you missed this yesterday

Morning! Raining sheets here today but beauty still. Drank 20+ beers last night with my new besties Lizzy & Jen D. # Good morning from Costa Rica cuties! #puravida # Surfing, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga, surfing, beer, bong, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga. # omg the cat just caught a hummingbird. killed it 🙁 # cat is eating it now! you animal! # Thinking about moving to New York. # New BFF is a producer at Bloomberg and think I might stay with her then find a place n NYC. # whoa my Google calendar is en espanol! # Women in Biz Network Interview: I was recently interviewed about my job and… #thisismylife # replying to work emails "please follow up next week I'm surfing in Costa Rica" is something I can get used to. # Hummingbird! #puravida # Photo: Pipe made out of coconut tree leaf # Morning yoga @anamayaresort. #puravida # got dinged in the head by my board yesterday. #surfing # doing aerial silks this morning. what are you doing? # You choices are half chance. So are everybody else. # Created "Casie Yoga" last night – gratitude yoga meditation where you be grateful. # New friend from BC at @anamayarestort –> @skichix! we went surfing together yesterday 🙂 (tweeted me from outside where I can see her haha) # There’s relaxed, then there’s REALaxed.: Doing a class in aerial silks this… #thisismylife # There's relaxed then there's REALaxd. Pura Vida! # WHOA, DOING AERIAL SILKS IS HARD BUT AWESOME!!!!! # Girl you know it's true. # Spanish searching, no translation necessary # I rode a wave for you and left my <3 in the ocean. Surfing in Playa Grande again today :)… # Surf Baby…

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Women in Biz Network Interview

I was recently interviewed by about my job and career during a She’s Connected event downtown Toronto. I chatted Women in Biz Network for about five minutes about social media, relationships, branding and business. Check it out.

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you missed this yesterday

You forget how bright he stars are when you can't see them shine. #toronto #costarica #beauty # “@brucepoontip: Right now I have a signal and I am tweeting from a ballon ride over the Masai Mara! Kaboom!” amazing! # Jungle Sounds All Around: I’ve never gone on vacation alone to some place warm… #thisismylife # In a hammock on the edge of the world @anamayaresort. #costacasie @ Montezuma # Good morning!! @ Anamaya Resort & Retreat Center # Stop. Yoga time. @ Anamaya Resort & Retreat Center # ésta es mi vida: Morning hello from my hammock to you. #puravida Nov 14, 2011 |… #thisismylife # Namaste # Fresh coconut milk in my coffee today. #puravida # Feels like time goes slow over here in Costa Rica, been in the sun/pool for 2HR and it's only noon. # HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF @LAURENONIZZLE! ILU x <8!! # What's for lunch? No idea what the @AnamayaResort kitchen has planned for us. Something organic. Imma find a Maccas before the week is over. # Guess who jumped in the pool? Not me but someone you know… #noreallyguessplease #notfunny # iPhone, that's who. #notfunny # Howler monkeys are singing away. #

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Taking the High Road to Paradise

The drive to Montezuma from San Juan is about 5 hours. Many parts of it reminded me of New Zealand, narrow roads and huge green hills filled with trees and clouds. There are six of us on the shuttle all heading to the same area. Barratt from Oakland, LA, Simon from Germany, Carrie a Canadian from Vancouver, Tracey from Italy, and Christine who lives in London. Lucky for the rest of us Tracey & Christine speak Spanish!  Simon is a pretty cute German boy who is here to surf with some dudes form Austria. Throw a shrimp on the barbie! haha. Barratt is a tall, cute ginger with tattoos, argyle socks and a beard. Fun! Carrie is really nice too, reminds me of my Keri Blog from home. Whole crew is good people. I think we might go to the waterfalls together this week. This is Rikki, Barratt’s travel mate.  We stopped in a small village and had coffee for about 45 minutes before catching a 70 minute ferry. I’m reminded how much I love traveling, especially alone. I’m going to start planning a trip to Europe when I get back to Toronto. Ferry fairy. After ferry we met our next driver who took us on this crazayy dirt road on the way to Montezuma. After about 20 min we passed Anamaya Resort where I am staying and it was my turn to leave the pack. This is it… Got lunch soon as I arrived. This whole week is going to be filled with great food. I’m staying in this cabin with Dana, a girl from Vancouver. I am in complete AWE with the views of the resort. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I can’t wait to go surfing tomorrow. The other girls here are super nice and my…

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you missed this yesterday

My sisters bf has a muscle car. I'm I'm it. # Reggaeton. . # Driver coming at 6 am. Andrew my most fav one! # you missed this yesterday: – you missed this yesterday: – Got a real cute… #thisismylife # Weekend Tune: “Sister Wife” by Alex Winston: Happy lucky weekend everyone! 11… #thisismylife # Everyone has been SO nice here today. Can't wait to see the ocean in Costa Rica 🙂 [pic]: # Power # "It’s a bright Saturday morning in the middle of November, and I know Christmas is coming because: a) I…" # "The secret to happiness…be satisfied and be grateful." – Mitch Albom (Have A Little Faith) # Photo: suicideblonde: Beauty sisters # Photo: atsween: # Travel essential # Find a Russian! # Suzuki like # Miami, I am IN you. (@ Miami International Airport (MIA) w/ 57 others) [pic]: # Duty Freeeeeze # AA # Beard lube # #movember # Video: rsfe: # I really wish I had downloaded a movie for this flight. Boards in 20 min. Anyone have a suggestion? # I'm sure I will have a list to download when I land # Bored'ing again #

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Friday I’m in Love

First post using WordPress app on iPhone. I love this thing so much. It’s true once you go Mac you never go back! Had a beautiful day at home yesterday. In he evening went to Swarovski Spring Summer 2012 preview with Keri and a bunch of other Toronto fashion bloggers. I have a very special gif in the making as a thank you for the lovely gift they gave me. Ditched going to any other events to watch movies with Sammy. I’ve been in vacation mood for a few days and it feels so good. Off to get a mani, pedi, tan and pack before 3pm. Boston Bob is in town and meeting my sister and I for dinner. Happy Friday my friends. Be in love with life!! <3 Casie

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