gonna fixer up real good old rusty




Finally gonna take my baby in for a tuneup. I very unsuccesfully fixed her myself. The chain is so rusty and not on properly. Maybe I should try some rust converter spray? I’m pretty sure someone jumped on it and twisted the middle pedal part while it was locked up on one of the TO bike stands. I reeeeeally hope it can get fixed, I love this bike so much. She’s like my summer bff.


Looks like a nice day out. Kinda overcasty but warmish. I went to Wicked last night. It was wicked.

you’re such a nerd.

It’s Foursquare Day so I had this shirt made this morning. I’m going to a the Toronto Foursquare party at the Loose Moose with other Tweeps who play this game. That’s my Friday night. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. It’s ok. I’ve been told a bunch of times today.

jus’ call me no time sally

Heyooo. Cra-zay busy today.

Saw these dudes outside work today and got some Kick-Ass bandaids. Guy had some serious moves. I kinda wanted to roll the kid for her wig. I need to get some new wigs before I head to Florida next month. Ya, excited.

They (Maple Pictures) have a room set up in the store front that they use for movie/promo stuff. We watch out the window from the office and troll over when we know they’re givin’ out free stuff.  I love these guys, trolly’s.

This is Oliver (Oli-vee-eh) my friend from France. He’s here doing a massive bike ride across Canada. He was sponsored by Adidas + a bunch of other peeps in Paris. If you wanna help him out, lemme know! We were playing with all my glasses the other day. It;s fun, can’t you tell?!

Have a dinner date tonight with a friend. Gonna go home and work on some blog shiz while the sun is still out. Tomorrow is Foursquare day (4/16). This  is the badge we’re all gonna get for checking in tomorrow. There’s a big Foursquare-rager at The Loose Moose tomorrow night. Gonna be there throwin’ back pints. Oh yeah.

I’m gonna be in Torontoist later today right here. Stay tuned for it. This mama’s ready for THE WEEKEND! Ok. Meeting time 🙂

you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town

So like, do you wanna be in my band? It’s called The Best Bandever and it’s starring me.

I’ve written enough tracks to put out a double album. I sing too.

You must be really fun and like to hang out in parks and play in the sun.

Taylor Swift by Annie Leibovitz in the May issue of Vogue. Same concept.

I look like Mum here. Love you.

Did ya see this stud on Mashable today? Oh yeah, Bretten MacLean (@etothez) chatting about his TweetAgora at the Chirp conference for Twitter developers.

off campus trippin’

I like to leave little things, notes, stickers around. Kinda like bread crumbs in Hansel and Gretel to remember where I’ve been. My team found this little note at one of drawing the stations.

The big wooden staircase is really pretty,  one of my favorite things about the AGO. Haven’t been there in a while and man, it was so nice to be there again. Got a new membership card and prolly gonna go hang there this weekend. Members lounge has wifi + coffee + sunshine. YEAH boyeee.

This fine group is who I work with with, we’re the MuchMTV Marketing team. All the peeps Tweet and from L-R  are Gregg (another Stewart!), Ashley, Justin, Me, Kingsley & Mike. We’re all looking very ‘stripey’ together. Nice pose by me, haha.  One person missin’ is our boy, all-star intern Wee Magee.

Look at these studs Andy, Elvis AND Greg Stewart!

Love Gallery Italia, this part of the AGO is sooo lovely in the sunshine, especially in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

Kinda looks like a pic from unhappyhipsters.com.

Then we went for beers, ya! Happy hipsters!

All in a days work.

I was chillin’ with ma new kicks.

Had some eats to wash down my beerski. Yum.

Then I headed home in the sunshine to band practice.

no smiling allowed missy, wanna see your serious face

Got up early and filled out my passport application. Photos later this afternoon. I need to renew my Canadian before I ship off to FLO-RIDA next month. Stoked. This little lady is due for a vacay!

Wearing jeans today, rarely ever wear jeans (or pants). These babies are from a shop I worked at in Bondi Beach. I loved that job & beach side surfy life. Loving my new photo spot in the morning, it’s SO sunny.

