see you on the red carpet my lovelies

This morning was great. I went to the Toronto Fashion Incubator and met Canadian Designer Paris Li. Thanks to my friend Jas Banwait who set it all up. I tried on three dresses. See the Twitpics here! Went with dress #3. It fit me so well and looked cute/classy. I’m planning to wear it to the opening party for NZFW. I leave in 9 days. Oh emm geee!

Getting ready to head to The Drake Hotel this afternoon for a TIFF party & movie. Meeting Carly & my guest,  Brock McLaughlin from The Futurists who is very close to becoming a new VJ for MuchMusic. I really hope he gets it. He will deff bring cool to MM!

Listening to YACHT (@teamyacht). They are great! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

YACHT – Summer Song from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.

stop fighting. i do not want you to fight at this show…

do you think i’m sexy?

Isn’t this a scary thought…four of ME! I was at the penthouse of the SOHO Met yesterday afternoon. Madonna stays there. It’s the sweetest pad I’ve seen in the city ever. Three floors w/ elevator, bar, library and private roof balcony lounge. Yes please.

I’m not a fighter. If you know me or almost know me you know that I’m not voilent, I like kindness. I like sharing and I like caring. Yes, I also love rainbows and unicorns too ok. Recently Lady Gaga stopped a show because some girls were fighting. Check it out:

SHANA TOVA! Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. I’ve gotten a bunch of people finding my site looking for ‘rosh hashana’ stationary & cards etc. - Happy New Year to someone who occasionally abides by the lunisolar Hebrew CalendarI used to study Kabbalah for a bunch of years and celebrated the high holidays. I really loved the spirituality and things I learned. I’m not religious, I believe in the power of positivity, the universe, energy and I like the magic when the sun shines through the clouds.  I have a tattoo in Hebrew that of a chai or hai (life) and a heart beside it on my right wrist. You read Hebrew R-L and it says ‘love life’.

My friend Morgan shared this Anti-racism PSA that was released yesterday and created by his friend Karen Bliss created. It’s called The Girl With Pinhead Parents and has a bunch of Canadian cool kids including Nelly Furtado, Jully Black, Skye Sweetnam, LIGHTS, Chris Bosh, Jian Ghomeshi. The theme song is Matisyahu’s “One Day.” “One day this all will change,” he sings. “Treat people the same / Stop with the violence / Down with the hate.”

I’m happy to share it with you.

Mum set me this post card from PEI the other day. They survived the hurricane and are a-ok. I found it QUITE hilarious that they arrived at 4:20. Oh Mum, you have such a sense of humor! Love you.

I passed Shane West on the sidewalk by my house last night. Film Fest starts today. let the babe watch begin. I’m at the Drake later then possibly another event. I really don’t want to tucker myself out. Tomorrow is the big day for me. I get to hit up the Tastemakers gifting lounge in Yorkville and attend a few fancy parties. Lookin quite forward to it! This morning I’m scooting over to the Paris Li showroom to try on dresses for New Zealand Fashion Week. STOKED! I’ll Twitpic things as I  try them on so make sure you are following me on Twitter.

Follow casiestewart on Twitter Have a wonderful day! ♥ your fav crazy little bloggin babe, Me 🙂

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

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Jeans Publishing: Did you know I wrote a book when I was a teenager?

I was a young entrepreneur.

When I was 13, in grade 8, before I had internet, I started a publishing campany called Jeans Publishing with my friend Holly and the help of our Mums. We got funding to start our business and began taking on the DIY (do it yourself) circuit around Ontario attending conferences and seimnars on evenings and weekends.  We often set up a booth to talk about what we were doing and where we wanted to go. We though it was important for young people to have their work published, we were tired of people not taking us seriously just because we were youth. So, we did it ourselves.

We started a quarterly newsletter called Jeans Material where we published young peoples work and sent it out to out to over 100 subscribers across Canada. Each subscriber paid $5 for a one year subscription and we printed them all ourselves. We were official with our ISSN which allowed the identification of our serial publication.

