best country, like, ever.

My friend send me some pix from yesterday from INQ Mobile’s launch party last summer. That was a fun party.  Love this cute one of Renee, Michael & I. Toronto & Canada miss you Renee! Met Michael’s TWIN brother last night. Updates from Social Media Day & last night coming soon. Thinking about taking the day off for Canada but doubt I can manage to stay away from my computer. Damn, here I am again! Haha FYI: Amsterdam Brewery is OPEN today.

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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Queen Spadina Fire

Walked Brent Winsor to Brocklyn’s house and heard so many sirens on the way. This is where they were going… One of the units on the South side of Queen just West of Spadina across from CTS was on fire. Spadina/Adelaide/Queen Street shut down. People were evacuated. I saw a couple with their cats in cat cages. Sad, I really hope everyone is ok. I looked serious. One of the restos right there recently went out of business.  Other than that, no details to report. These are my photos. Adelaide East to Spadina. So many trucks. Fire was in the building right behind these fighters. Queen/Spadina. Queen Street West. Then I saw an open manhole on my way home. This is what it looks like inside. Casie Stewart, reporter of daily events on Toronto.

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Be creative. Be yourself. Have fun. Get off the computer.

Saw this on O’Nizzle’s blog today and I dig it. Think you will too. What do you do to be creative? I like to let my mind wander. I like long walks by myself. I like to play outside. I love my sketchbook. I like to draw with pastels. I cut up old clothes and make new ones. I call old friends. Classical music. Reminding myself I can do anything. Cleaning my closet. Coffee. Painting. Dancing with arms over head. Writing is especially fun for me. I like poetry, reading, writing mostly. Photography & close up shots on the camera. Old music & fun memories. I like watching Annie Hall or Dead Poets Society. I enjoy sitting by the lake. Running in the rain. Friends are good too. I like to let my mind wander. I guess you could say I’m Borderline Artistic.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Rochester NY looks bright from my house. # What is THE INTERNET? # Photo: Got these bad boys from Mum’s. Nerd history artifacts. # “You’re a screen junkie. Stop checking.” # I always miss Jeopardy in the summer and my room is almost clean. What are you doing? # Say hello to my little friends! (I was scared TBH) # Yes 100% “@ETCanada: Do you think the #Newsweek cover of ‘Diana at 50’ is disrespectful? Vote:” # This Thursday Plantation from Aus is good for mozzy bites. Gently soothes big time. I’m covered & smell like one b # * do not get that tea tree stuff in your eye though. Omg kills. # My skin gonna be like a child w/ all these goodies! Thanks Mreadesso 🙂 # Summer reading, untold story of Diana. Middle name after her, Mum’s fav. # #teenagedream ! @brentwinsor # Mailbag! Wooo hoo. Omg @brentwinsor, mama coveren in glitter! <3 thank you xoxo # I’m back Toronto and you look smoggy! # Haha RT @garyvee: Stopping by the ATM ( have decided to buy Myspace ) # Lawn hang at Mum’s! RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and me! # Found @keriblog at Mum’s house! # RE: @brentwinsor omg so excited! #TeenageDream come trueeeeeeeeeeee! # The History of Advertising on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC] – # Oh how I love @HeidiKlum! Check out her cover story: # Dad is building this sweet hot rod, called Rat Rod cause it stays rusty & rough looking # mum always says that one! “@itsbrownbarbie: “Never ASSUME, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME.” – Anonymous” # In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. # What Do You Love: Google’s…

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intelligent single-minded person obsessed w/ nonsocial hobby

Check out this Rat Rod Dad is building. Will be ready next Summer. Hope he lets me drive it around town. So hot. Ahhh, imagining now….. Last night he took me to Marble Slab. Whoa that ice cream place is crazy awesome. I had chocolate with walnuts and snickers and then I added Nerds. Nerds! Bad choice, too tangy for the choco but whatever. It was good. Luckily I didn’t get sick or hurting tummy from it. Bye bye lactose allergy. I love Summer, FTW!!

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