New Converse today too. I usually pick up a new pair in the spring time so I can wear them out during the Spring and draw on them in the park in the Summer.

My team at work is going to the AGO this afternoon. Remember how much I used to go the AGO? I’ve got a membership but haven’t been in ages. Quite looking forward to it.

I hope you enjoy the day. GLEE is on tonight! YESSSSSSSS. Ok. Bye 🙂

meaning full of high-spirited delight

excited for…

and going here this arvo with work mates…

windy weather cast #005 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

It’s Casie and I’m at the AGO and it is sooo windy here today. I don’t know if you’ve been to the AGO before but I really suggest you check it out. They’ve got a lot of great stuff happening here, lot of artists, really interesting things for you to check out. So go to the AGO because it’s really neat.

Spring Flowers Blooming in a Concrete Jungle

Came across this old blog post I wrote in 2010. It’s amazing how many memories flood back from a single photo. I guess that’s why they sa a photoa is worth a thousand words. I could wrote almost a thousand about every photo in this blog archive.

One of the reasons i started keeping a blog diary was to keep more memories. People, places, things, and thoughts.

I’m glad things change. it’s cool to see how much I’ve grown over the years.

Casie Stewart, signature, iPad Pro.

people,anxiety….glasses on, breate, smile go .

My taxi cab smells like a skunk, or really stank weed t I think is skunk. Dear god, do not let me step out of this cab smelling like it, I’m on my way to LG Fashion Week . Yesterday I was more into it, now it feels like work. I AM actually working, that’s probably why. But, honestly… I wanna stay there all day and be tired of sooooo many fashion shows. I always wanted that.
I’m wearing hot pink tights and jazz shoes aka saddle shoes.
We’re here. Oh god, here we go again.

is mobile the future?

Posted this using WP Mobile app from the Android shop on my Motorola Milestone from Telus. Pretty happy with it. I can’t choose justification or edit the photos but overall, pretty good.  Chrome wont let me make these images bigger. There’s no formatting on mobile and images default to the top of the post.  I’m gonna try mobile posting a bit more this week.

I post via mobile to Tumblr, Posterous, Youtube, 12Seconds.tv, Facebook and obviously Twitter. Why not wordpress too?

I also downloaded Google Chrome today and think my blog be lookin’ sexy in it. Enjoy my little story.

There was a girl who loved to take photos, of herself mostly. She would take photos all day posting them freely about the internet. She could do this ALL DAY  as it didn’t matter WHAT was happening NOTHING made her happier than sharing. One fine day, she was in the park and had made several attempts to get a certain shot on her little camera. A boy who looked like a hipster came over to her smiled and offered to help.  She thought his ‘skiddy’ look was kinda cute so when he asked to take her picture, she smiled, handed over the camera and said ‘ok sure’.

She turned around to move back a few steps and the fucker ran away with her CAMERA! He WASN’T a hipster, or a hippy, he was HOMELESS.

She cried all the way home wondering how the hell she was gonna post photos all day now! Good thing she had a sweet phone. The End.

with your feet in the air and your head on the ground

up early feeling great. doing work today. blogs. magazine. facebook. twitter. doesn’t feel like work. could do it all day. i do.

you’re doing it. just want you wanted to. i’m proud of you.


reach for the sky
its not as far as you think

one giant leap for nerd kind

i wish it was warm outside

and my bike was fixed, the grass was warm, green

i wanna sing a real song. her voice is so freaking good. i’ve been watching this all day. i really need to clean my room. if i don’t do it before sunset i’ve lost the day. maybe i should try a lesson in singing, but i’m scared.

this is the dude i saw last night. i was at a place on richmond row for a friends event. first act up is bian notice who had a broken leg. his ‘crutch dancing’ was quite impressive. i didn’t get the best of it, sorry, i’ll let you imagine the kicks, spins and crotch thrusting. haha

glittery lake in the sun, your eyes

Cleaning my room today and so I can laze on Sunday afternoon.
Had to take a break already.


This is some of my tshirt collection. How cool is this guy? One of Mum’s old hot rod shirts, also as close as I get to camping.

