance costumes for competitions and recitals. As for myself, I’d come up with some interesting fashion designs and sometimes dress up my little sister in my ‘unique’ styles. The book has a great introduction to designing & drawing and the best part, it is from 1992! Second hand book stores are so full of life and wonder, you can go on an adventure, travel in time or visit countries & royals. I’m looking forward to the winter to bust out the sewing machine and create some vintage classic, 1992 inspired pieces!

You Make Even a Tiny Religious Cap Look Sexy

I wish you all a Shana Tova
A Happy and Healthy New Year full of Light and Blessings and Fulfillment.

“One action – either positive or negative – can tip the world to one side or the other. Now, every single one of us has the responsibility, through our own lives and actions, to diminish this darkness by awakening more Light.

There is no better time to do this than during the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. It is considered to be the seed level of the entire year. No matter how much chaos humanity has created up until now, our collective soul never becomes impure.

Rosh Hashanah offers us the ability to reconnect to the part of us that is pure and new, that is completely of the Light and free from darkness.

This year we have the opportunity to reveal a critical mass of Light, to hit the tipping point, to shift the scales back to Light, causing pain, suffering and death to be removed from the human landscape.

The Rav has been saying this for forty years: consciousness is key. Never before have we so desperately needed to live it. Look around – floods, terrorism, rising gas prices, rising tides – we need to tip this scale.

Rosh Hashanah is the time. Let’s do it together.” Read More

For thousands of years, the great kabbalistic sages have taught that every human being is born with the potential for greatness. Kabbalah is the means for activating that potential.


i can’t write today
somethings wrong
i can’t smile today
life is a sad song
my heart hurts…
so does my foot
in my shoe

today is a sad day
without you
Casie Stewart, Jeans Publishing, Circa 1995

Bright Eyes

Funny Girl

Huff, Puff

Spending Orgy to Save Wall Street?

Mr. Obama countered by seeking to tie Mr. McCain to the economic policies of the Bush White House and its “orgy of spending” and argued that he was out of touch with the needs of American workers. (article)

Let Them Eat Cake!

Edible Marc Jacobs. Amazing.

A dear friend, Roxanne is the best cake maker I have ever, ever seen. This Marc Jacobs bag is really a cake, everything is edible on this cake, even the tags are food coloring printed on icing sheets! Roxanne has an incredible talent and passion for custom designing cakes. As I look through the photos of the many, many designs Roxanne has created I am increasingly surprised at the magnitude of talent. Each cake she makes is a masterpiece of confectionery and cake. Her website is beautifully created like each unique item she makes. I have many times opened the site, browsed through the sweet treats and listened to the elegant music that accompanies the creativity. It is with great pleasure and sincerity that I share this with you.
Roxanne has a private cake studio in Leaside, Toronto where she offers designer cakes, one-of-a-kind cupcakes, custom sculpted cakes and edible marketing solutions. Her collection is a like a fashion show of couture cakes. And that in itself, is something I truly love. She has mastered the arts of sculpting cakes, mixing colour, and moulding sugar into everything from fresh flowers to fine leather. I encourage that you check out her website and if you have a sweet tooth or event requiring a special touch of class and creativity, contact her & make an appointment.

No Free Refills? Don’t even think about doing that to me.

Check it out.

A Toast

To my girl T, for her Birthday

Today’s the day you’re 24 and each day my dear, I love you more.
I wish your dreams to all come true and love, luck and laughter to carry you through.
Take this year to set your goals, live them out and don’t feel old.
You are loved by many near and far, who cherish you just the way you are.

Happy Birthday
– Written by me in March 2008

No Seaguls – Just Eagles

It really does not matter what you have, what you had, want, or what you own. You are whoever you want to be. How you perceive yourself has the biggest impact on how others perceive you, this is my belief and something I live. It was my dear mum that ingrained in me, “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, you just have to be more creative”. Luckily for myself, I’ve always been rich in that department. The book in this post is one that I really, truly love and admire. It is written by Paul Arden one of the world’s top advertising guys who comes from a great career with Saatchi & Saatchi.

