a totally brutal situation.

The most fun part of the night was getting dressed, the anticipation and being surrounded by friends. The girls have good photos, I’ve only got twitpics. The worst part was how packed it was, and all the things that went missing, oh just the fact that the Jersey Shore crew arrived at midnight only to spend the whole night downstairs. Pauly D was actually DJing at Suite 106.

Our both was barely a booth at all. It was a small table stacked with Smirnoff and plastic cups.

The place is dirty and you can smoke inside. People were standing on our seats and pushing. I’ve not gone to a club like that in the club district like that since I was like 19 (probably the average age their last night). So brutal.

I can only imagine what the lives of the Situation & Pauly D are like cause there were SO MANY girls there and if you read my tweets, they were slutty. There’s nothing wrong with that by the way, encouraged if anything.

The most brutal part is someone stole my beloved reversible Betty Kiss clutch containing my Telus Blackberry, keys, license, debit, cash, vintage scarf and my coatcheck ticket for my red wool blazer. Yes, brutal. But I wasn’t the only one, Natalie’s phone got snatched too and Carly never got her jacket back. I went by there today, called & emailed with hopes that I might get something back. I hate losing stuff. I had my phone in my hand practically the whole night, then in one second it was gone.

The whole place is just brutal, lots of bouncers, assholes on a power trip. I hate those people.

I’m never going there again. I’m shamed to have gone there in the first place. I hate not having my phone. Urgh, brutal.

TGIF: OMFG, we got a situation on our hands!


Twitter is really where I turn for trusted answers, before Google, can you believe that?! Jeff cracked his iphone screen and I found out just how to handle it right there in like 2 seconds. If  you’re ever bored, go read mine, it’s a 24/7 source of entertainment.


Three words: GYM. TANNING. LAUNDRY. Tomorrow night Nat got a booth at Wetbar and Bre , Michelle, I are gonna beat up the beat baby with Mike “the situation” and DJ Pauly D. OMFG. Look out.


Saw this on our lovely little MuchMusic blog, Ke$ha and some friends hijacked the Hollywood sign. Amazing.  I wanna do that one day! FTW!


Urbandictionary Week:  look up your name & post in status. This is mine…can you believe it? Hahah.

Casie: A Very Sexy Woman, Who is very nice to everyone and always knows the right thing to do. She always makes people have the most amazing feeling in the world regardless of how they are feeling in the first place. “Casie is the most amazing girl in the world”

Happy Friday.  Make it a good one tonight!

a blog is an engine: by casie

A blog is an engine and behind that blog is a person. There, in that very chair,  sits a  person with bounds of creativity. The type of creativity that you can not ever imagine because it is unimaginable to your mind. It creates.  By the time you are reading this the engine has worked twice as fast,  faster.  The engine is moved by some type of driver and the engine has many tools. It employs services to work as engines in order to make it grow.

The production must try to keep up with the mind yet the creativity, it DOES NOT STOP.  It flows and drives and moves and the more it makes the more it has for it is infinite.

OH: stop marketing, start engaging

First of all, OH = Overheard on Twitter. I layered my tights today as you can see, it’s the perfect way to incorporate fishnets into a cold winter day. Looking forward to trying it with my red guys. I overheard this phrase last night at a session for Social Media Week Toronto held by Scott Stratton.

He runs  a company called Unmarketing, he’s  someone I look up to in the world of social media marketing, this guy really ‘gets it’. I met Scott about this time last year and he’s grown to over 47,000 twitter followers since then. He’s got a book deal now and the tag line for the book and his whole thing is “stop marketing, start engaging“. I learned a heap of stuff last night that’s gonna help me in my job at MuchMTV as well as furthering my own personal brand. Here are some interesting stats for you:

There’s more crazy where this came from but, I shall save it for another day!

M.BL & SP: masters in blogging & self photography

Tonight I’m attending Social Media Trends 2010 & Beyond for Social Media Week TO. It’s sold out and hosted by Scott Stratton, aka Unmarketing on Twitter. Looking forward to seeing heaps of faces that I’ve really only been seeing via FB & Twitter for weeks. Might meet a few new peeps, hope to put a face to some of the names I’ve been following also.

Work is good. Head is in check. Heart is happy. Sun is shining about as bright as the gold lightning Betsy Johnson tights I wore today. Zing! Have a great day 🙂

i’d like to wish you a happy happy

Chatting away with Sabrina and she said “He told me he saw a look alike of you today!?”, to which I followed “No way really?” said he asked if I “had any recent enhancements?” to which she replied I have not.