I’m watching My Life As Liz on MTV. It’s pretty funny, I like her. Before the show came out someone at work said that I’d probably like this show. Just noticed, the first thing she says at the start is “This is my life“. No wonder I like this show. She also says “MTV made me do this”, cute. BTW have you seen the FORA ads on MTV?

Love this one too, 1977 & from New Zealand. This shirt is older than me and still in great condition. (super soft too).  Now that, is quality.

Anyone downtown recognize this?

Sun was shining really pretty on the island when I came home from work last night.  It was cloudy with little sunny spots, you can’t really see through my camera but I saw it with my own eyes. Trust me.

There’s so many distractions around my house. I feel like painting in the sunshine and staring out the window. Gotta remind my damn self to get off the computer and go do something.

Not sure what I’m doing tonight. Have an vid of a guy on crutches rapping from something I was at last night. After I clean my room I’ll post it (which could be now or never).

Have a great day. Go outside! Read a book!

FORA me. FORA you. FORA us.

Wanna contribute?

Let me know NOW. My team and I are gonna pick a bunch of lucky peeps to contribute to the Summer issue of FORA.

We’re looking for all kinds of people from ACROSS CANADA to contribute video, images and articles.

The mag is all about fashion, beauty, style and YOU & sponsored by Clean & Clear.

Check it out and email me or leave a comment with your blog/twitter/youtube etc.


in a new york state of mind

Happy Friday! This baby was leaked this morning! HELLLS YEAH> Aiden is back.

I love John Corbett. He’s like, my dream man, the sexiest. If you’re him, or kinda like him, let me know. I’m right here waiting for you. Was just staring at his photo for a min and I’ve totally dated a few of J.Corbett doppelgängers,  prime example right here.

Mass Exodus last night was fun. Always a great time hanging out with the girls. We got called Fairies cause we looked so cute, all bleach blonde/pink/grey hair, stylish & short. Why did we not take a photo of us? Ah well.

We had great seats and  Fritz Helder was my fav part. There was some really interesting designs, I have a bunch of notes to go over this weekend but for now here’s a few of my fav designs. All the pix are by the lovely Lynsie Roberts.

And do I help them? Yes, indeed!

Hello world! Happy Hump Day…wait…it’s Thursday. Days turn into weeks and before you know it we’re like 10 days into a new month. Just a quick note today. Heading to Ryerson University’s annual fashion show tonight mass, Exodus in Bloom. My boss asked if  I could coordinate some bloggers to attend as media and obvs that was NO problemo! Work + life are getting closer as time goes by. It’s cool, I love social media bringing bloggers together. Bloggers Carly, Keri, Lynsie, Jonny and actress Kristin Fairlie are my dates,  holy babe alert!  I’m a stud… er, Jonny is since he’s the only boy.

Wore my late night disco skirt to work today. Just love being able to wear whatever I want. Makes me feel freeeeeeeee!

Just had a great meeting about FORA Summer. Really looking forward to having MORE great contributors from across Canada. in this issue.  If you wanna contribute email me [email protected] and share a little something about yourself.

I love this lady. Gonna be her for Halloween this year I think. Just imagine me 8 arms/legal singing, “Poor unfortunate souls, in pain, in neeed” Really loud all night. haha, ok won’t do that but I reckon I could do it well. Oh, Ursula you fat sea witch/sorceress you.

i got you flowers

Love that it’s thunder-stormy today. I hope it rains all day to be honest. Woke up with a nasty kink in my neck and i’ve been having trouble turning left all day.

Anyhow,  I got you some flowers because it’s kinda gloomy and I want you to feel happy too. My nail polish is chipped but its matchy.

These guys are special. Aren’t they beautiful, don’t you love them?

One of the reason I love the rain so much is my collection of Wellies & Moovboots paired with bright rain jackets. It really does make a difference. Different Mum’s growing up taught me ‘looking good is feeling good’.

Check out this battle wound from LG Fashion Week, and you thought YOUR day was bad. This think KILLS.  It looks really nasty cause it’s still got the fake tattoo on it. Hurts too much to rub off.  It does match my name shirt though! [positive though]

Ok, have a beautiful day. Love you.

