This week has been super chill so far. Tuesday was Sean’s birthday and we’ve been taking it pretty easy. The weather called for rain but it’s been absolutely beautiful every day! I finished a great book by Jill Dodd, the founder of ROXY called The Courage of Love. I don’t read many memoirs but the story was so good, I couldn’t put it down. Highly recommend! My friend and her BF were up over the weekend. We had so much fun. They were getting ready to leave and I was like ‘omg we haven’t even taken one selfie!’. The sign of a good ol‘ analogue good time! Ordered this Bardot top and shorts from SheIn recently and we had a mini portrait shoot on the dock. Love it. Tonight we had our first sunset cocktail in the hot tub together. It was so nice. This week has been really relaxing, long days of reading books, scrolling, boast rides, simple meals, alone time, silence, and naps. Finally started Ozark on Netflix too, good show.  

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The Flight Pack Kickstarter is LIVE!

I love travel and as you know am always on the go. My next trips (aside from the cottage) are Two Islands Weekend and a speaking gig in New Orleans. Travelling all the time means I almost always only take carry-on and keep my tech accessories/toiletries to a minimum. Seeing people who haven’t packed things up properly or don’t have their things organized at airport security is a pet peeve. Gloria, one of my friends and long time blogging babe created something to solve this problem, THE FLIGHT PACK. They’re almost half funded and only launched today, congrats girl! The Flight Pack is a travel bag that’s meticulously designed to keep your essentials the way you want it. Minimal: We decided less is definitely more. The Flight Pack has a simple, sleek silhouette created for a hassle-free experience at the airport. Modular: Carefully designed to keep your travel essentials organized your way with a removable vanity panel and detachable compartments that snap in and out of the bag. Durable: Well made for people on the move – this is not the kind of bag you’ll want to replace anytime soon. This bag is simple to clean, and builds character over time. The Flight Pack launches on Kickstarter TODAY and they’ve got some great options available including the EARLY BIRD for $85 CAD which includes 1 product and you save $55 off future retail cost ($140), with free shipping worldwide. CHECK OUT THE KICKSTARTER Gloria is an awesome human, you might recognize her from the last couple GIVING BACK VIBES lunches we cooked up at Evangel Hall. Love supporting friends doing cool things. If you have a cool side-hustle or project on the go, lmk!  

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Into the Wild! We’re Going on an Airstream Adventure Next Week!

I can’t believe it’s almost time! Wanted to do this for as long as I can remember! A couple months ago I received an email from GoRving Canada about going on an RV adventure and documenting my trip. It was like the universe was responding! So, over the last while we’ve been working out the details and next week it’s happening. Sean, Embot, and I will be picking the Airstream up from London, ON, staying in Grand Bend for a night, then travelling around Ontario for 5 days. I’ll be sharing more about the trip at we get closer to the date and on the road. This is the plan. ⬇️ I’ve never stayed over in Algonquin so we’ll be parking the airstream and spending a night there. Next, we head up to Deep River so Sean can show us where he grew up. I went camping with my parents at Sandbanks Park as a kid so we’ll be spending a night there too. If you have any tips about travelling via airstream or RV, please let me know!

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Showin’ Her the Ropes! Girls Trip to Vancouver, British Columbia ✈️

It’s just after 10om in Vancouver and I’ve been up since 5:30am EST. Emily and I have been travelling all day. It’s been pretty great! This is her first trip alone with me and it’s her first media trip ever. Tomorrow we’re on location with Subway Canada visiting Windset Farms for a planting & picking day while we enjoy beautiful British Columbia. We landed here about 11:30 PST and she was swimming in the hotel pool by 12:30. Since it’s our first trip together, I wanted to make it special. Instead of doing touristy things, I shared a few of my favourite activities to do on a media trip the day before our scheduled activities.  Travel can be exhausting and there’s nothing I really love more than sitting in a hotel room, having room service, and working away on my computer recharging my batteries. Here’s what we got up to today! Safe to say she said things like “we have the best lives” and “we’re queens“. Looking forward to tomorrow! We’ll be at the farm at 9am for a day of fun and to see where Subway harvests vegetables for locations across the country. I made a storyboard on the plane ride here to direct the video we’re creating. It’s gonna be great! Follow along on Instagram Stories or Twitter. In the afternoon we’ll be back at the hotel for some pool, and Friday night room service + movies in bed before heading home Saturday. My hope for this trip is to leave her with some great memories and good travel habits. Ok, I might be setting her up for ‘fancy’ travel habits but there’s nothing wrong with starting that young! OK, Boss Baby is almost over, time for bed!  

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Great Week Ahead!

En route back to the city after a v chill time at the cottage this weekend. I took a bunch of naps and spent hours reading. I’m at so it’s important to recharge your batteries.  I like to take breaks from my phone and totally zone out. It was pretty windy/cool out so we’ve not started on the outdoor yard work (hence the naps/?). Cottage life is great but it is also a lot of work!   Last week I wasn’t feeling super great or inspired but the cottage cured me and I’m so ready to make this week awesome. It’s finally spring and each week is nicer than the one before.  I’m looking forward to a couple events I’ll be covering this week. Emily and I are doing Tae Kwon Do and I’m liking it. Feels good to be back in a uniform after being away from martial arts for…oh y’know, 20 YEARS! I book my yoga classes at the start of the week and try not to miss them as things get busy, hopefully I make them all. Threw some SPIN in the mix too!

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Escape to Free Your Mind

This winter I didn’t  travel as much as last year because things kept coming up. So, my bff and I decided we needed a local getaway that was short and fun. Like us, haha!  On Friday we drove about an hour to our hotel, shopping and getting food along the way. Our penthouse suite looked like a grandmas apartment from the 80’s but we had all the things we needed to make it fun. I was so into to our own party I didn’t even photograph the place. I hardly used my phone at all and didn’t update anything about where we were to the internet. It was kinda nice. Sometimes you just need to ESCAPE! We walked to a Mexican place for dinner, treated ourselves to the best tequila, and had a dance party on the balcony. It was perfect. In other news, I was really excited to go to the cottage today but both Sean and I have things we need to get done at the house. Going up there makes me so incredibly happy and it’s the most beautiful place. I’ve got a list of DIY things I want to do and make. It is a lot of work but I look forward to it every year, cleaning, putting in the dock, getting the boat, doing the gardens. I also can’t wait to get back on my paddle board! Today, I’m off to yoga and then a manicure before I knuckle down on food and work prep for the week. Feeling great about spring, longer days, and warmer temperatures. Take the sunshine wherever you go! 

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