Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands.

I’m determined to get to SXSW 2012. (Sounds like doomsday when you say 2012 after anything. Damn you Hollywood!) As I was saying, I am determined to be there. Speaking would be even cooler and that might happen. Lucia included me in her panel discussion called “Psychology of Narcissism & how it effects brands”. Something I can talk lots about (haha).

Read the description below and if you like it, give us a thumbs up here. I love learning, talking about and being involved in influencer marketing and “peep culture”. I think this one is a winner.


Society spends increasingly more time online, watching and reading about strangers. Is peep culture creating more narcissists or simply helping us connect through the sharing of our intimacies? Do users share content that they are truly passionate about and believe in or do they simply share content that influences how others perceive them? This panel will duke out diverse opinions on how brands use the internet famous to spread buzz about products and services, what this means for the future of marketing and how this effects everyone’s behavior online. As time passes will positive sentiment towards an influencer inevitably change to negative? Is influencer marketing changing how we behave online and in our everyday? Is peep culture and narcissism shaping our world, playing a part in marketing and influencing our sharing and buying decisions? Come join our internet culture obsessed panel consisting of a psychologist, blogging pioneer, community manager and online lifestyle blogger/ self proclaimed narcissist. Front row seating for big egos only.

Also, check out the snow in NZ! My fams & friends in Auckland & Palmy got the most show in 30 years.

hey rainbow.

Yesterday on Queen Street outside the Gladstone Hotel.

yesterday on twitter this happened

Fully epic.

This shot of awesome comes to you from the lovely Louisa & She Does The City. Remember that awesome Journey concert last week? See her post & more photos from that epic night here. This photo kills me. We had an awesome time, THANKS AMEX!

“AMEX rounds up Toronto bloggers to put manners aside and rock out at a VIP Journey concert experience.” – She Does The City


Biggest news of the day so far, Google buys Motorola for 12.5 billion! OMG.

This is exciting for Android users and especially me cause I’m friends with Motorola and been using their devices for almost two years. It’s a match made in heaven I reckon.  Google CEO Larry Page wrote about the acquisition on the Google blog here.

“Motorola’s total commitment to Android in mobile devices is one of many reasons that there is a natural fit between our two companies. Together, we will create amazing user experiences that supercharge the entire Android ecosystem for the benefit of consumers, partners and developers everywhere.”

Google, Android & Motorola are three of my most loved brands. Once I blogged about Google being my boyfriend, you know how I have affairs with technology. Remember this special guy too? In a statement, Google said ” “will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem.

Hella yeah super charge. I wonder what devices & stuff they’ll have now? Hmm.

This is my most recent device,  Moto Android, the DEFY. It’s super sturdy and “life proof”, scratch resistant, water resistant and has a swipe keyboard which I’ve really grown to love. I blogged about it here. I used my HTC the other day and typing one letter at a time w/ no swipe was like using a typewriter.

Before DEFY I had Milestone which was also my fav. That phone is bigger and has a real keyboard. Expecting a new version of that to be out any minute now.

BTW did you know I am left handed?  Vintage denim jacket from clothing swap, handmade leather bag made in Brazil from Bellwoods garage sale, Kabbalah string, blue bracelet from Kayita, pearlies from when I was a kid.

Right arm. Heart onesie from H&M, feather tattoo, bracelet by Katiya, ruler bracelet from Jacqvon on Etsy.

Last night I read this interesting article “Stop coddling the Super-Rich” on NY Times by Warren Buffet. You might find it interesting. I was kinda shocked at what he said. Good on him.

P.S. Friday I wore a super cute outfit and this is lovely. xo

a world of pure imagination with willy, kelly, mila

Hello Willy Wonka. Wanna go to the chocolate factory?

Yes please. Take me there

I love this style.

stella block party was a stellar block party, blog party.

Welcome to the party.

Please drink responsibly.

The lights were  my love of the night. More of this please. So pretty.

These shots are so tumblrey or hipster bride. If you are reading this and getting married (I know there’s a few!) and don’t know Hipster Bride yet, well, be thankful you are reading this now. It’s full of inspiration.

This one is cool.