Just entered this LG contest for  a trip for two to LA to go on a $5,000 shopping spree with Jason Derulo Hey big spenda! I could blog /blog through that in  NO TIME. You can enter too but honestly, I hope I win 😛

There’s only a few days left to enter – until April 11th. Click on my little faces to go for the gold!

Imaginary Like a Unicorn

I found these glasses the other day, they’re mine from years ago. Popped the sunnies part out so they’re just frames now. Better for pictures than real life. Glasses are fun. I have so many in my collection!

Have been collecting since those amazing neon Harvey’s glasses in the 80’s. My drawer of frames is constantly rotating, new ones, broken, traded, vintage, lens free. 

I’ve had so many hairstyles/colours over the years, pink, purple, blue, red, brown, black. Haven’t had a rainbow yet, maybe this summer? I love changing my look, short hair is the best. 

Puking UnicornThis is one of my favourite pictures,  I love it for the colours the unicorn puking a rainbow.

A glorious thing really. I’ve fantasized about having a tattoo like it. I wear this special pin on my jacket most the time, a rainbow a unicorn and star. I always say it represents my life. A joke, but kinda serious…

Rainbow: rain, sunshine, bright, special, happy, love, better when shared, spectrum, angles, reflection.

Unicorn: unreal, imaginary, strong, flying… read so much unicorn crap in the Wiki.

Star:  shines, goals, the sky, dreams and stuff

Ooh, I saw this today and omgaga reeeeallly want an iPad. Universe, can you hear me? I believe in you! GAWD, it looks nice, Tweetdeck on ipad. Just imagine…

I’ve never known a better reason to get a mac. I wasn’t turned by iPhone but this baby makes a little kitten purrrrr. Meow!


Casie Stewart, signature.

hurricane in the heart of devastation,

she’s a natural disaster

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called a whirlwind, or my life as referred to as so.  I think it started with Mum years and years ago. I operate on fast speed, I play hard and I rarely hold back on thoughts feelings or anything really. Although, its sometimes hard throwing yourself out there (I get anxiety over it), its also allowed me to be more open, free, wild and live with no regrets.

I remember this one saying I heard that said something like ‘you need to be young & foolish in order to be old & wise’.  I surely will be very old & wise one day.  As for now, urgh, still learning. Thought I lost my phone the other day, we’ve been apart since Sunday night and it’s waiting at my concierge at the moment. I nearly died, and definitely though about dying when I couldn’t find it. I just got a new phone from Telus back in February and would hate to have to ask again!

This girl makes me love my new tattoo. I keep thinking about new ones but am not in a rush to get anything. You should see the bruise on my arm where I put the tattoo, it’s yellow and black and disgusting. I got some really EXCITING news this weekend, I’m going to Florida for memorial Day Weekend! Remember last year when I went Fetish Factory? Well, mama’s going again and this time, I’m going with those awesome friends from Boston. Pretty stoked for hot fun in the Sunshine State. YA-Hooters!

This made me happy. I often read typewriter blues. He writes these short little notes that are often so romantic, they make my heart melt. He often asks if you would like a letter in the mail and then you can fill out a form with your info on it. I filled it out yesterday, I gave him my address, I hope he writes me.

This kid makes me smile too. I never really like the little buggers kids but ah, his face is just, so damn cute.

like graffiti on the walls of the heartland

It’s alive! FORA launched last night and so far the buzz is pretty positive. It’s a fashion magazine about beauty, trends and has contributions from featured bloggers and a couple friends. I’d love you to check it out and let me know what you think. All the images link to the site so click-click away!

This is the cover, it’s animated and features Dan & Jessi from The After Show on MTV Canada.

There is video content throughout the magazine. Click on the image to see the this video of behind the scenes at the shoot for the cover.

I’ve mentioned Shop My Clothes a a couple different posts here and here. Jonny and I have been friends for a couple years & he’s our contributor giving  you Spring style tips for dudes. He’s a super stylish 😉

Breanna wrote about dating and the social media dating game. I’m sure you’ve checked out her blog, Unbrelievable, a couple times already. She’s got so many great dating stories on there!