This is not merely a ‘book‘, this is a bible for the creative, those driven to succeed who couldn’t even ever imagine what it’s like to ‘think inside the box‘. It has taught me tools to succeed in the world, to dream the unimaginable, to break the rules, and make my own path, leaving trails for others to follow. This book is about stretching the mind and thinking about where you want to be in the world. Do you want to be well known? The best in your field? Your country? Best in the world? Or best in the universe?
You decide. I know where I want to be.

Map & Quest

Create that Roadmap,
Flip that switch.
Focus. Sit down.
Distractions become meaningless.
Think it through.
Write it down and
Read it back.
Life’s an elastic
pulling you in,
and you’re gonna sink
if you don’t swim.
– Casie Jan 22, 2008

It was my beauty…

As you may be aware, I have a bike. I love this bike and I love riding it. A while ago I was riding my bike in a beautiful long summer dress which was flowing & big glasses gleaming. As I approached a traffic light ,I was paired beside a truck of men who were clearly involved in some type of labour work. They were obviously enjoying my bike ride just about as much as I was. At that point, the light changed, I proceeded to pedal forward. They drove forward. I continued, and they, totally fucking rear ended the car in front of them. I tried my best not to laugh, when an elderly man turned to me and said, “You better get out of here little lady, those boys are going to be mighty embarrassed if they see you around”. The End.

New Jazz – Burt’s Bees: SURVIVAL KIT

Today I received something TOTALLY RAD….
A Burt’s Bees Survival Kit!
I love Burt’s Bees, however, am yet to try anything but the lip balm (which I love). My care package includes Burt’s Almond Milk Hand Cream, Citrus Facial Scrub, Peppermint Shower Soap, Citrus Spice Exfoliating Soap & Milk & Honey Body Lotion and the Honey . It also includes a herbal blemish stick which, yes, I will surely be using! All this stuff is guaranteed to get me beautiful, soft and blemish free, plus it is all natural.

I tested out the Milk & Honey Body Lotion on a few girls in my office, there were
positive comments all around:

  • Very Soft
  • Absorbs fast
  • Not greasy
  • Not too strong or overpowering scent
  • Fresh and pleasant smell
I look forward to testing out the rest of my awesome package and letting you know what i think of it. So far, I think it’s awesome. Stay tuned. xoxo

I’ve been thinking…

Look out future, here I COME!!!!!!!!

The best way to
predict the
future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

Please vote. Seriously. You limit yourself if you don’t.

I am FREE!

A friend has this on his Facebook and I really like it.

Got an eye for Google, a good idea?

(CNN) — Got an idea that could change the world, or at least help a lot of people? Google wants to hear from you — and they’ll pay as much as $10 million to make your idea a reality.

Google Inc. will award $10 million to solicit ideas it believes could benefit the world.

To help celebrate its 10th birthday, the ambitious Internet giant is launching an initiative to solicit, and bankroll, fresh ideas it believes could have broad and beneficial impact on people’s lives.

Called Project 10^100 (pronounced “10 to the 100th”), Google’s initiative will seek input from the public and a panel of judges in choosing up to five winning ideas, to be announced in February.Google announced the project live on CNN on Wednesday morning.

“These ideas can be big or small, technology-driven or brilliantly simple — but they need to have impact,” said Google in a press release. “We know there are countless brilliant ideas that need funding and support to come to fruition.” Rest of article………….

Gimme hotness ♥

Speaking of hotness…..

I’ve received a bottle and gift bag from Givenchy not too long ago containing Hot Couture EDT. At first smell, I loved it. Well… I have had the beautiful bottle in my room for the past month. When the ladies come over for drinks, or before going out, it is common to hear “i’m just gonna steal a little spray of this“. Voila! I have shared the greatness of Givenchy and now, the girls all seem to love it. I highly recommend buying it yourself. As for my dear best friends, you can buy me a new one whenit runs out!!! (I joke , I joke!!) Love you ♥

Talk Nerdy to Me