This morning I was welcomed by good news! At December’s Daring Independent Film Festival, It’s All About Me – Feature Documentary won the AWARD FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY 2013! This is pretty exciting as we were also selected for the Ottawa Film Festival in October and won the MADA (Make a Difference) Award at COMMFFEST Global Film Festival in September. Award Winners at Daring Independent Film Festival 2013 Here’s Jenie, Mum, BF and I at the premiere in September. Watch the trailer below. I’ve heard it might be turned into a TV doc and we’ve been optioned for a radio show series starting later this month.  I’ll keep you posted for the launch. Always me chuckle that’s it’s called ‘It’s All About Me’ because Mum used to give me the gears that I was ‘all about me’, well Ma, it paid off! Look at me now! Mooohaha. She comes back from NZ today, can’t wait to give her the news. I have laurel leaves guys, me. Gah. Enjoy the day, stay warm out there! <3 CASIE Isotretinoin without prescription Kamagra without prescription Lasix without prescription Levaquin without prescription

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Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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I’ve mentioned it here and there around the web but this is my formal post, CONTIKI IS SENDING ME TO THAILAND! I leave on Saturday for 2 weeks away with about a dozen of Canada’s top YouTubers. I’ve never been to Asia and had to get a bunch of shots last week to get me prepped. We have an AMAZING itinerary planned by the great team at Contiki. I am honestly SO EXCITED. I’ve heard it’s a great time of year to go there and considering we might get snow today, I’m ready for some sunshine. I’ve been tracking the weather in Thailand and it’s been over 25 degrees every single day for the last week. I’ve been pinning photos and articles on a new Thailand – Nov. 2013 board. It’s so beautiful there!   I’ve known about Contiki as a great travel company from heaps of my cousins and friends down under. I love their NO REGRETS attitude and all the positive images they post  about travel and exploring the world. Like this one… Some Of the People Going Most of the peeps are YouTubers! I am stoked to meet them all. Grabbed this screen shot from Andrew Gunnarolla’s video about the trip. I’ve made a Twitter list of everyone going if you want to creep and meet my travel buddies. Former Much VJs Sarah Taylor and Tim Deegan are two you might recognize. I just got a new GoPro so I’ll be uploading vids to my YouTube channel along the trip. Subscribe here! Follow along our adventures with the #ContikiThai hashtag too. Top 5 things to Do in Thailand 1) Stock up at the night markets 2) Indulge at the spa 3) Hit the beach 4) Chill out at the temples 5) Dance at a Full Moon Party Things…

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We’ve Been Accepted into Ottawa Film Fest!

Heard this great news this weekend… We have been selected for the 2013 @ottawafilmfest ! Keep checking oiff.ca for more details! #documentary #Ottawa pic.twitter.com/TgAz8RrDZ3 — It’s All About ME (@allaboutmemovie) September 18, 2013 Last time I was in Ottawa I was talking in the closing show with some Canadian celebrities for Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m not sure if I will be attending Ottawa Film Festival next week but it is definitely nice to have our film in there! Hopefully we can make it into a film festival somewhere warm and sunny one day. That one, I will have to attend! Buy Vardenafil Buy Amoxil Buy Fluoxetine

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I wish I could share posts to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest. Remember when it first came out? It has changed heaps. I think there’s potential. I use so many other Google products and have  thousands of photos from Picasa web albums that are now Google+ photos. We shall see… follow me Buy flomax online Buy fluoxetine online buy lasix online buy nexium online

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FASHION Magazine feature: Social Media Star

Yesterday FASHION Magazine published an interview they did with me this week. It’s the first in their new series on stylish movers and shakers leading the pack in the world of social media. It can be really challenging to make a splash in the world of social media. One of the hardest hunting grounds is definitely instagram. Although an instagram like bot can help you massively in this department. In fact, some bots are able to help you increase the number of followers you have too. This is definitely something you might want to consider learning more about. Thanks Renee Tse for the kind words. If you read it, leave a comment on the post! From Twitter to #TIFF, @casiestewart shares the the secrets to her social media success: http://t.co/s45xPvoONq — FASHION Magazine (@FashionCanada) August 23, 2013 Below is their kind intro. Click to read the interview! While social media may be just a hobby for some of us, Casie Stewart’s life is all about digital platforms. As the social media director of Community Agency (a circle of artsy and techy people) and a dedicated blogger since 2005, it’s pretty accurate to say social media has taken over Stewart’s life. From documenting her every movement on her blog to conversing with her 15,000+ ‘Tweeters’, she has built relationships across the world via social media. But out of every social media platform she’s on, Twitter is by far her favourite. Thanks to Twitter, Stewart’s living a whirlwind life she never dreamed possible. She’s partnered with companies like Virgin America, Ted Baker London, Thomas Sabo and Telus (just to name a few) and is currently the host of Coral TV, a platform for ladies who are interested in everything about the internet. Whether you’re looking for opinions on fashion and technology or…

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