Remember when we all wore those great dresses to the FORA Launch party? They were from Peach Berserk! I interviewed Kingi, the founder/designer about her shop. Click the image to read it!

The last page is a little sneak peek of what’s coming up in the next content update; there’s new pix, vids and articles. Woot. If you wanna contribute to future issues email me at [email protected].

I’ve been having some serious anxiety the last couple days, I’m not sure when it comes from but it’s lingering and annoying. Stayed home in my room night last night. Wrote a blogpost, will publish later on.

Put on my red Moovboots today and jumped in a few puddles on my way in just to kick up my spirits. No matter what, don’t let the rainy day get you down!

I’m into the new Green Day vid, blonde girls dancing and good lyrics.

That’s all for now.  Have a great day! Love you xo

Like a hurricane in the heart of the devastation
She’s a natural disaster, she’s the last of the American girls

And now you won’t stop calling me; I’m kinda busy.

I had a really fun weekend. Partied with RaymiCarly & Meredith on Friday for Raymi’s bday @ The Central. Was fun to hang with the blog babes and boys. We always pose like this together, haha. Classic.

I feel like going over what I did the last couple days would be too repetitive, I was tweeting, uploading twitpics & updating tumblr all weekend. I really need to set up mobile posting now that summer’s on it’s way.

Have a nasty bruise from falling at LGFW during a photoshoot. I put this little tattoo on it, gonna do that when I  get bruises now. It looks waaaay better than the nasty purple/blue/black, trust me.

Hung out a friends roof  in the yesterday and went for dinner. Also sat down by the water this weekend, it’s really lovely. I’m so excited for the warm weather.

Oh yeah, this launches today FORA!

some media friends at #lgfw

Shots from my comp in the media tent (which is not actually a tent at all).

Liana Saadi. She’s a total babe and a fitness model who shoots for Elle Canada Magazine.. We’re also from the same hometown.

This is Fouj, she’s the greatness behind the Social Media for LGFW and the blog of it all (aka the good stuff). She’s a hot babe with great style AND she’s super smart/good at social media. I always find the babes. If you’re at Fashion Week, find her and she’ll snap your outfit photo!

Barbie is up later and I scored an extra pass so I can bring Sabrina. She’s my roommate but also my very own Barbie. I play with her hair, do her makeup and sometimes make outfits for her. She’s a jem. LOVE YOU Beans!

I made her post for these photos at home. Gawd, she’s cute.

over forty years of family fashion

My shirt, it was Mums. She just told me that she got it when she was 15 in New Zealand it it cost her $15. She used to make $2 and hour back then but she just HAD to have it.

She charged it to her Mum’s account (Nana) and had to pay it off over time. I LOVE when Mum tells me stories of her clothes. When she moved to Canada she kept her clothes, Jenie & I wear most of them now. She had/has great style, my Mum. Probably one of the reason I have so many clothes, mine all tell a story too. I love them, hell, I’ve been sleeping with them for the past week (half my bed is a pile of clothes right now!).

Heading back to fashion Week this afternoon for my last day.  I’ve been waiting for Barbie by David Dixon and TONIGHT is the night. Not sure about partying after…really proud of myself that I’ve not woken up hung over or attended any crazy late night fashion partied.  It makes a difference when you actually have to work, ah, I remember so many years of just attending parties. I posted a couple things on my OH CASIE blog and there’s a heap of Twitpics too.

It’s beautiful outside today, enjoy it. I’ve got heaps of footage from the F/W 2010 collections I saw this week, will try to get it all up this weekend.

Happy Thursday/Friday!

:: work it out baby ::

Last week I tweeted that I needed a trainer, this week I downloaded 2 apps for that! Thanks Google. I love you!