Beautiful clear sky & bright moon tonight. I love this city. Reminded me a bit of the supermoon, that night was special.

Bit of a stalk party, cameras everywhere. I bet they make a wicked video from the night. Saw a couple videographers capturing moments in time. Look at that sky & view, so nice.

eWg56a on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Loved people walking by wondering what the heck this ‘pop up party’ was. Lights and music were in everyones eyes & ears. You couldn’t miss it. There was a lineup the entire night.

Youre alright but I’m heredarling, to enjoy the party.

Now THIS is cool. Never seen one of these before…

Say, wha? What’s a beer pumper? Oh yes, this is a beer pumper my friends.

Trexxx on the TAPS!

OMG YES! (Ok, wasn’t actually working but still cool.) Want that truck to put out MY fire ifyaknowhatimean.

Had a bunch of peeps I’ve never met IRL who read my blog come say HI. HI GUYS, nice meeting you! Truly great meeting people who read/love this blog and no it’s not creepy/weird when you say “Hi, my name is ____ and I read your blog/follow you Twitter/FB.” (Google+ would be kinda creepy though to be honest. Ha. Seriously.) Always say HI, I love it.

There were a ton of babes on the block. Seriously, babes everywhere.

Nice one Keri for winning the contest & getting to host the party downtown. You looked hot.

I saw that one babe from Wakestock last year but didn’t get to say hi. This one.

We had so much fun at wakestock last year, this post, uhhhh, such great memories. Meeting Flava Flav, hanging w/ Maestro, the Blondetourage. Summer is made for fun.

Button making station. Haven’t seen that one before. I love when people get creative. They also had a photobooth, poutine and ice cream. The Stella Girls were in these darling red dresses, bartenders looked nice too. Good job team.


The end.




This video is funny. Thanks Kate for sharing. You’ll be seeing more of her around these parts in the coming weeks. I’m off to the Stella Block party tonight with the girls. Gonna be a blast and it’s right around the corner. Woo hoo. Have an awesome night!

Weekend Tune: “Rip It Into Pieces” by HotKid

Ready to get wild? Here’s something new from Toronto two-piece HotKid, to kick your weekend into full gear!

Le crazy amazing right? Faces! Explosions! Face paint! Rock n’Roll! And who doesn’t love a girl with a guitar? That my friends is HotKid. Made up of  Shiloh Harrison who belts her heart out like there’s no tomorrow alongside her guitar, and Rob Butcher III who acts as the amazing drummer and all around cooler than cool guy. They’ve opened for Sloan and are all over the Toronto music scene. Follow these hot kids on Twitter here, and download “Rip It Into Pieces” (for free off their website for a limited time) here!

xo Kate

you missed this yesterday

What would you do with the $250,000 if you were the Protector of the Caramilk Secret?

MEmhul on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

With $250,000? I would like to do what I’m doing now but MORE HUGE. TV on the Internet. I would go on TV shows and talk about my new show and travel the world more and tell you all about it and it would be so fun awesomazing. A dream come true. I would have huge parties and you would all come.

It’s been a while since I did  a contest and I reckon it’s time to bring it BACK.

To Enter:

Answer in the comments:

What would you do with the $250,000 if you were the Protector of the Caramilk Secret? “

Prize: Goodies from Caramilk valued at $50 (three winners). Prize will be shipped to you and contest closes August 26th. You must be in Canada.

There are still six more keys to be found across Canada. The winner could be you. For details on the big Cadbury Secret Contest see Facebook/Caramilk. If you find a key, Secret Agents come to your house and meet you and them you come to Toronto, go to the factory and see if you have the key to the real Caramilk Secret. If you have the secret, you get $250,000 and more chocolate than you could ever eat. Gah!

Hipsterism, Hipster Ipsum.