We wrote an anthology of poetry and prose called JEANS and in 1996 I became a Published Canadian Author. Our book launch was at the Preston Library Branch on November 7, 1996 and we sold 81 books that night. One dollar from the sale of each book went to the local womens crisis shelter. This is me presenting the cheque. Don’t laugh at my bangs, there were horrible back then.

Jeans was an acronym that stood for Junior Education & Achivement Network System (tongue twister?). I’ve hunted around the internet to find stuff about it but it was so long ago, there’s nothing. (I’m sure newspaper archives exist.) Here’s what I have kicking around the house, most our stuff back at Mum’s tucked away.

We were in heaps of papers and it makes me feel really proud to look back at it. It was a really special and inspired time for me. I did some of my best writing ever back then. Highschool is hard and this gave me a creative outlet and kept me busy. We often spoke at promary school about the importance of reading, writing and following your goals

I was nominated for a YTV achievement award in the category of Writing. I got to go the ceremony and actually sat beside NicK & Drew Lachey from 98 Degrees.  I had NO idea who they were until they went on stage and waved at my sister and I. Robyn performed, she was great.

At 16, after heaps of involvement in the community and serving a year as PR Director for the City Youth Council, I was awarded Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the city of Cambridge. My school was given $1,500 for new computer equipment and Darryl Sitler presented the award at a ceremony.  I went on to wint he Miss Teen 1996 pageant and completed my three year term on the City Youth Council.

I really like helping people get following their dreams as mine have always inspired me. This past year, I was a mentor for Humber College’s Personal Brand Camp and a guest speaker at Mashable’s Social Media Day in Toronto. Next week I’m doing a webinar about personal branding for the Canadian Youth Business Foundation.

If you would like to check it out see their blog post here or sign up for the webinar. I promise not to be boring

look out world here i come! next destination is ____.

Tomorrow kicks off Toronto International Film Fest. Let the wild rumpus begin! I’m going to an opening party and screening tomorrow. I’m bringing arm candy and he’s young and cute. The next ten days are going to be insane. I need to stay focused and on track, I hate when I don’t adhere to my schedule. Although sometimes agressive, I try my best. I live by my calender these days. Without it, I’d forget everything.

Been doing some stuff recently with the lovely Keri. New blog coming soon for her. Haven’t you missed her internet?

Gearing up for New Zealand FW post TIFF. Organizing a Tweetup for Kiwi bloggers so we can all meet each other. Pretty stoked. I would really love to expand my relationships with international bloggers and visit more countries. There’s a huge designer garage sale on Saturday the 25th I’m hitting up with my cuzzie and Auntie. Stoked.

Was thinking day dreaming about where I’m going to travel to next and a friend told me about this rad contest Intrepid Travel is doing on Tuesday Sept. 14th. It’s a Treasure Hunt and they are hiding eight globes around Toronto and those who find get free trips in exotic/amazing locations like Peru, Morocco and some other cool places. Not to be rude but I hope you have to work or go to school cause I cleared my calendar on Tuesday so I can try and win one of these things!

It starts at 9am and they are giving away clues each hour on Twitter via @intrepid_travel, hashtag is #intrepidtreasure. If you find one they’re also giving vouchers for up to $1000 for your next trip with them. Helloooo! I can haz please?

I can just see myself blogging from this villa in Morocco….
“Hey, Juliooooo, bring mama a drink!!”

Must get ready for the day. Have a funny story to tell you about the new vacuum later. Sabrina and I almost died laughing about it today. Lemme just say, I should never work for the home shopping channel! One more thing, Notable TV just launchhed their 2010 Young Professional Fall Guide. Throw some of those events in your calendar and I’ll see you there!