App #1: Cardio Trainer [free]

  • Weightloss Trainer
  • Outdoor & treadmill modes (pedometer & GPS)
  • Voice output & music integration
  • Records path, pace, calories, etc. & uploads to website/FB share
  • Race Against Yourself

It’s pretty cool, been tracking my walk to/from work this week. Takes me anywhere from 9-14 minutes depending on shoes/lights, I burn about 50 calories and it’s about 1.2 km and my speed averages 6-7 kn/hr. I’m gonna race against myself, see who’s the biggest loser! ha. Interested to see what days I walk fastest on & how shoes/lights impact me. It charts it using GPS and talks to me when the workout starts/stops/pauses.

App #2: Body Fitness [free]

  • Exercise journal with clear pictures, detailed instructions, clean UI (user interface)
  • 320+ exercises, separated into Core, Lower Body, Arms,Chest,Shoulders, Back
  • Yoga
  • Cardio workout

:: beats putting a real human in your pocket ::

BTW, my tumblr’z got it goin on’!

changing the face & < body > language of advertising

Today I went to FW and I was a media, a real media. Being there challenged/changed any old thoughts I had of how Fashion Week goes down.

The internet makes everything instant. I imagine the days when clothes are shown IN season and made to order online from the runway via mobile and delivered shortly after … ah, a girl can dream can’t she?

I was in the media room often doing work (otherwise known as FB & Tweets) for MuchMTV. I was surrounded by bloggers and traditional media, however, quite impressed by bloggers. Filling up seats and sitting amongst Elle, Flare and the league of fashion then going straight back to little laptops updating blogs with photos hot off the runway.  Think of all the people it takes to produce something the ‘old way’ (photo, write, produce, edit, post) then a blogger comes along and is this all-in-one media publishing station. It’s truly amazing.

Saw this video today via Marketing Mag basically, there’s NO FUTURE if you’re not going digital. I mean, that’s only true if you wanna advertise anything to anyone, ever. Duh, get up on it; power to the people! Did you know that half of FB’s 400 million users check in EVERYDAY? Take that to the bank. That’s like heaps.

The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC

I’m a huge Saatchi fan for years but mostly since that book I told you about a couple times, remember? I used to dream about working there.

Looks like CGI is doing a good job of listening/paying attention…my Tweet showed up on their homepage today retweeting a photo re: Barbie’s show on Wednesday at LGFW. Matel is one of their clients 😉 Most excited for that show to be honest, fingers crossed for gift bags! Yeaw!

:: people began to take control & the world turned a little faster ::

ahoy matey, this ship’s a sailin’

I was really excited to get it and now that’s it’s done, I’m so happy. I was super picky and we put the stencil on three times before I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I wanted and when you know, you just know and since you’re gonna have it forever, you better get it right.

It was done by Stephen Shaw aka @illustratelife and yes, it hurt. I was nervous and excited, my favorite feeling ever. The part near your elbow is so sensitive, so is getting inked on any part that covers a bone.  My last couple were done by Robb Coutts at Bobby Five, he’s amazing but getting in there is near impossible these days.

People always ask “is there like, some meaning behind it?” DUH! Of course, like I’d do something just for no reason. All my tattoos are some type of reminder about something special in my life, as well as pretty decorations. I don’t feel like pouring my heart out about why I got each one but feel free to ask me IRL, I’ll tell you. I can’t imagine just walking into a shop, unplanned and getting some random thing off the wall, I gotta think my stuff out. What am I gonna do next? Hmm… just kidding MUM! haha. Ok, bye for now!

smell you later hot stuff

Last year, about this time, I wrote about Givenchy Play, it was brand new and no one had it yet. Last night at the Buckler show/party for LGFW I got a mini size  in my giftbag and I really hope more dudes start wearing it.  Buckler link goes to the FB page, their site plays music when you click on it and I hate linking to sites like that. Great style for men though,  I recommend checking it out.

It’s made for a man but it smells oh so good, I’ve had it in my own rotation. I rewarded Ryan, one of our interns at work with a Play giftset recently. He’s starting out in the music industry and I’m happy to help smell extra good. Keep up the good work & enjoy it RYAN!! You can get yours at The Bay if you wanna smell really good too. Ok, busy day today, heading to Allstrem Centre to catch a  bunch of shows LGFW today. Ah! Exciting. Tattoo pix coming right up next!