i forgot to tell you something.

She was delivered this last night.  What should I name her? Hawaii is so secretive, black market baby trade, he won’t tell me where he got it. I feel very Victoria Newman.  (if you watch the Y&R that is pretty funny).   I was wondering where you can get one of these things in recently and turns out you can buy one from the evian shop (or harass Hawaii for the Toronto location).

Super nice out today. Hitting the streets w/ Keri this arvo. Stoked to see all the people here for UFC. They have a certain walk many of them. Muscles are fun to look at. Not my type at all though. Going to Yuk Yuks w/ Raymi tonight then Jet Cooper’s Bday at The Ossington. Will try to avoid muscley-UFCing parties  😉

notable’s chilean wine tasting @ the spoke club

Hey girl wha you doin?

Thanks for having me & friends Julian. Looking forward to the launch of Notable.ca.

I’m Jon Crowley. Nuff said.

Food was good too. Lamb, ILU.

Mario, you need to shoot me one of these days. Sooner than later!

Our names are Reggie – Reggie & Reggie.

You are SUCH a foodie JO!

Babe watch: Pam, Karly, Keri

This was my fav wine of the night:

This was second. A friend intro’d me to this a couple years back.

This girl was prize winner. I think that guy is my neighbour.

Wine tasting was great but I reckon I’ve got a two glass limit. I know drinking is different than tasting but this was more of a drinking/tasting. I used to love wine, could polish off a bottle easy. It gives me a hurting in my chest, like acid reflux when I have to much now. Especially the next day. Urgh. Am I getting old? My birthday is next weekend. I have planned nothing. Ahhh.

Ok have a wonderful day! It’s lovely out there.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

marilyn denis royal wedding show at CTV

This lady was my fav part.  So happy, waving flag. Her smiling right at me.

It was a pretty big deal. (For some people!)

This is an amazing shot – look at him in action. Who is he?

I wanted to take these home.

Nice accessory Winston. Very pretty.

The Queen. This guy is from a show right?

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Her dress was very pretty.

Young people tweeting.

This was my breakfast. Not ALL of it, two cupcakes, 1 cookie. I was starving.

There she is.

I didn’t stay for the reception after. I had enough of the wedding by the time this was over!

like you mean it.

bike season, babe season, bixi toronto

Noticed this big guy the other evening. Recognized him from Montreal. He is BIXI.

BIXI: Toronto’s public bike system. It’s the bike that’s really an alternative means of urban transport. Accessible to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You reckon it will be a hit? Biking is pretty rad and this city if full of people pushing pedals in the streets. I tihnk it’s cool. You have to give a deposit on your CC $250 and there are several plans available. I’m interested to try it out & see the bikes when they arrive.

Ate a box of this last night with Keri. Omg so good.

In other news of the day, can you guess who this is? No really, try and guess. Then click/see. I have this kinda wierd thing for him. We’ve never met. He used to creep me out but this gives me a whole different feeling.

bowling + bands w/ morgan cameron ross

What are you doing Wednesday, May 4th? Wanna hit some strikes?! Morgan Cameron Ross & Late July will be playing live at the Ballroom at we’d like you to come.

The show starts at 10 pm and is $10, AND in celebration of Morgan Cameron Ross’ self titled album release on May 3rd. We’re giving you two tickets to the show and a copy of Morgan’s new album. Woohoo!

Here’s how you win:

Step 1. Watch Morgan’s music video below.
Step 2. In the comments tell us what YOU would name the puppy!

Good luck amigos!
xo Kate

what a beautiful wedding.

I love her. Stunning dress. Iconic fashion momnent right here.

Very Grace Kelly.

I love him Prince William. Pippa, the brother. Prince Harry. Ahem CTV, AISLE – ISLE?

Posh & Becks.

Your Mum would be proud.

Tweeting the wedding this morning with the world was so much fun. Off to Marilyn Denis w/ Shelly for the wedding reception event/show. Going to my old work for a party with new client = WIN! Gah, WTF am I gonna wear…

Happy ‘Royal’ Friday 🙂

* Photos all random from tumblr

she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

Special guests.


Lauren, Raymi, Anna

Windows 7 presentation (didn’t pay much attention, was busy talking shop aka internet)

Photos. Blogging. Meta.

Food at Windsor Arms – tres fantastique. I indulged.

A fair bit…

Rolled sandwiches – genius!

Got into these too. So yum.

Lookin’ good ladies. Out table was full of cutie pies.

Thanks Jen for the invite. It was lovely to see all the ladies together and gab over high tea. See the whole set of photos from She Does the City on Facebook here.

Ta-ta for now!

oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie)

Mum got these at a garage sale when I was a kid. We’ve had them forever.