Happy Tuesday. ILU xo

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

  • found my new girlfriends via @lynsieroberts #blog Acid Bleach Chic: Girls Girls Girls #
  • Eddie Cibrian is on Criminal Minds right now, he's a killer. Uhh, he could lock me in the basement & tie me up. Omg. He is so hot. #
  • haha someone also googled "FLYING SEXY NAKED GIRL PHOTOS" in caps and found my blog. lolling. #
  • someone googled: "shana tova stationery for outlook" and found my blog. nice one. #roshhashanah #
  • RE: @DeeRuby I have not been to The Counter yet but by your description, I need to get there and look stylish for the … #
  • he only likes me when i'm drunk. haha. RT @TourLife: She only likes me when I'm punk #
  • there is a totally amazing lightning storm over the lake right now. #
  • this thing need to come out and play again – twitter name shirt from 2009 #ftw #
  • ILU @SheenaSnively. GREAT seeing you last week, loved our sidewalk romp! #
  • omg #tiff10 starts tomorrow. outfits, parties, red carpets, movies, liver damage. love it. #
  • you can say that again. RT @gailmcinnes: IMDb is my best friend right now. #TIFF #
  • i love this week. so much fun happening all around #tiff10 #
  • urgh…@victornewman WHY ARE YOU RUINING THE WEDDING. #
  • Photo: me and my sister #
  • omg blogs, gay romance, love, scandal. i <3 the #yandr #
  • Photo: nedhepburn:Steve-O, Bam Margera, and Johnny Knoxville as Curly, Larry, and Moe. #
  • RE: thank you lovely. such a beauty time of year! #
  • wrote this walking on queen st w/ head down. dangerous. #
  • how do you define love these days? — what makes you happy. #
  • tell me one place in toronto that you could see yourself livi… — a two bedroom – one for me and one for my clothes. #
  • what is your favorite type of veggie these days, aside from celery sticks? — I love broccoli. #
  • how many cups of water do you drink each day? — Not enough but I say 750ml x3 at least. #
  • Sure is windy out there. #
  • I do not enjoy negotiating. Not fun for me. #
  • Been here since 11am, my hair is awesome and very high maintenance. (@ Darrek Kwik Studio) #
  • Personally I find pessimism & cynicism very unattractive. Don't bring that negative energy around me /via @BangsandaBun #truth #
  • :: … the BUCKLER S/S 11 collection is looking very __________. 😉 /via @aprilwozny #sexy #
  • if your only motivation in business is to make money you doing it wrong /via @alkarim #
  • Love the way the shaver thing feels sliding across my head. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz #
  • ~no more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks. /via @jacobjunior7 > school of life #FTW #
  • My kilt matches these socks too. Hmmmm. #
  • Feel the urge to wear a naughty school girl outfit today. #backtoschool #
  • Roots be gone! Just in time for #tiff & #nzfw Should I shave ther sides again? #
  • Morning world! En route to meeting then hair did by Darren Kwik. #
  • yo peeps @twournal, give mama an invite. me makey good tweets for book. we can sell on blog 😉 #
  • uh, google is being annoying right now. no clickey the image. #
  • DON'T you even joke about that. RT @AndrewBravener: The world will end when every last display picture on the web turns into Justin Bieber. #
  • on skype right now with @michaelnus AND his twin brother. oh yeah. same voice AND face. #
  • totally gonna be rockin' my leopard/black and & zebra/pink reversible @Bettykiss clutches at #NZFW #
  • I'd like to have a tweetup in NZ while at #NZFW You in Kiwi's? #

downtown where the hippies all go



Met a friend early for coffee, planning awesomism for 2011. Can you believe 2012 is just over a year away? Go live up your life man, might be over soon.

Got my hair done, back to blonde roots and trim. I love hair done day, Darren Kwik is my stylist. He is really good and he gives great style. He told me the other day that a girl came in and asked for “the Casie Stewart”. Love it. Let’s start an army, bloundetourage style.


Posting this via WordPress Mobile on Motorola Backflip from Telus. This phone is pretty rad, good photos, love the apps, have all my accounts hooked up so I stay connected. Big thanks to Telus and Motorola, I’ve been on the network since March and as a Telus first timer, I’m happy.


I’ve been typing this walking up Queen Street West and hardly looking up. Just about got clothes lined by a window washer lady with a bucket.  Suck it, I vacuumed earlier with the new unit. It’s nice. There are lots of babes in this city, eh? Girls and Boys, we are a stylish bunch Toronto. Yes we are.