Say wha? Hipster culture, ILU. Basically sums up everything in my life. Get it here

“Organic sustainable lomo, +1 irony McSweeney’s skateboard Portland PBR tattooed farm-to-table Terry Richardson Williamsburg. Organic farm-to-table wolf, next level shit put a bird on it freegan American Apparel Williamsburg chambray gentrify viral you probably haven’t heard of them keffiyeh Cosby sweater. Pitchfork photo booth fuck, DIY cardigan messenger bag butcher Thundercats tofu you probably haven’t heard of them whatever squid VHS put a bird on it. Thundercats fixie Williamsburg, photo booth synth vinyl dreamcatcher Wes Anderson cliche. You probably haven’t heard of them DIY mlkshk biodiesel McSweeney’s raw denim. Skateboard Pitchfork Etsy, photo booth messenger bag artisan raw denim beard Tumblr retro Austin. Wes Anderson sustainable keffiyeh, blog lomo craft beer cliche brunch homo skateboard biodiesel fanny pack Pitchfork you probably haven’t heard of them Stumptown.”

Have you seen this video before? I dated Waldo in 2009. I need to make more videos. Now I have a Mac I can edit better. PC & MovieMaker were shhht for video editing.

Have tickets to Ke$ha‘s “Get Sleazy” show in Sunday Molson Amp. 50%/50 on going.

Tonight heading to Tattoo for Starlight Burlesque with a special performance by RaymiSell Your Body to the Night – Don’t Care If It’s Wrong or if It’s Right. Doors @ $10. You can email [email protected], subject “Roxanne” for guestlist. Gets you in free till 11. Tickets are $10 @ the door.

Saturday is the Stella aka STELLAR Block Party. Huge parking lot party hosted by Keri & the boys from 1LoveTO for 600 people. It’s gonna be my reward for working hard all day tomorrow. I’ve got heaps to do for awesome new client. TWERK!

If you RSVP and show up early you MIGHT be able to get it.

I love Summer. Gotta make the most of it while we still can! Stoked for Fall style though. That leather jacket from Holts is dying to come out too. Weeee! Happy Friday!

omg, all the hipster girls, throw your hands in the air.

I dunno if you ready fo’ this…

Might wanna press play before we get it goin.

I know you like that gangsta rap. BTW Hipster Girls, new song love Lil B.

Ginger Spice, Ginger Spice, hustle hard since Fisher Price.

Sporty Spice, Sporty Spice, hustle hard for forty nights.

What up GRIL.

Barbershop boyeeeeee.

Anna Von in the window, O’Nizzle got a coffee. 

Custom Converse from the Marcus Troy suite at BHD gifting lounge.

Kreayshawn for the WIN! I love dressing up and photoshoots. Click here to see the full post and MORE pix on PinkMafia.

Happy Friday my friends!

you missed this yesterday

Power of Women Event in Toronto @ MTCC

Good morning from MTCC! I’ll be adding updates to this post today. Got the full speaker list and super exited for the day’s events. Follow my Tweets @POWlive for what’s happening and inspiring quotes from speakers & guests.

Looking forward to sharing with you!

So many women here, about 4000+!

As I post this the auditorium is filling up. Lots of smiles & laughs in the crowd. There are about 4000+ women here!

Lots of giveaways & goodies for the attendees. The list of prizes is awesome!

The book buying station is full of things to inspire & enlighten your life.

Excited to hear Susanne speak. She has written SO MANY books!

Reckon I’d like to read Ellen’s book. So excited for Ellen’s talk.

Speakers view from the stage. Today is exciting 🙂

thursday mashup: whole bunch of things to tell you

This is Kreayshawn, she’s up for a Video Music Award (VMA) as Best New Artist this year. Chatted her from LA last week and did an interview for PinkMafia. Read it here. She’s pretty badass, said “swaggatude”. Did a photoshoot with Anna Von & Lauren O’Nizzle “Kreayshawn style” the same night, it’s hot. Photos up tomorrow.

Dream closet on tumblr. Love.

My dream is to have a sweet & lovely spot for all my clothes. I can feel Fall coming. So excited to bust out my new black leather jacker from Holts & amazing Triumph Dr. Martens boots. I’ve planned my lookbook already.

Something new on Twitter yesterday. Activity: like a newsfeed, so far I like.


Going to the Gaffas shop tonight.

Katiya and some other stylish brands have a Pop Up Shopsta. Have gift cards!!

My friends at Doll Bar on Queen Street have graciously offered all my peeps a 10% discount. Go there and get some feathers in your hair, bangs, or cute extensions. If you do send me a pic so I can post it!!

