BHD SUITES: bands + brands + bloggers

This week is so exciting. I’ve got events every night, all kinds of fun stuff each day and NXNE & MMVA to cap off the weekend. The Broken Heel Diaries magazine is hosting a gifting lounge MMVA weekend and I’m one of their bloggers. I’ll be working with the BHD team & awesome bloggers  Coco&Lowe , HustleGRL, JayStrut and Marcus Troy. Woo hoo!   Have you ever been to a gifting lounge? It’s totally awesome. Last year at TIFF was my first time and it’s like your birthday. Hair, nails, clothes, games, makeup, shoes, products galore. You get hooked up with stuff from cool companies. Some of the brands are Bench, Converse, Toms, Jeffrey Campbell. Stay tuned on how you can win a ticket to attend BHD SUITES June 18. Gonna be  real FUN 🙂

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annoying department: excuse me for a minute

One of the most annoying things ever is when girls (any age) talk about you to other people. I’ve talked about it before and despite getting older, it never seems to go away. It is especially annoying when it is public, negative, the person has a high profile and they also don’t bother to say it to you directly. I was not Regina George in highschool and didn’t used to have the confidence I do now. I got bullied heaps growing up, mostly by mean girls. Today I got a message from a friend on my way home from the airport after six hours on airplanes and spending half the day before in an airport… “your tweets & blog post rant about parents with kids at airport is causing a shit storm with parents on fb” GREAT! Welcome home! First: Thank you for reading & linking to my blog Erica. I’m happy to have you as a reader. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was a kid. Circa 1991 here, lookin’ cute. We both worked at MuchMusic and I’ve often wondered if  we would work on a project together. We both blog & Tweet in Toronto. We have many friends in common. I always though of you as cool with great style.   Second: Why didn’t you comment/say ANYTHING TO ME? I know you’re not shy. Lots of options, Twitter, Facebook, Fan Page, blog , email? I am surprised you would single me out like that to your friends on Facebook without commenting as a mother yourself. I waited to see if you would say something to me since you were engaging your audience about my blog post. You didn’t. Your comment “what people without kids think of us who have kids” is a silly generalization about those who have kids and those who don’t. I…

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a good team is a family, a family is a team – Kyle Benjamin

Dad loves racing so to be working with a race car driver is pretty neat. Especially an epic, race winning child prodigy one. Sky & I were twerkin’ hard in the office aka the rig. She is 11. We were tweeting our hearts out during the bike race portion. She is a riot.  RA RA RIOT. I was telling Kyle how he’s gonna have ladies all ova’ him. He’s so dang cute. Any of you out there 13ish? He’s single. Gettin’ ready. Talladega styles. Race time. Team #71. Was a totally crazy race. Started with 25 drivers, finished with 16ish. About 20 cautions, three ambo’s. This one went straight to hospital, back injury. Hope you’re ok man. Waiting for the track to be cleared then take a few laps to warm up the tires. (Get’s easily distracted) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. What a winner this stud. Kyle took 3rd. Nice one buddy! Kyle loves Gatorade. (wink wink nudge nudge) Sky, you are the cutest ever. Check those tire marks from racers bumpin’ him. Bump & grind fo’ realz His shirt was actually soaking wet. We were laughing. Dang hot drivin’ them cars. (Clearly I’ve been in the South, I’m typing with an accent.) Impressed with how well spoken you are Kyle. Nice twerk. Good interview. Night was fun. Brekky & travel home tomorrow. I miss my own bed. I like being away but I love coming home. Next trip is Boston in July. Next week is busy with NXNE (music & interactive), MMVAs & more. Gonna be real fun. Have an awesome day 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New BFF Sky & I car danced like crazy. It was awesome. Sky got twitter today and loves it. She is 11. Follow @skybenjamin. I could never be Mum to a race car driver. I’m having heart attack watching @kylebenjamin71. # This is really intense @skybenjamin @kylebanjamin71! Aaaah (@ The Pits At 5 Flags Speedway) # All you @kylebenjamin71! Your cheering section is rrrrrrrready! Cc @skybenjamin @ChantelleDay # Who makes their Dad carry their bike? I don’t care if you are 10 haha # Omg gonna be some more wreckage. These kids racing bikes before cars. So funny/cute/hilarious. LOLing so hard w/ @skybenjamin. # OH “I could run beside these kids” haha @skybenjamin # My new #BFF @skybenjamin. Live tweeting the races w/ her tonight. # Kids racing, mayjah wreckage RT @skybenjamin: wreck in turn 1 # Where’s ma chils support @Shashena @shawnhawaii! Haha #triangle # Its ok @kevinkvs, they’re just tshirt babies. # #ff @shawnhawaii my baby daddy to #triangle & Eviana # #ff @KeriBlog – bff & blog babe who makes videos & teaches me spy skillz # #ff @kylebenjamin71 – 13 year old who can drive better than all of you. #71 # watching qualifying times w/ @chantelleday & @kylebenjamin71 # I really should have watched Taladega Nights before coming to this. # Awesome qualifying time @kylebenjamin71! Killllll it tonight # Mmmmm RT @erinbury: This is AMAZING. RT @unbrelievable: Bored of plain old lorem ipsum? Try Bacon Ipsum! # Hacking wifi networks w/ an 11y.o. # In the rig @ race w/ internet, cable, xbox, AC. @chantelleday playing COD w/ #kylebenjamin # No @raymitheminx, not at all. I mean you might get perks or be seen as ‘influential’ on a specific topic. Cc @klout # Race day! #kylebenjamin #71 (@ 5 Flags…

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girls on bikes

The Margaritaville gave us the media inside yesterday before bike rentals start today. Thanks guys! Got ’em comped too. Media VIP FTW. GIRL ON BIKE. We cruised Pensacola Beach baby. Pensacola Pier. GLITTER. Behave yourselves now. I love biking. Gonna to to Curbside Cycle this week & get the Pantone gem. Had lunch here. So lovely. I’m 58.3% awesomerrrr each day. Glitter me timbers! Guess who took her beerski shopping? Oh yeah. I do what I want! Back to home base. This has been my office view for two days and today we leave to go to another hotel for the race etc. I have so many great pix from race practice yesterday. Have an awesome day & happy Friday! <3

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hi from the office

Life’s a beach baby. xo

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