11 days till NZFW. omg. the pressure is setting in!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

it ain’t that easy baby

Building a new blog. SO many tweaks and stuff and things I don’t know how to do that I need to ask. I have my friend Patrick helping me but it just ain’t that easy as uploading a new theme and hitting publish. Ah, I wish. Nice working on a holiday, the amount of emails is slower than normal and I feel like I got lots done. The airshow jets have been flying by all afternoon. I used to be quite excited by them but I just don’t feel the same anymore. I care more about getting shit done than rushing to the window to get a photo. Got a post card today from Rochelle while she was in Laguna Beach. It is vintage and handwritten. I love that she though of me, especially that she hand picked a vintage number. THANK YOU. I love getting mail. Wanna send me something? I’ll give you my mailing address if you ask. I wish I had someone to build this wordpress for me.

Have a full calendar of events & meetings this week. Snagged a young stud to be arm candy for a couple things too. Tomorrow I’ve got a hair appointment with Darrek Kwik follwed by a dress fitting at Paris Li for New Zealand Fashion Week outfits. Opening of Toronto International Film Fest is Wednesday and I’ll be attending a couple things that day. This week is gonna fly by. I got an invite to the Tastemakers Lounge on Friday afternoon and confirmed I’ll be getting some swag. YEAH! It’s a celeb gifting/product placement lounge for the Film Fest, Anita gives you a good idea in her post from 2008. Got a couple movies to attend over the next ten days and a fancy tea party on Sunday afternoon.I leave for New Zealand in 14 days and I’ve got each day planned until then.

I’m excited and trying not to feel stressed. Fall clothes are back. My fav outfit season of the year. Happy face. This is gonne be one crazy month, wake me up when September ends, life is such a dream!

The Proof is in…the Whisky!

Last week I stopped by the Roots store on Bloor to hang in the lovely Dougals Coupland room and taste Proof  Brand Wisky for the first time.

They had a variety of cocktails to test out and the whisky gets two thumbs up from me. The bottle is really cute, has a  stylish design and is only $19.95 for the 500ml. 

I met the creator, a former LCBO employee who gave me the dirt on the brand. They’ve got a rum and vodka launching in the next year. I really like the way the bottle looks. I reckon the trio of whisky, vodka, rum would make a nice set for bottle service either at home or a resto.

Jonathan Roy was performing, he’s a babe and his Dad, Patrick Roy is a pretty big deal in the world of hockey.

This guy was bringing sweaty back.

You can check out the Proof site at

Ran into one of my most fav MTV coworkers evahhhhh, the lovely Miss Sheena from MTV Live. We had a very passionate embrace as you can see. She picked me right up like a wee doll. ILU SHEENA.

Happy Monday internet friends!

you make me laugh so hard, ILU Dad.

Great weekend home at Dad’s. Check out my first car he built for us:


Dad built this for Jenie and I when we were kids. Hot pink with flames, yeah he did. He is rad my Dad. He’s building this one for himself right now called a Rat Rod.

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je sais que tu n’aimes pas ta réalité

Nice little Saturday planned.Rented a bunch of movies, loaded up on snacks and not leaving the house till tomorrow. This break from the city is wonderful. Dad has a stellar collection of vintage sewing machines. They’re pretty neat to look at. Last night’s wedding reception was fun, more about that later. I’ve got a movie to watch and the couch is calling my name. Rainy day chills FTW!


I’m so serious here. haha. Seriously hanging out.


You don’t control the media, you are the media.

Meeeeeeeeeedia. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i hope the rain stops before your wedding starts

It’s so fun hanging out with Dad. He’s hilarious. Wise crack city that guy. Jenie & I got up early to take Dad to the Hot Rod Shop for work so we could use the car.

We’re going to a friends wedding and poor thing, it’s pouring. I’d be balling my eyes out for sure. Hopefully she’s fine with it. Marrying her best friend and all, the weather shouldn’t really matter. I’d keep telling myself that.

