yesterday on twitter, this happened:

work that communicates with everyday people & socially relevant themes

Saw this painted over billboard near Spadina/Queen. I love the street art we have in this city.

You can’t really tell but it says “Are you really an asshole or just insecure?

I tweeted a link to some new street art earlier but here’s some of the photos. So neat.

Lego love.

Pretty PBR flowers.

Like this one too.

See the rest of the pix & info on BlogTO.

P.S. I made this (for Keri).

we were born the same year but she looks a little older

I asked Sean if we can wash it outside in out bikini’s when it get’s warm out. Ahhhhhh.

sometimes informally considered as marking the beginning of the summer season in Canada

The weekend has been so nice, I don’t even mind if it rains today. Actually, I like it. I’ve got lots to get done, report, expenses etc. Off to a Jukari class at King West Fitness now. Might cruize somewhere after and car office with my computer and rocketstick.

I’d like to take a second to say thanks to the following awesome companies for being part of this weekend & my life (blog).

lemme take you for a ride

Let’s go.

I’ve not been someone who loves driving until now. I love grabbing the keys and hitting the open road, going anywhere I want. Today, I visited old neighbourhoods. I’ve driven a few different cars over the last few months (Ford, GM, Toyota). Really like how this baby drives, takes corners well,  is nice on the highway, leather seats, sunroof, voice activated in-vehicle system. Looking forward to trying a hybrid car and also cars with more power.  The SE Sport Ford Fusion has a 3.5 V6 engine, this one is 2.5L & 4 cylinder.

Used to live in the Annex when I first moved to TO. There was five of us at 613 Bathurst, here.

Went here on a date once. There was a sign that said “This is the place” and we went inside to find a house turned into a bar. It was really fun/cute. I’d like to do it again.

Been ages since I listened to 102.1 The Edge.  Was full of greatness today.

Bellwoods looked bare.

Am I bad for camera driving? I wasn’t texting or tweeting.

Used to live on Manning at Queen too. That was a crazy time. Moving out of that hood was good.

I always used to go here for breakfast. Had a birthday there once too. Sad it burned down.

Love this big bag from Nella-Bella’s Melbourne Collection. Thanks TAREK! Great travel or overnight bag, fits all my gadgets, products & toiletries. Colour is great for summer, which I hope get’s here soon.

P.S. Some friends just launched a blog for the startup community in Canada called Maple Butter. Maple Butter brings meaty how-to’s, case studies and reports from people on the front lines of successful startups.  FOUNDERS UNITE!

you read it in the newspaper, ask your girlfriends and see if they know

Had ice cream at Ed’s Real Scoop in the Beaches today. Chocolate & homemade. So good.  I useally go for chocolate, nothing to fancy or with accessories.

Carly gave me the great suggestion. Y’know Carly? She’s my friend/agent/blondetourage blog babe who moved to Florida last year and she’s COMING BACK this week. Yay.

Gonna go driving to this album tomorrow. So many good songs.

I was creeping Jack White… Did you know he is Scottish, Polish and Canadian descent. He’s quite fascinating if you don’t already know.

This was a funny comic to get today, right after a wedding and all. Cheryl & Jared  had cheesecake. It was good.

Tonmorrow I’m checking out all the nerdy tech stuff  about this Ford Fusion.  Maybe a car wash too.

I have the Fusion Sport, black leather interior, 2.5L.  Fun car to drive.  I really like cars. Grew up hanging in the garage with Dad.  He builds hot rods. Had his own shop in Cambridge when I was growing up, “Toys for Boys”. Saw this today and thougt of you Dad.

The Beaches are so pretty. Reminds me of where I grew up. Old houses, tall trees, narrow streets, sidewalk stairs, front porch.

If I had a car full time I reckon I could live in the East End. (OMG, did I just say that?)  Queen West hipsters move to the East End when they grow up right? haha

Would be rad to build/reno an old house here.  Fantastzed about that today, my car, my house, my street.

I see my house and so can you. Dude at Amsterdam said this building on left is going to be a Loblaws. Saw a super old pic & Loblaws has owned it since before any other this stuff was built.

I need to change the clock it’s not on Spring daylight savings yet.

Vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom baby!

je ne sais pas quoi te dire sinon que tu n’es pas fantastique

Wedding was lovely. Took over 300 photos, so…you’ll see this dress a few more times I reckon.

Can’t wait to wear it all summer too though. Both our dresses are from Bicyclette. So many geat things there if you ever need to find something. They get new stuff all the time too. Paige picks out all the clothes. Price isn’t bad either, both dresses together came to about $300.

The lovely Kristy & Miss Sara Baker w/ us.

The happy & awesome couple 🙂 ♥

Our wonderful dates Luke & Bonga.

If you are my friend or were at the wedding & want  pix email me [email protected]. Everyone else, enjoy this short love story I made last year.

Bon weekend!

congratulations buddy, i love you.

Dresses from Bicyclette on Queen.

Best friends & dates Luke & Bonga.


Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Capture the Rapture

Didn’t need my alarm to wake up this morning, bounced right out of bed about 7:30am. Today is gonna be long and exciting.

Cheryl’s wedding is at 3pm in Kitchener and I’ve got a heaps of things to get done before then. Dress is really pretty & from Bicyclette on Queen. Cruised over there with Jenie yesterday in my fancy new Ford Fusion. Sunroof will be fun for driving/singing in the sun today.

Gardener is closed for the weekend, very quiet.

I can’t believe this day is finally here. It’s like, really intense man. Cheryl and I went to Australia together and were BFFs through college & uni. Mega reunion, biggest oneof my life so far. We’re all staying at the same hotel too.

Cheryl has the same orange/blue ring tattoo on her right hand.

Took Keri & my sis to dinner and Bridesmaids last night. Really good movie. So funny. I’m enjoying having a car & cruising around. Will feel great to escape the city. I need  break from this crazy place.

Mum, I wish you were here to be at Cheryl’s wedding today. I will give her my love for you.

The sky looked really cool last night. Very Gotham.

Ok, go time. Have a totally awesome day 🙂

if the way you drank your coffee was the way you looked at me

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

patio season is here! #ftw #may24 #babes

The Lou Dawgs patio was so hot yesterday. The sun was warm too.

It was 12/1, girl/guy ratio.  Oh yeah, love it. We were hecking passers by. Well, mostly I was. lulz

Only guy was Darryl himself!

Jenie & I chatted about life. Reflected on our awesome day. (Hair cut on Tuesday, it’s long!)

So glad I took out my nose ring. Kabbalah string broke in later in the day.

Didn’t get poutine (for once) opted for a healthier chicked salad wrap. Very good.

We gifted out leftovers to a homeless guy. Wearing new mala beads w/ black onyx stone. Gift send to me from Tiny Devotions. You’ll be seeing more of them this summer.

Say hello to @thegingerjoo, she’s a bossy boots, sassy pants Ginger. Love Jooooooo!

Cutie pie Jeanine 🙂

Say hellooo to my other friend Susur Lee.

Something was bring filmed outside his resto.

That’s all for now kids. Let the weekend begin! Hoping keri says yes to going to Bridemaids with me. Reckon perfect start to Cheryl’s wedding weekend. Stoked to go home & see Dad tomorrow too. Driving this Ford Fusion for the weekend. Check me out ‘eh.

Goal is no towing and NO parking tickets! Wish me luck 😉

Quite enjoy this feature though. Training wheels for parking haha.

THE RAPETURE, #FTW! - Let's party like the world's ending Saturday and continue partying when it doesn't

talk nerdy to me. #nerdlearn

After a lovely afternoon shopping the cruising Queen Street yesterday, Jenie & I went to #nerdlearn hosted by The Working Group at The Burroughes building. You know how much I love nerds and events with hashtag titles.

The panel was talking mostly about Rails, we only caught the end.

I love this space. Old, bright & beautiful. Hosted Puma Social on the 6th floor few months back.

Packed house. Such a nice office. Great job on the renos team!

Team TWG/babes Andrés & Jon Lim.

Props to TWG’s Dessy who made these awesome shirts.

So cute.

This was the first nerdlearn event, more to come. I think it’s a great idea & amazing space. Nice job TWG!

today i feel like this

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

wh3n 1 w0|{3 µp 1 w4$ 1n 7h3 (£0µÐ w17h ¥0µ.

Caught a glimpse of sun yesterday. Did you see it? Did it touch your face too?

I was getting my nails done. Treated myself I’ve been workin’ real hard lately. They are the colour of burning.

Natalie Dee’s coming today is about nails too. I love her.

Getting ready to retire Robert, my EEE PC. Ordered this appropriate Gelaskin – Underworld by Colin Thompson from Australia. This year the typewriter stopped being produced. I love typewriter and this is a great way to celebrate/remember both.

Had band practice last night & made some jewellery. Funnest part is untangling the bunches. So many things you forget about over the years, styles change, etc. Total blast to rummage with friends.

We’ve been digging Pop Chips lately. Probs due to the first shipment I got from a PR agency. THANKS GUYS! We’ve purchased a bunch since. See, sending stuff to people really works.

Wanna send me something? Go nuts & ask for address -> [email protected].

This quinoa cacoa cereal is THE BEST. New fav snack, not from PR agency.

Crazy awesome fog out there this morning. Woke up in THE CLOUD. Hope we see some sun today. I’m ready for a great weekeend.

Busy day today, Pepsi party planning, locksmith visit, we might get patio grass. I’ve been having a few issues with the lock on my front door and I keep getting locked out. It’s not fun at all!! Luckily my friend told me about a local locksmith in Scottsdale so I arranged an appointment and the issue will hopefully be fixed today. I’m pretty tempted to ask if the locksmith can install keyless entry for me. It’d be so much easier!! Looking forward to late arvo when my sis & I go shopping. Tonight I’m stopping by#nerdlearn – Good Developers Drinking Beer and Learning from Each Other at @theworkinggroup.