  Mega lolz. O’Nizz posted last week when talking The Hoxton.

Look at THIS fffffff hipster. “Knox Jolie-Pitt wearing his Ray Bans and pirate hat and hook hand with an air of nonchalance that hipsters haven’t even thought possible. ” via Bohemia. Hahamazing.

That’s all for now. I’m at Power of Women event today at MTCC. Gonna be doing a live blog here and talking to speakers. Pretty stoked.ELLEN IS THERE OMG. Follow my Tweets at @casiestewart & @POWlive. Imma be so inspired by the end of the day. Beautiful out today, a little chilly but go on & make the most of it.

Don’t stop believin’, ever.

Thanks Amex for a great night. Journey was awesome live. A night to remember with a bunch of really good people. We got the star treatment from start to finish. Amex has been a good friend, remember last year’s Amex Canvas event when I won my lovely iPad Andy? Won tickets to Ke$ha last night too. Thanks team!  Gotta work my way up to a Gold card. Hint hint 😉

Private dinner was in this lovely area on the water.

Thanks for this little guy. Now all I need is a trip & new luggage to match!

Short & sweet preso about the new Amex Gold Rewards Card. Lots of features, points & perks. Check out all the deets here.

Tweet wall was done really well. Put photos up with Tweets. Nice to see you Breanna!

Rannie was out photog. Love this pic.

Lamb, chicken, beef, bacon. Yeah. Yum.

Mega VIP, drink tickets, food. So awesome. Mucho gracias.

Motorola DEFY, glasses from New Zealand, tasty treats. Brownie was divine.

Eva your hair looked gorgeous. I wanna braid Sammy’s like that!

Louisa from She Does the City, new BFF.


Anyone know what band was playing on top of the Amex Lounge?

I met Erica Ehm aka Yummy Mummy Club & her lovely husband. She Tweeted our pic and said “here comes trouble“. She was very nice and I told her how I loved her on MuchMusic when I was a kid 🙂

Neat to Molson Amp. it so full them magically empty in a flash.

The end.

Beerfest 2011, The Sheepdogs, Sunshine & Rain

Welcome to the Social Media Lounge.

Turned out great cause we had food & beer service inside our lounge with a roof over head. Considering how hard it rained here & there, appreciated it heaps.

You get one glass like this to fill up with different beers. I had heaps of beer tokens and was the Suga Mama for my peeps. I surprisingly didn’t get drunk and was sober when I came home. Thankful for that. I’m growing up, clearly. I also love being Suga Mama.

My Converse at the start of the day. Crisp, white, cute.

My Converse now. Dirty, muddy, ruined.

Sheepdogs chilled in our lounge for a bit. ET Canada was there doing stories.

I love guys who look like Jesus. I’m not religious but that look has me hooked like Sunday morning.

Nice meeting you babes. You’re gonna be huge. These pix are for you Mum!! Told them about you 🙂

Fan girls.

(fatal attraction to cuteness)

Top of the Budweiser Big Rig! Spent lots of time on that thing last year at BudCamp. Saw a bunch of my BudCamp babes around too. Not confirmed if I’ll be there again this year.

Here comes the rain. We got drenched. It was AWESOME. Everyone was swayin’ in the crowd singing along to the Sheepdoggies. It was very rock-festivally.

Dear God, yes please.

With a side of bass.

Party on Wayne. Sheepdoggy Style.

Front row.

Shan, check that beardo brother in the background! haha Sick stache buddy. Whatever happened to the Beardo Brothers anyways? I loved those guys. (I checked, they’re like, old now.)

This is only a selection of photos I took of these guys. They are for my, uh, personal collection.

Hey B-ROCKlyn. Olympus PEN cam, ILU!

Thanks to TorStar for the brolly. Comics FTW!

Wearing KINI was such a SMRT idea. Not my first rodeo festival.

The Trews! (How did I not know they were babes too? Duh.) I love rock n’ roll (Britney).

Thanks Jonathan for hooking up the CASIE discount code. About 120 people used it to get into Beerfest and it was a wicked time. Next year I’ll wear my Wellies.