Stopped by Value Village, the Cambridge one is a hot spot for style. It’s like a ritual to go there and S.V.D.P when we’re in town. It’s the only shopping I ever do here. There’s always something to be foud. I got new glasses. Jenie found some wicked boots x2. Everything is so cheap here too, not like at home whenre old vintage stuff is the same price as new crappy stuff.

Chatted Mum last night and found our they’re in a safe spot and made friend with locals. Important because that damn hurricane is heading straight for them on the East Coast of Canada near Nova Scotia. Dear universe, please keep my Mummy safe.

I love storms and thunder. I went through a stage when I was really scared of them. It was after I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a BF. They have really bad nasty storms there and I used to be freaked right out. I’d have anxiety and panic, need to stay in side and away from windows. I got over it once I was back in Canada.

Time to get ready for the wedding and pretend it’s not raining. Gaga time!


yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Take me down to the paradise city. Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Take me home. Oh, won’t you please take me hoooooome!

See you soon DAD! Heading home for the weekend with my sister. One of her friend is getting maried. None of my friends get married, what’s that say? Probably that we are all hardworking yuppies in the city who go out during the week and spend more time on the internet furthering our careers than settling down suberbs style and catch a fish. Ya? I think so.

These photos were taken by the lovely Erin Leydon. We had a shoot the other week. She’s a jem.

Really looking for a break from the concrete jungle where all my dreams are coming true right now. I want grass and trees and car rides with Dad and home cooked meals. I get sick of Sushi for one and eating dinner from a takeout box while standing alone in my kithen. Somedays I enjoy that the most. Others I don’t. I’m going to see old friends and hear new stories about their lives. I sometimes don’t want to talk about my life when I see people because I already told the whole free world about what I am doing on my blog. Everything and nothing at the same time; I saw a movie, went to a party, layed down in the grass, watched a youtube. It’s all stuff and a life, it’s my life and I love it. I love sharing. Part of the reason I love sharing it to talk to myself and remember things better. A blog is really good therapy. Always listens to your thoughts and helps you get them out.

It was realy windy the day we were shooting.

Ok bye. I’ve not packed and I gacve my sister shit about not being late and guess what, BIG SURPRISE…I’m going to be late. Sorry Dad 🙂

LOVE YOU. Happy Weekend xo

p.s. MUM, if you read this I love you and miss you heaps. Will be with Jenie & Dad all weekend. Maybe we can Skype? Coralise is getting married on Sunday and I’m Jenie’s date to the wedding! ♥ xo

i need an ipad. like, yesterday.

More stuf to share but I do not have time right now. At all. I’m having lunch with the Mayor or Twitter and I need to look beautiful for him. Here are some things I drew on ipad last night. I need an ipad. Need like, not like I need air or water but need like as in want. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

We make a cute couple, don’t we?

You know the Unnecessary Wheels Collection from Borderline Artistic.

I’m late again. I am always late. It’s part of my charm.
Ok, bye. I love too you internet.

p.s. Heard i’m in a MTV Video Music Awards commercial. Look for me, if you see let me know. I’ve not seen it!

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

gosh darnit, somebody pinch me.

Was up early. Can’t sleep in anymore. It’s like I’ll be miss something. I like to be busy, work hard. It’s a crazy cycle of inspiration, the more you do the more you can do. The guy beside me needs to STFU & stop talking so damn loud, honestly. Itunes – Days like This Spinna Club Remix. I escape.

This is the song, listen to it and keep going. Today has been fun so far.

Made it to my meeting today, late. Cabbie dropped me at 333 when I needed to be at 33. RAN. Yes ran in my coyboy boots and little black dress holding folder + purse with laptop two blocks from Jarvis to Yonge Street. ON THE HOTTEST SWEATY ASS DAY. I was so hot when I got there. Thank god I sat with Miranda at first so I could wipe my forehead with kleenex like a sweaty warthog. Imagine Pumba and Timba mixed together. Yeah.

That went well. After I cooled down during meeting I  went and  had a dress contest. 1, 2 or 3?




They were all pretty cute. I like dresses. Short ones. They are my most fav thing to wear ever. Boots, short dress, smile, silverish jewels.  I picked dress 3. It is shorter in the front than back, rayon and elegant feeling. It sways in the wind and I feel like someone is about to take my photo. On my feet are vintage Capezio cowboy boots. I need to plan a fall swap clothing swap and invite you ladies over. Someone remind me!

So I changed. I have to be at something at ther Roots Store on Bloor for 6pm then dinner at 7:30 then home. I really like home. I am physically ready for Fall this year, I want to wear tights and sweaters and I want to spend lots of time at home working on the internet.

The guys near me are are talking about teaching English in Asia. They are older than Dad, one is retired. It is kinda sad but kinda comforting, seems the man who went had the time of his life. That’s wonderful. Maybe I will do that when I get old too.

Say HELLO to the New Zealand All Blacks, I’m at Hemingways. I love this place. I used to work here a couple years ago.

Dear Universe, I promise to keep working hard. Thank you.
I also love blogging and the internet.
Ok. Stuff to do. Have a loverrrrrly afta’nooooooooon. Byeeeeeee.

make the best of every good thing :)

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

wake me up when (my) september (dream) ends

This September kicks off a bright start the the next few months. I’ve got a full calendar until Christmas!  After that, I’m thinking about a vacation but who knows where I will be  by that time.  I only ever imagine I would be where I am right now.

Look up at the sky, be thankfull.

The beauty of working for myself is that as long as I keep living and have internet access, I’m working. I promise myself to make the most of each day, set high goals and document it.

September is a ver exciting time in Toronto as we host the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). I’ve not gotten an movie tickets and I need to get on that. I’ve been invited to some pretty neat stuff in Yorville during the day throughout the festival. Wasn’t able to attend before cause I was working for THE MAN, now, going to that stuff is my JOB! I am THE MAN.

The next three months go like this (GenYTO & TweetgasmTO are in there for both Sept. & Oct. somewhere too)…

Sept. 9-17: Toronto International Film Fest

Sept. 18-28: New Zealand Fashion Week

Sept. 30: TEXxTO Conference

Sept. 30-Oct 3: Boston Friends visit TO

Oct.4: Contract with TrendHunter (3 Months Oct-Dec)

Dec: Go visit Mum in Bahamas on the Boat for Christmas.

Working on something else cool for October that I will share next week. So many thing on the go that Google Calendar & Tasks are my new BFF.  I am so excited about things happening my head might explode.

Please thing responsibly today, your thoughts become things!

CIAO darlings xo

P.S. VOTE FOR CASIE! I have till 7pm to STEAL THAT LEAD.

Jamming to this right now.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i took it out. it just wasn’t me. too all up in ma face.

Going to get it was really fun.  It hurt and I liked it. The people at Blackline Studio were cool and professional. It was a fun little Saturday afternoon adventure to poke a hole in my body. I realise I’m just not that into it anymore.  There is a super cute girl who help my hand when I got it done and the boy who pierced me was cute too. I wanted  a septum piercing for a while but once I had it, it took away from all the cuteness that makes me me. I really like that cuteness. I used to have a bunch of piercings, took then out in Australia cause I didn’t like the way they rubbed my surf board. I had two massively painful ones in my ears one called a rook (through thick cartilage) and one called an industrial (long bar that goes through twice). They were really painful. I mostly got them to deal with some type of pain in my heart or loss. Somehow, poking that hole and going through the healing process, made the heart ache a little less painful. I am so deep.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we’re back.


You can vote the others down too 😉

it’s gonna get even hotter as the day progresses

I have sprinklers! Wanna come play? Guess what. Video making Casie is back in action.

I’m about to make this wee pants jumper into a shorts onesie with my sewing maching. Zoey Ng time. It’s DANG HOT out today. Shorts onesie is totes necessary. I have heaps of energy today, like, more than normal. I reckon the heaps of sleep I got this weekend helped me right out.

The Toronto Mayoral race is annoying to me, watching them dog on each other. Urgh. Just about as annoying as all the times I’ve asked you to vote for the Virgin Provocateur contest. That’s kinda like mayor too, Mayor of F-U-N! 🙂

I hope it thunderstorms today. Summer rain dancing!
Stay cool kittens xo