Ah well, nice to know there’s a look alike somewhere floating around with big boobies, haha. In case you don’t know it’s  Doppelganger Week on Facebook which inspired me to post some blonde babes I love.

My favorite model is Agyness Deyn, born Laura Hollins in the UK and one year later than me. She’s so fab, really. Her hair is wild and short and blonde and she keeps it amazing all the time.

Her style is a whole tickle trunk of awesomeness. I’d love to go through her closet and try stuff on. Nothing would fit me as she’s at least 5’9 and I’m 5’2″. I’d still try everything on and dance around.

We’d listen to Charlotte Gaisnbourg and talk about runways of Paris & Milan and drink and twitpic then go out dancing.

I like Pink too. Her first album is the only one I’ve owned but that’s not why she’s one I like.

It’s her attitude, she’s all “I’m gonna do shit and this is me and I’m gonna be me cause that’s what I’m good at”.  She’s not afraid to say she’s crazy, so what, she’s a rockstar, she’s got her rock moves and she don’t need you to like her.

Also totally love her new love for public near-naked acrobatics.

I love Gaga for pretty much the same reasons I love the others…attitude, look and style.

Gaga is fearless and fierce, she’ll stand up for what she loves and how she feels.  She exaggerates all the things that make her different, the same things that make her unique and awesome. I love it.  It’s inspiring.

Today is my three month anniversary working for MuchMTV. It feels like it’s been longer than that which makes me relax a bit. When I think about how much I’ve learned and shared with people over that time period, it’s totally fucking insane/awesome.

The next three months are gonna be cra-zay then it’ll be spring and my birthday. Oh, there’s always something to celebrate. The day is yours to make, enjoy it!

i am slowly going crazy 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch crazy…

This is me on my way to work this morning. It was cold out but I don’t mind. I actually woke up and got a great start to the day. It’s almost 2pm and I’ve got a heap of things on my plate so this is a short update.  Planning for Twestival tonight, stay tuned. Magazine content is coming along prettttttty nicely.  Tickets are up for #HaiHaiTO/#genyTO, go get one. Have my 3 month review shortly, excited about that.  Lots of things to blog about, anyone wanna be my assistant and I’ll dictate my updates? Oh, that sounds like a dream. Athlete is back today, maybe I will get to kiss him again? Answered a bunch on formspring yesterday.

I love you all for reading this blog and commenting. I wish I had the time to share more stuff with you.  Until next time, have a great day xo Case

clothes on my back, somebody take my picture

On set today for shoot for that MTV magazine I’ve hardly mentioned. I’ll have more details to spill soon. Just trust me that it’s cool exciting and you’re gonna like it.

This is that guy, y’know Dan Levy, he hosts The After Show.

I was looking at all the beauty clothes from Holts and drooling imagining wearing them. One day I tell ya, one day I’ll get there; dressed from head to toe in my favorite vintage pieces carefully matched with ridiculously beautiful and expensive designer digs. Ah…

Until then, I tried on shoes that didn’t fit whilst still wearing American Apparel sport socks. Yeah, whatever.

Louboutin studly slingbacks, love you.

i don’t know, sometimes i just don’t feel like it

Feeling refreshed today. Got up, made coffee sun is shining bright. Full moon last night was a real beaut, that Shewolf came outta my closet. Dreamt I dyed my hair silver grey and shaved both sides. Grew it longer on top too, it looked awesome. It just might look awesome.  Started watching Secret Diary of a Call girl online, it’s a pretty entertaining show.  Especially Friday night at home alone &  cozy in your bed.

I rely on my phone alarm and it stuffed up twice this week freezing in the night, thus meaning I wake with just enough time, but no extra. Drives me freaking bananas, that extra time is the whole reason I SET an alarm. Next week, new alarm.  I spent a while reading Tavi Genston’s blog last night. You know her? She’s the new girl in town, Style Rookie, a serious 13 year old fashion blogger. She’s 100% awesome.

Skipped last night’s AdWeek ball to hibernate in my cave.  I go through stages every once in a while where I don’t feel like internetting.  Last night, that’s how I felt, internet overload. Today, ready again but still hibernating where it’s sunny and warm 🙂

introduced to your blog via Professor at Queen’s U

Got this email last night…

“I am a Film&Media student at Queen’s U. I was recently introduced to your blog via Professor Sidney Eve Matrix (specializing in social media trends), when she used your 12secvid status update as an example in her lecture on “statuspheres“. I checked out your blog and am very surprised at how you live your life so publicly.