I can hardly believe I still fit in this one. It’s so very pretty. Took forever to iron.

I really should be getting on my way now. Probs gonna rain *SOON* as I leave the house. Toot-a-looooo!

they brighten my room

Got my hair done yesterday. I go to Darren Kwik Studio on Queen Street right across from Bicyclette near trinity Bellwoods. Y’know, right here.

Darren is an award winning stylist who is always in mags etc.

He just signed up for Twitter here. Call the studio & treat yourself, 416 361 1016. You deserve it. Tell them we are friends. We are.

This is what good blonde looks like.

It’s super blonde/white and buzzed short. Feels nice. I always like it best after a couple days. Shaved head feels so nice though.

Went to my fav vintage shop to get a hat for Royal high tea today and cute Aussie boy said he “had a thing for girls with shaved heads”.  I told him he could touch it, he did.

Shaved head gives boys this cute look on their faces. Way different than long hair girl, something real sexy about the shave.

This video has almost 8,000 views.

Darren did a quick shave too. Stud.

You can buy these for your shrine if you want. Very expensive, original human Casie Stewart hair. Just kidding. Not kidding. Kidding. You will never know.

Fresh & new.

Androids everywhere.

These pretty things are brightening up my room: flowers + painting. Nice 🙂

Time to try on my outfit for tea this evening. Cherioooooooooooooooooooo!

the good ol’ irish goodbye

Getting pretty good at it. Pulled another last night before the  Notable Chilean Wine tasting was over. Keri is hilarious. Are you following her? You should.

I love the Spoke Club. Such good food last night.  There was scallops & bacon, lamb,  piles of meat, cheese, bite size burgers. Lots of wine too. I’m not the wine drinker I used to be. I can do like two glasses only. I used to plow through a bottle no problem. I also used to arrive late/stay late  to parties all the time. Last night we arrived early, first. I am clearly getting older. I drink less these days too.

The ‘sneak out of the party’ move is my new ‘fashionably late’. Stay tuned this summer, it might happen to you 😛

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

“i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted.

This coffee was nice. Atelier on King latte art, I like you.

The rain is no reason to get down.

Or bored.

Only boring people get bored. I’ve never been bored a day in my life.

boys with beards

Guys & gals, get ready. Came across this last night via Kevin Naulls, handsome Assoc. Editor of TorontoLife.com and one of the beards in the feature. Thank you Hudson Bay for this.

Oh, how I LOVE BEARDS. Video at the end. Enjoy!

Recognized this handsome one, Ron Ruiz from MuchMTV. We worked together last year to bring MTV Fora to life.

Stellar beard Kevin. His blog is the HOME of bearded. I lurk there often. Throwback to us last year @ Greta SS11.

These few are cute too…

He is thinking, “me & my beard are going to _________.”

Don’t even get me started on this one, Jano.

When I first met his stache a few months back, I was in awe. Never had I seen such a beaut sculpture on a young giants face.

Worked with this cute on at MuchMTV too, Nick Fox(y).

This one is new to me. He has a mini beard. I can imagine he uses shaving brush and soap to maintain his lovely beard.

This one is nice too.

See the original post on the Hudson Bay Co. blog here. Safe to say I don’t think I will ever date a man who can not grow a beard. I have a crush on a beard out there, you know who you are.

Who are some of your fav beards?

Steam Whistle Unsigned Contest of Awesomeness

Attention party people: Do you like good music and good times? Yes? I thought so.

This Friday April 29th you can catch The Darcys, Wildlife, and Freedom Or Death play Steam Whistle Unsigned!

We’re having a contest! The prize is jam packed with awesomeness! You could win…

– 2 tickets to the show
– refreshment tickets
– Steam Whistle Unsigned shirt
– Steam Whistle bottle opener
– tour passes
– stickers

If you win, you’re basically a rock star. Here’s how to enter!
On Twitter RT

“I really want to see _____ @steamwhistle @casiestewart and in that blank spot write in which of the three bands (The Darcys, Wildlife, Freedom Or Death) you’re most stoked on seeing!

Good luck! And maybe I’ll see you at the show?

xo Kate

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the royal wedding live on @youtube

I can’t deny for even one second how excited I am about the Royal Wedding. I know it’s cheezy and I’m not one for wedding talk but I love this. I really do. I’ve told you heaps of times how much Mum loved Diana and my middle name is ‘Diana’ after her. This wedding guys, it’s just, so MASSIVE.

MASSIVE not just in the guestlist, dress or whatever, I’m talking security and the footprint this baby is gonna make on the internet. It might explode.