Today is gonna be great! I never get tired of this video. Enjoy the day! 🙂

MANGO:“The Great Escape” starring Kate Moss and Terry Richardson

sugar you make my soul complete, rapture tastes so sweet

Totally remmeber this track from my insane party days like 10 years ago. Fun thing is I get to see a bunch of those poeeps this weekend at Cheryl & Jared’s wedding. It’s on Saturday, May 21st. You know what else is that day?

I am not religious so I’m late to this ‘Rapture‘ news? I googled some stuff but it’s all wierd to me. Can someone explain? - I predict the people who predict the Rapture will never get any better at math

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

story time: a time capsule

Last night Keri & I accomplished something that had been a loooooooong time coming. We finally put together a much needed stand for my TV. I had it on milk crates. Don’t judge ok, I know it was ghetto fabulous. It’s over now and I’m happy that we managed to put it all together with little room for error. After I thought how fun it would have been if we filmed it. I’m sure there’s people who like watching that stuff. It’s crazy how many dirty jokes arise when you’re jamming screws in holes and banging stuff together. We had a problem with this one fourth hole and didn’t know what to put in it. Then, we laughed hard for at least five mins. The kind of laughing where your tummy muscles let you know they’re alive and your face hurts.

Y’know what I jammed in that fourth hole?

A little note that says something like “Hi, I’m Casie Stewart I put this together May 17th 2011 with Keri and it was fun + URL“. Maybe one day, many many moons from now, someone will buy this off me or find it in a dumpster and smile.


now comes what to wear? #pepsithrowback

The invite went out & RSVP is here. May 31th is gonna be a fun par-tay @ Revival. 80’s theme Pepsi Throwback Tweet-up 🙂


believe you can fly? i do. i can. i did. you can.

Yesterday I had my first official Jukari class with Carla at King West Fitness. Such beautiful gym. I’ve wanted to workout (in general but) at this gym for years. Very happy they’ve invited me in. Thanks guys!

I can kick way higher than this but it’s not so easy with camera in your hand to balance and not look silly. Trust me. I practice.

These are shoes for Jukari and great for indoor workouts. Reebok Canada hooked me up. They’re REALLY light and the mesh on the top/sides is like AC for your feet.

Carla (or the teacher) yells “hup hup” and you go back & jump high or kick etc. It’s really fun.

This is me in action. We are running in circles & doing half moons here. Off the ground!

Frog leap.


My Monday class is advanced Jukari for dancers. I needed something harder than my first class. Basically, I really wanna work hard & sweat.

BubMFH on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

To be honest, my body is hurting today in arms, abs, legs, shoulders. It’s a full body workout. Can’t wait to feel it tomorrow 🙂

Last time I was at King West Fitness for the launch of Jukari was there & made this video. You can see bits of me, I’m on the far left during the class. Tina asked Julie about the benefits etc. of Jukari.

Post workout we used this thinger that is for Trigger Point Therapy. You roll your back legs etc on it. It hurts but feels good. Y’know, the good hurt (burn).

I have some free passes so if you wanna try Jukari let me know!

TAXI Editorial Correspondent: ME!

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the 10th Anniversary of FITC in Toronto. This year’s event was held at one of Toronto’s premiere venues, The Guvernment. There was a charming 1950’s theme carried throughout the venue with cotton candy, bow ties, popcorn and fun decorations. Safe to say, it was a real experience being there during business hours!

FITC (Flash In a Can) is one of the largest and longest running events of its kind. It brings together brings together a wide range of digital enthusiasts from around the globe. Attendees included Flash designers & developers, motion graphic artists, digital artists and anyone with an interest in Flash and/or digital media.

The schedule for FITC Toronto was jam packed with over 70 presentation in over three days. At any given time there were four presentation happening in different rooms with another session in the voodoo lounge upstairs. It was really cool to see the dance club/rave space transformed to conference mode!

Read my Full Aticle on TAXI here.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

It rained. I went to the park.

wearable rubber by jac langheim

My friend from NYC makes the coolest ever clothes from latex.

Next week I’m heading to Florida with my sister and I’m gonna see her. HI BABE! Lady Gaga recently requested a custom design from her and wore performing. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHmazing.

She’s an awesome girl and I’m so proud of her work & to know her. Check her out on Perez! Latex just got sexier!!

what’s an influencer anyways?

I had a great weekend. You? Did some reading and surfing. I love surfing ocean/internet.

Saturday I had a date with myself where I  freely explored Etsy, picking up a few choice pieces from around the world. I read articles from my RSS, got lost in tumblr, and shared things I found along the way.

This video is a short documentary about Influence that explores what it means to be an influencer. It pays special attention to trends and people in history. I really love how it shines light on the fact that creativity is contagious in music, fashion and entertainment.

I hope you enoy it. Would love to know your thoughts. Please share in comments! Happy Monday 🙂

i like when parties have these

A Photobooth! Mariposa Cruises had Flashpoint Photobooth at their party the other day. Keri posted about it here and my post is here.