I am very excited about social media and am definitely a regular engager, but as a woman (this is going to sound weird) I get very discouraged from being more “open” to the public eye because of privacy issues ie. stalkers, perves, etc. How do YOU DO IT? How do you deal with people like that? Is this simply of your attitude towards things like this? You ignore them?

This might seem like an odd e-mail, but I’ve been waiting to talk to a female who is deeply immersed in social media about issues of privacy and so forth…any input/thoughts/advice that you have, I’d be more than glad to listen!”

I looked up Sydney and she writes a blog called Cyberpop, tracking trends of digital pop culture. Cool stuff there. I’m gonna reply to her student this evening. I never took any classes on social media, I was there when it all started. I spent so many (and still do) late nights diving  in head first and surfing through the world wild web; I kinda traded my surf board for a keyboard. Very cool to be part of a class, I hope for more stuff like this in 2010.

If you ever wanna ask me something, go right ahead!

i feel like i get it, y’know, the internet stuff

I was feeling a little frazzeled. My phone froze in the night (not from the cold) which resulted in me waking up sans alarm and late for my little ‘wake up early,get shit done‘ plan.

Alas… my attitude remains positive and I feel like I get it.

Today I’m sharing skills, helping our newest intern learn about link building and little tips & tricks around Facebook & Twitter. Speaking of link building, if this is something you’re not too familiar with, but are looking for ways to implement SEO amongst your business, then getting in touch with professionals like Outreach Pete could make this part of a lot easier. It’d be on less thing to think about while you focus on other aspects.

Digital marketing is a lot more expansive than I first realised. I’m going to suggest that we use something like these Digital Tepee SEO Services to help see where we’re at with our SEO and digital marketing efforts. Many people who run websites and businesses are likely to have use for something like Search Engine Optimisation Packages at some stage. I’ve waited worked a long time to have a job like this, and it feels great to be able to make suggestions like that.

So many things happen in a day that I don’t remind myself of tell you about. For example, right now I’m eating a sub and Doritos with root beer. Last night I watched Jeopardy and had dinner at Terroni. I kissed the famous athlete before he shipped off England. I also had a mild panic attack about all the work I wanna get done . I realized I need to prioritize EVERYTHING. Finally, I went to bed later than I wanted to cause I got lost in Twitter and Tumblr.

I saw this guy on the street and gave him some change. He said I was the third person to take his picture. I told him he’s really awesome for standing outside on this freezing ass day and still people smile. It’s those little things I tell ya. Have a great day!

balance sheet: january 27 2010 9:59pm

Sometimes I feel like it really knows me. We spend by far the most time together, late nights, all day at work,  mobile, me and the internet.

I’ve been suprised recently by suggestions Facebook makes, or genius in itunes,  random captchas,  the little things. For example, today FB suggested I use mobile cause I don’t yet and in little text below said “this person & “thins person” are using it, I smiled. They were both boys I dated, how did you know that FB, I never really told you. You little creeper.

FB was like, casually suggesting I should creep on over to their profile and see what they’ve been up to lately. I chuckled a little.  Oh internet…

I find I remember stuff more now than ever. I like to take screen shots of trending topics on Twitter. It’s a snapshot of millions of conversations worldwide.  I also like to write things down when I think of them. Smartphone is good for that, emailing yourself notes.

it’s like holding the internet right in your hands

I think getting a ipad would only fuel my internet addiction. I would become more obsessed with blogging, tweeting and uploading content…well, except there’s no multitasking, flash or camera…so maybe not. I’m a PC.

itampon was trending on Twitter today, seems ladies ain’t happy with the name of Apples new little baby haha.

P.S. APPLE if you are listening to me and the internet, give me a tablet to test out. I’m cooler than ijustine and way less annoying. Thanks. Love you.

today you will get things done & you will feel great

Do you do this too? Tell yourself that today you will check things off your list, you will feel accomplished, you will return email and phone calls one by one until you’re caught up.

I talk to myself and I try to be a good coach, but I never really played sports.  I always stayed up late working on projects, the way I do now. I strive to do my best job, which means working harder and longer .  I’m not complaining, I’m just saying it’s hard  sometimes.  I get stressed out sometimes too.

I went to sleep last night with warm thoughts of a new day  ‘today, today I will achieve and I will force myself to cross a few certain things off that list’.

Unfortunately, my phone froze in the night, I woke up late,  took a taxi to the office, and was late for a meeting.   I’ve got a choice to feel stressed today or to feel happy… I choose happy. I’m getting my hair done tonight by Darren Kwik 🙂

has anyone famous ever asked you out on a date?

