Can I get a workout? Hell yeah. You know this place and this babe. business hours athletes: blog, workout, tweet, blog, smile, rinse repeat. Was nice to see Rosa Park arrive at The Motion Room to shoot this for The Globe & Mail. Video/article will be out in about a month. Bloggers vs newspaper = massive time difference in posting content. This is a sneak peek from the Puma After Hours Athlete spot we shot Friday night. SO much fun. The team at 1188 was awesome to work with. Can’t wait to see/show you the final product. Actual event/party is March 10th. I absolutely love being on camera as a host of something cool. My goal this year is to do more video. My sister was a really great help as my assistant/wrangler. Very important job, really awesome way to gain experience about film/TV/producing. These are my new boots, Tretorn Skerry Resling, a tall alternative to the Tretorn favorite. Jenie & I had matching pink/red, blue/green Puma jackets that kept us pretty warm. I love wearing matching outfits. I’m sure that stems from all my years in dance (3-13). I so would love this one piece sailing gear from Puma. I would love to get it for you Mum. Part of being an after hours athlete involves dim lights, cold beverages and high fives. Met this giant rocking a v neck, Freddie Mercury hair and this waxed out stache. Dad used to have a friend with a hot rod who had one of those massive waxed staches. I do not remember his name or this guy’s name either. Ran in to the lovely Jess & Maram in the hood aka Queen West aka the place you will alwasy run into someone. It’s a scene like every day of the week. Jess make sure you email me about our…
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