Putting the JOY in JOMO

There’s a good chance you met me at an event (if we’ve met IRL). Over the past 10 years I have gone to as many events as I could. Some weeks 3/night for 3/5 days a week. It’s a great way to meet new people, make friends, and expand your network. It’s also quite tiring, as is living on the internet and sharing your life throughout the day. I still love going out but since my digital detox in Costa Rica I’ve also come to love being home. There was a time when I would trek across the city just to see everyone be seen at a party, then back to another event, and dance the night away.  Now, quite often, I find myself scrolling photos from people who were out the night before thinking ‘ooh, that looks fun’ and feeling joy that I didn’t make it. [vine id=”5BwdTgWVVIa”] You see, I’ve been to SO MANY things that I don’t really feel like I’m missing out. I know there’ll always be cool new things but I also knowI mentally feel great when I have a good sleep and get up early, checking things off my list. I make a point to pop by things hosted by people I care about or someone I’d like to meet, I’m just a little more choosy now. I find it’s great to bundle them and make pit stops early so you can get home at a reasonable hour. Clearly I’m getting older, ha! Follow along my adventures on Snapchat (casiestewart) for real time hilarity and a break in your day. ??    

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Summer eReading in the Sun + Kobo Giveaway

Since getting my Kobo reader I’ve read more in the last 2 months than I have in the past couple years. ? I used to spend (a little too much) time scrolling my phone before bed, now I scroll a few pages of my book. Reading a book is much better relaxation before bed than reading random tweets or Facebook status updates, trust me on this one. I also really love how easy it is to read in the sun, together we’ve lazed on the dock, rode the sunny streetcar, and chilled in the park. Last month I accepted the Kobo 7-Day e-reading challenge (read that post here), to replace my print book with a Kobo Glo HD for 7 days. Don’t get me wrong, I love paper books but fitting a pile in your carry-on or daily purse is just NOT practical. Kobo was created to please us fans of print books and tech lovers alike. Aside from my loonnnng reading list I just learned they have MAGAZINES. ?? I’m currently reading HER, a novel by Harriet Lane and have recently finished YOU by Carolyn Kepness and Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave. During the summer I like reading light hearted chick lit or mystery novels. It’s a great way to take my brain on an adventure and step away from work. A few other great things about Kobo reading a preview of a book before you buy using the app on any of your devices built in wifi super light (not heavy) The kind folks at Kobo have given me a device for YOU.  The brand new Kobo Glo HD retails for $139.99, comes fully equipped with wifi, customizable fonts/text size/margins, and the battery lasts f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Ok, well not forever but waaaaay longer than your iPhone.   The contest is open to anyone in Canada and runs today till Friday, June 10th. Enter below! a…

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Telus + Mother’s Day: What’s The Best Mother’s Day Present Ever?

This post was original written last year and we did a giveaway. In honour of Mother’s Day this year I wanted to share it again because I love the video so much! Mother’s Day is always a super special day for both my mum and I because I was born on Mother’s Day! What a great gift! haha. No, in all seriousness, I’m mum’s first born and there was some complications during my birth where she nearly died. Thank heavens we both made it, she’s the biggest inspiration in my life and I am so thankful for her. ILU MUM. ?

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Travel | My Digital Detox Diary on The Co.

I know I’ve Mentioned how great my last trip to Costa Rica was but was the first real vacation I’ve taken in a while. I’m feeling inspired and I’ve got a fresh perspective on life. I wrote about the experience on The Co. by Jones Media and it’s on the front page today! Read it here!  Today I’m picking up a little Ford Fiesta and cruising home to spend some time with mum. Tomorrow I’m speaking to the grade 6-8 kids at her school about bullying and following your dreams. I wish i had someone like me come and tell me everything will be ok, it’s cool to be weird, and that the job I’d be doing didn’t exist yet. Still eating healthy since my trip and exercising daily. About to go for a run! ? It’s truly amazing what a good getaway will do, staying at Anamaya Resort is a magical experience. Here’s to a wonderful day! A photo posted by The Co. (@voiceoftheco) on Apr 12, 2016 at 11:31am PDT

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Gettin’ Fit in the 6ix w/ The New FitBit Alta

Before vacay I joined a bunch of blogger buds at Sport Chek to test out the new FitBit Alta. Remember, with companies like PromoCodeWatch that offer discounts on Fitbit products, make sure you use this when before you hit the checkout button! I’m sure you would like to save as much money as possible on something as cool as a Fitbit. Since receiving the device, I’ve become obsessed with making my 10K steps each day. It wasn’t hard to surpass my daily goal in Costa Rica, I was so active! I forgot to pack my charger so after about 5 days, it died. I was super impressed it lasted that long tho, if only an iPhone could do that! Here’s a couple snaps by George Pimentel from our workout with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternack. We were set to train outside but it was pouring down with rain, hence the raincoat, but we picked out head to toe New Balance gear and set up our devices for an indoor workout. I am seriously loving the leggings, they’ve got a drawstring and are super soft, comfortable. Ready to hit the road! We took a brisk walk through the PATH underground walkway then arrived at the Toronto Athletic Club to sweat it out.

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Social |Changes to Instagram Newsfeed ⤵️

Word on the street is that the new Instagram timeline is dropping tomorrow. Here’s what you need to know! Apparently 70% of us are missing posts we actually wanna see, this new algorithm will hopefully make it better. For advertisers, this means you really need to pay to play Hopefully, the changed algorithm will result in more likes for us all. Although, I haven’t been in need of many more links since finding the best powerlikes service on the internet. If your favorite musician shares a video from last night’s concert, it will be waiting for you when you wake up, no matter how many accounts you follow or what time zone you live in. And when your best friend posts a photo of her new puppy, you won’t miss it. – Instagram blog If you’ve been on IG the last 24 hours you might have noticed a ton of posts tagged #turnmeon or #turnonnotifications, this is people asking for you to make a slight change so you don’t miss their posts. It’s kinda annoying and tbh, I don’t want to notifications from everyone, there’s a bunch of people I follow that I should probably just unfollow. BUT, if you want to turn on notifications for your fav peeps, it’s v easy. ??thoughts on the meme of the day??: The interwebs is exploding with people urging other people to turn on post notifications… ? take it from me, unless you are dying for up-to-the-nanosecond posts about my nailpolish whims, you don’t need to turn it on tomorrow. #trustmeonthisonepeople. (PS This is @opi_products in Olive in Green, possibly my new favorite color!) A photo posted by Eva Chen (@evachen212) on Mar 28, 2016 at 10:07am PDT How to Turn on Notifications in Instagram 1. Tap the little ?? ?? ?? on…

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