I got asked out really nicely by a famous Canadian athlete this one time. I was in a coffee shop and he was sitting with his work mates.

I walked in and he told them “I’ve gotta go talk to that girl”. He came over to me and casually said “Even if the coffee wasn’t so good, I’d still come for the music”, something like that. There was an old classic on the radio, they always played good music there. It was sweet and not too cheezy. It made me laugh.  I gave him my number and walked back to work smiling.

i love playing dress up, photo shoot, model

Really enjoying this weekend time at home. Next weekend I’m at a photo shoot for work. It will undoubtedly be exciting, yet tiring.

I’ve always loved dressing up.I was five when I did my first recital for our ballet studio. I competed for a bunch of years when I was growing up. Lipstick, eye shadow, lots of hair gel, tight buns in your hair, fancy costumes and sequins. Such excitement. Next weekend, I’m behind the scenes. I kinda always wanted it to be that way. As much as I love having my photo taken, I really enjoy the production side of things too.

SWF likes surfing & long blogs by the beach

Dear Summer,

How are you babe? Been thinking about you lately.  I bet your tan is glowing and muscles are pumped.  I was going through some photos of us together and was reminded how much fun we have.  Spending Christmas together was such a tease! I miss you! My tan practically  faded and froze the minute I stepped off the plane.

I know you’re not that far away, but I feel like you’ve been gone for ages.  Wondering if you wanna wrap up traveling  and come here  in May? You can be here for me birthday 🙂  I’d really love that. I promise to make it up to you.

Getting my hair done on Tuesday, you should see my roots right now. You’d die.  Luckily it’s  stylish to wear hats at the moment.  Remember the shave I had in Florida? I was considering going back to that but now the long is kinda growing on me.

Anyhoo, hope you are well and making the most of each day.  Despite the cold here, I’m having a great time.

Looking quite forward to your return in a few months.  I love you very much!

xo ♥ Casie

A blog is a best friend you find within yourself.

I’ve been thinking, about making changes.  I’m always making changes. I wanna wear high heels again. I wanna change my blog. I wanna change my hair, just a little. I used to write stories to myself about what I was thinking more often. Really helps me sort out my thoughts, like therapy.  A blog is a best friend you find withing yourself who is always there to listen and look at your pretty pictures.   I’ve been falling in love with Tumblr lately. Thinking about cheating on WordPress. I’ve recently had my hands all over the BB Storm  from Telus and I’m liking the touchscreen. It moves when you press it like a keyboard, it’s a good photographer and it’s kinda heavy which I like.  I’m spending today home alone and it ‘s great to be not hungover. Instead of GYM, TANNING, LAUNDRY today I’m COUCH, ICE CREAM, MOVIE and it feels so good.

and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

Gaga Law. Love it:

(RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance

I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend.  Looking quite forward to it. Rooms clean and clothes are put away.  I vision myself……….

Sleeping in and watching movies one after the other all day tomorrow. Wearing the same clothes for the whole day and night. Making breakfast. Going back to bed. Finally reading Feb. Wired & Toronto Life magazines. Bailey’s with coffee mid-afternoon. Relaxing bath and a book.  Falling asleep in front of the tv. Afternoon delight, soft kisses. Making changes to my website. Handwriting letters. Chatting on the phone with far away friends, on speaker. Watching the sunset from my window.  Getting a new sketchbook and using it. Walking in brisk cool morning air. Waking up in your arms.  Listening to music. Having a great weekend

TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

I know that following the previous post with this post is……..whatever. Everyone needs a little entertainment  in their day!


Last night I had a Jersey Shore finale with with a heap of best Twitter babes and buds. Thanks to unbrelievable, irieras, CrystalGibson, LaurenBoutette, carolzara, jeniestewartkericdn for coming over. We didn’t get a photo of us all cause we were so into watching the show each other’s conversations. We decided we wanna raise money to get Snookers to come over to my place for a party. Awesome idea. Thanks jaggabombs.


Just checked Google Trends and ‘sleep talker blog’ was trending…so I obvs checked it out….seems Sleep Talkin’ Man blog went viral today. Wonder when that’s gonna happen to me, I mean go viral, I think a Paris Hilton style is a sure way. The guys wife records/publishes stuff her husband says while he sleeps.  Some are pretty funny ex “Well if I’m the douchebag, you’re the contents, Titfuck!”