Please remember to drink responsibly 🙂

LOMO AMIGIO: first roll of film w/ Sprocket Rocket Cam

Me @ the Lomography shop picking up new camera. Taken by Jane.

Sammy @ work.

Me @ Sammy’s work. Taken by Sammy.

My view on a cloudy day last week.

Self portrait.

I need some practice.

Thanks to Jane @ Lomography in Toronto for sending these over. I guess the rest didn’t turn out. I reckon by the time I shoot through all my film I’ll have a few good shots. Fingers crossed.

Saturday Hipster Hop: The Hoxton, Dance Party, Pool Party

Saturday night was opening of the Hoxton. we were told to be there early, but naturally, we rockd up closed to 11:30 and it was a mess. Cops all over the place, hipster hardcode lined up around the worker and the sidewalk covered in people.

We were on VIP Media list but that wasn’t going to help at the time. There were so many people at the time that nobody was getting in. Asked Zane if it was worth it and came to the conclusion we’re better off changing plans.

Wahhhhhh. Not Hox for these kids just yet. Media night is Aug. 31 so we’ll be there then.

Everywhere was packed and since we were with some travellers, Scottie. Ross & Andrew and The Australian, we stopped by the Backpackers Hostel for beers with the babes. I always wanted to check that place out anyways.

O’Nizz & I pretended we were travellers too and met this REAL CANADIAN. Bathrooms in that place are nasty.


Next stop TOTA so see some friends & DJs. This party don’ stop.

Was so smart of me to bring that fan.

Dance party.

We all hopped the fence at Scadding Court and joined a bunch of other hipsters for a late night swim. IT WAS AWESOME.


Sammy & Ross are vets at pool hopping. They were at the massive pool hang at Christie pool a couple weeks back.

Everyone in their skivvies.

Peeps were chill in’ all over the place. Not posting that many pix cause there were some naked peeps and imma respect their bums.


Family photo. We missed you Seany!

Cops in the distance. Party over.

Saw a mega snake in the park. I touched it. I love snakes.

Home time.

The end.

Epic night. One of the most fun I’ve had all summer. For sure going to pool hop again while we can.

epic times were had. photos coming soon…

put your hands up for TO.

Stopped by Beerfest Thursday for the media preview. Omg there was so much food & drink to be had. This was cookin’ in the grill house. Get grub there.

My big party day is tomorrow at Beerfest. We’ve got an awesome crew and the Social Lounge is where we’ll be. Planning to walk there for about 1pm and drink slow & steady all afternoon. Shrimp wrapped in bacon, dipped in something delish & battered in crushed chips.

This steak was gently placed on top of a butter infused baked potato. Divine.

Practically licked the plate, see! Thanks Labatt.

After I chowed down I biked to see the Arkells live in the parking lot by the SOHO. How cute is singer?

Heaps of peeps in the crowd. I was up front in media area where it wasn’t crowded. Thanks Samsung.


Friends were yelling to me from top of the balcony up there but I didn’t know that until I checked Twitter.

I can see my house. Have I told you how much I LOVE living downtown?

This guy was a babe too.

This guy was ________. Beige?

Missed The Midway State.

All hail the HAILWOOD tights copied by H&M. Knew this was coming.

Remember me rocking this style last year? NZ Designer Adrian Hailwood gifted me his signature & fab two toned tights last year at NZFW. Thanks Adrian! NZ has always been ahead of style in Canada.

Hailwood NZ.

I see boring. Oooh organic, zzzzzzzzz.

Not boring! Sammy & I went biking.

These neon bikes are all over the city now. City wide art project of awesome.

I love this city. <3

Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in. – Paris

you missed this yesterday

Move. Eat. Learn.

Sammy & Ross showed me these videos yesterday. Totally cool: 3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and about a terabyte of footage. I would LOVE to be part of a project like this. Inspiring. I love travel. Vids were commissioned by STA Australia. Enjoy!

This will make you want to do things.

This will make you hungry.

This will inspire you.

Crushing on that guy now. How great of a BF would he be? He’s done so many cool things! Hope these make you smile they way they did me. I love it!