The engagement was announced by on Twitter by the British Monarchy and since then the online prep for the wedding has been huge.  You can catch the big event Friday on youtube’s Royal Channel or traditional tv.

Have some fun things planned in spirit of the royal event. Wednesday is high tea at The Windsor Arms with She Does the City, O’Nizzle & Raymi will be there too. There’s only 30 people  and we’re in the tea room. Looking forward to everyones outfits. I might wear one of these vintage numbers Jenie & I rocked during Fashion Week circa 2006.

Friday morning I’m stopping by my old work at 299 Queen for The Marilyn Denis Show with my client Shelly Purdy. Shelly is giving away a diamong ring on Facebook here. Go enter to win it. She designed a beautiful collection inspired by the Royal Wedding called The Royals. A cute blonde girl you know made her beautiful website.


P.S. Lady Gaga as Queen of Twitter “I love you and love yourself.”

where can i get one of these shirts?

I need one. Like now.

I can think of a number of reasons why it would be great for me to have one of these. Can you think of a reason why I should have one of these? Hopefully WE know SOMEONE who works somewhere that does something with this camapaign and can send me one. K, thx bai. CASIE

* Hawaii, Evian baby will not replace Triangle. Just imagine me as like Angelina ok.

pick up a copy of TCHAD quarterly this week

Your girl is in there.

TCHAD founder George Sully & the team names this very blog as one of their favs. Here’s a sneak peek frm my advance copy so you know what the cover looks like 😉

Happy Monday!

somebody cover this bunny in chocolate! ♥

Happy Easter, long weekend & Sunday Funday. I don’t really celebrate but I AM celebrating myself  today by cleaning my room and going to the spa with a friend. I also love dressing & and having fun. Gonna wear these all day 🙂

photoset: spring hits toronto, down by the lake

Love this dress. Boots Jenie got second hand then gave to me. LOVE YOU!


This is how you know it it Spring.

Isn’t it so pretty?

Yes. (Turn head/ipad sideways)

Now we are at the Toronto Music Garden. My fav spot.

Listening to this:

Norwegian Wood

It is very pretty here.

I love taking photos.

Am I creative genius? I heard someone say that.

Sabrina’s Mum picked out these tights.

Flowers, blue. ILU.

My religionon Facebook is “when the sun shines through the clouds”.

I feel so at peace when I come here. This reno is new this summer. I took the path less travel by and it made all the difference 🙂

the hailwood tights – green & blacks

I get asked about these tights often. Adrian Hailwood gave them to me last year at NZ Fashion Week. I love them! This is what they look like up close:

They’re all one piece. I need a serger, maybe I could make them? Maybe I should dedicate one whole day to NOT internetting and actually making stuff. Like remember Zoey? I have heaps and heaps of art projects piled up in my mind. I wish I had a cottage on the island or a boat with all my art things on it. I would sail into the lake and make things. Then, after I created a mass amount of  those things with paint, marker & glitter everywhere I would come back and share it with the world.

Back to the tights, I’m thinking about getting some over here. Would you be interested?

BTW Great photo Isaac 🙂

saturday magazine review: holt renfrew spring 2011

It was all foggy like this when I woke up. So, I read a magazine.

Slept with the Holt Renfrew Spring style guide and Chelsea last night.  Finished her book before I dozed off.
Last story was a really good one, they were all good. I like her.

“Can’t live without a little attention and a lot of colour” p.11

I reckon Holts & I could be such great friends. See past magazine review of Vanity Fair here.

It was so foggy out this AM. Look at this. Could not see the island. I love that.

Very cute issue, “This Spring you can’t live without…“.

Happiness, simplicity. ☑ ☑

Some fav’s from this issue include:

  • Sense of humour & tall heels
  • My work & and a suit that makes it look easy
  • Sex appeal of stilettos in one spray
  • A natural high
  • Old friends & new classics
  • Feel good attitude
  • Good pieces, for luck and for love

Lots of nice things. I love new clothes. I should really be cleaning my room right now, but oh, how I love to blog. Haha. I wish my clothes would put away themselves!

It’s beautiful out there now. Maybe I should go outside…

stay up to see the dawn in the colors of bennetton?

Look left, straight out, yep that’s the ocean, Cape Cod.

Trafficked some sand home. It’s real crystally, like round stones almost.

Art-Dramatic setting on XZ-1 camera is quite dramatic.

See, wasn’t really THAT dramatic out.

This photo is for Kristen. She told me how she would drive over it every summer on the way to the Cape growing up. Love you.

Flying home is always a pleasure with Porter. Next flight is in the summer if not before. I hope there’s one before. I also hope summer puts a hurry on getting here.

I need to get outside and soak up some sun. Maybe I will venture to the island. Enjoy the day!