Today I learned that young Swedish women are more likely to have sex with each other.  In the Sweedish study the figures for women having sex with other women were “strikingly high”. Interesting eh?


We’re planning the February edition of genyTO and it will be held on Friday the 5th which is two weeks away. Join our FB group for details. This week Erin Bury wrote about the TO Tech community coming together for Haiti at blogTO.

she let out all the evils except one: hope

I recently got asked on Formspring “what can I do to help someone in Haiti?”. Well… I can do lots.

I’m working heaps to get the social media organized for Canada for Haiti and Help for Haiti Now specials later tonight.  I’ll be on MTV Twitter duty during the Telethon too.  We’re streaming live on CTV & MuchMusic.  We’ve got lists where you can follow all the celebs here and here.

I feel bad for the kids who lost their parents in all this. I can only imagine how different I’d be if I didn’t have my parents around while I was growing up. Here’s to helping where we can.

hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

I’ve been really busy at work lately.  It’s fun for me. Today, I had an awesome gathering at my desk about blog redesign. That stuff gets me really excited. haha. “talk nerdy to me”.  I also set up a MuchMusic tumblr.

I got included in a big meeting recently about the olympics & social media. Cool stuff.  We’ve got another big meeting about social media plans for the Help 4 Haiti telethon. I love being part of all this stuff.

One of the MOST exciting things to cross my plate is that MTV Canada is launching  a fashion/beauty magazine in March and…[drum roll please]..I’m the Editor in Cheif! Can’t share too many details yet but it’s gonna be fun.

I always wanted to work for MuchMusic , dreamt of MTV and  visioned work for a fashion magazine…now I do! OMG. It’s alot of work but that means an opportunity to show I can handle it.

I just feel sofuckingexcited every day,  I almost puke rainbows.

Also, #GenyTO anniversary party is coming up (Feb.5)  and tomorrow night I’m having a little Jersey Shore Finale/Makeover party.

Look out! Girls gonna be gettin’ Snookified!

Have a  great day xo

social media school of thought. process.

I’ve shared my internet/social media skills with a bunch of people over the last year but now it’s  becoming more official. I recently signed up for FreshBooks online billing cause I’m gonna be invoicing for teaching them skillz in 2010!

Social media has become such a  valuable tool and heaps of friends who never really understood what I was doing, are now asking for my help.  I’ve got a student passing through my school tomorrow night.  Makes me feel proud of myself; I stuck at something I was interested in, despite being the only one I knew in it at times and now built my world around it.

Lesson: Make a path leave a trail. Twitter Facebook Linkedin Tumblr Youtube Picasa Blogger Vimeo Blog RSS

this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a story about being on degrassi high. cursed a damn pigeon for coming to work. saw social media for good right before my eyes. visited my family in new zealand.

hated that red tea commercial. learned about our big unit. was still using burts bees. used a shitty shampoo. wanted to wake up in bondi beach again. wrote rhymes in tights. used to have a cat. my sister was a raptors girl.

was glamorous. made a confession. got called out by a friend for being on the internet so much. wore tights in bed. was a bohemian gypsy queen in argyle tights.  drank ketel one vodka. was banging obama. was full of zeal. changed my perspective.


happy birthday sister, i ♥ you very much

I remember the day 24 years ago when you were born. You were so little and cute. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you and always will. You’ve grown up to be such an awesome young woman. Lucky to have you as a sis.  Have a wonderful day Gay 🙂

you captcha my interest, you make me smile

We all come across them. I used to write them down and make poems with the mismatched words. I wish I cold find that notebook. I take screen shots now. I started looking at some today, favorites were: have gayness, no dick, prostitution harmony.  I was working pants -free in a  cardigan singing away to Selah Sue and I got this captcha. Love it. It’s like the computer/internet are connecting to you on a different level sometimes. Deep thoughts in nerdism.

What are some of your fav’s? Do you keep them too?

unique mix of elegance & spontaneity

The package arrived safe and sound in Hillzy’s hands on Friday. I sent her a handwritten note on big colorful paper with some other stuff and a special edition of Very Irresistible called Summer Vibrations. It doesn’t come out until April 2010.

I love getting handwritten letters, the main reason I responded to Hillzy’s call for a penpal. This year I’ve already send a couple packages out and I want to send more. It makes me happy to put stuff together and ship it off. Who doesn’t love getting mail?

Liked this:  To be irresistible is not something you can choose: you just are! It is uncalculated, a state of mind, a certain innocence, a very special smile, a twist, a certain “je-ne-sais-quoi”.”