Yesterday on Twitter This Happened

  • Lomo ARIGATO, @lomography! #
  • Greeting EARTHLINGS!! #
  • PinkMafiaLand This Week: I love Kissette DJs! #babes #
  • scary monsters & nice sprites. #skrillex #
  • Top 10 Event tonight, anyone? #
  • rocking out hard this morning. gonna jump on bike, get coffee, drop film off @lomography & stop by office. feelin’ SO ALIVE today. #
  • “nice blog. you have a way with words” compliments on writing & work is a really great feeling. GO compliment a co-worker today! do it! #
  • (there are some barbie photos on my film. tee hee) #
  • just ordered a sticker after getting inspired by an upcoming blog post. THANKS UNCURIOUS PEOPLE! #
  • last chance to save $5 on #Beerfest tickets is noon today! Use CASIE as discount code. See you SUNDAY! #
  • look like @klout scores were updated again today, mama’s a shiny 76 now. crikey. look out @justinbieber. #
  • Dang. Need to get to ‘Sauga for noon. Can I borrow your car? #
  • this was my JAM in Puerto Rico last year Don Omar – Danza Kuduro #
  • who run this motha? #
  • Hey guys! Biked uptown, drove to Sauga & back for a meeting. Dropped off car, biked home. What did I miss? WHAT A DAY! #
  • Thank you @tristanx for letting me use your car. MUCHO GRACIAS! Enjoy the beers. You deserve ’em 🙂 #
  • Purchased lemonade from a kids stand today while I was biking. Gave them some business tips too. #
  • can i make a lemonade stand or am i too old? how about if i 4sq it and add vodka but tell that in the tips on 4sq to ask for”special”? #
  • Vodka lemonade stand is CLEARLY a hit. See you in Bellwoods this weekend HIPSTERS! bring your own cups! #LemonAID #
  • possibly the best idea i’ve had like ever. #
  • Scenario: you come for v-lemo in the park, check in on 4sq, I drank it all. Dream dies. The end. @amirad, i need you to be mktg mrg. #
  • troubleshooting my mobile email is driving me MENTAL. #shakesfist #punchesscreenofoldshittyPC #lovesmac #
  • who is beer tasting at CNE right now? get at me. got a question for ya. #
  • this heat makes you only hungry for beer/water, i love it. beach body summer diet FTW. #malnutrition #
  • fixed my email nananananananan. #smrt #
  • my realty show would have been really funny today…and yesterday. probs tomorrow too. WHERE ARE YOU PRODUCER?! i’m ready. #
  • i don’t need producing actually, my show is just my show. no producer. i just need a film person. #
  • k. bye, need to bike to CNE now. (she’s like the wind playing in background) #
  • Beer me! (@ Beerfest) [pic]: #
  • Just ate these shrimp wrapped in bacon battered in chips from the BBQ. So yum. #
  • Arkells are such cute boys #
  • Sammy! (@ CTS) [pic]: #
  • Ridin’ #
  • Business time (earlier today) #
  • Crowd at Arkells show #


Clearly people and interested! I’ve had heaps and heaps of questions about how I am using Spotify in Canada the last few weeks.

I was in the USA when Klout gave “influencers” a Klout perk last month. Everyone was like “WTF we can’t use our code in Canada, wahhhh, wahhhh”. I signed up thinking “I better get on this while I’m here since I go home in a few days blah blah blah”. When I got home, IT STILL WORKED. OMFG HEAD EXPLODE, MIND BLOWING. That’s how I have Spotify.

You can get it too, get curious and look it up yo!

  • Use a proxy, (If you want to go overkill try one made for accessing Piratebay, that’ll work really well)
  • Go to the USA and sign up there
  • Ask a friend online or offline to sign up an account for you

I’ve been totally loving it. Music is filling my house and the playlists are introducing me to beautiful sounds I’ve never heard before. One of my friends is an aspiring artist and she has a few songs coming out on Spotify soon so I cannot wait to give them a listen! She also told me that because the number of streams your tracks get is so important these days, she has considered buying some Spotify plays from the Get Fans website here: The music industry has always been very competitive, so it makes sense that people are looking for ways to give their songs a boost. Anyway, here’s a sneak peek of what my Spotify account looks like.



Social Feed: