On Thursday Sam & I met up with Lauren at Thrush Holmes Empire Gallery for the launch of two apps from Toronto based dev company Nulayer. Nulayer, was called the “App Kings” on the cover of Toronto Life’s 2011 Money Issue, and they were celebrating the launch of two new apps (Toronto Star and TheScore). One of the things I love about the company is the tag line “we build software with our bare hands“. Thanks for the invite Esther, always nice to see you! Sam is wearing waxed Nudies & vintage from CTS. I’m wearing AA black scoop neck & re-modelled vintage from F As In Frank, Queen West, Hamilton watch, Secret FW 2011 blue tights. PHOTO CRED: chocolate bar + photo of Esther & I by Joel Di Giacomo, Sam & I by Jannick Laurent, the rest, my iPhone
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