you missed this yesterday
Morning! Raining sheets here today but beauty still. Drank 20+ beers last night with my new besties Lizzy & Jen D. # Good morning from Costa Rica cuties! #puravida # Surfing, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga, surfing, beer, bong, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga. # omg the cat just caught a hummingbird. killed it 🙁 # cat is eating it now! you animal! # Thinking about moving to New York. # New BFF is a producer at Bloomberg and think I might stay with her then find a place n NYC. # whoa my Google calendar is en espanol! # Women in Biz Network Interview: I was recently interviewed about my job and… #thisismylife # replying to work emails "please follow up next week I'm surfing in Costa Rica" is something I can get used to. # Hummingbird! #puravida # Photo: Pipe made out of coconut tree leaf # Morning yoga @anamayaresort. #puravida # got dinged in the head by my board yesterday. #surfing # doing aerial silks this morning. what are you doing? # You choices are half chance. So are everybody else. # Created "Casie Yoga" last night – gratitude yoga meditation where you be grateful. # New friend from BC at @anamayarestort –> @skichix! we went surfing together yesterday 🙂 (tweeted me from outside where I can see her haha) # There’s relaxed, then there’s REALaxed.: Doing a class in aerial silks this… #thisismylife # There's relaxed then there's REALaxd. Pura Vida! # WHOA, DOING AERIAL SILKS IS HARD BUT AWESOME!!!!! # Girl you know it's true. # Spanish searching, no translation necessary # I rode a wave for you and left my <3 in the ocean. Surfing in Playa Grande again today :)… # Surf Baby…
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