Talk to me MO Daddio.

<3 Shann and I are at the Fox on Fort York and its the last night of Movember. Gala is Friday. If you come in tonight an donate $5 to Adam (friend/owner) you get Burt Reynolds shot for $2! Save a horse, ride a mustache. Movember!! Nov 30, 2011 | Source: Sent from iPhone! <3 CASIE

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I love my life too.

Love Terry’s blog & life. Love that next week I will be back on the beach. Love Keeking and being a dork. Clearly I don’t remember know ALL the words but whatever. Tonight Lauren and I are heading to our old work, MuchMusic for Live at Much Foster The People. Did some work with FTP & Pink Mafia earlier this year so will be rad to see them live. I’ll do a little Keek for ya from the show. Brown Barbie and I went to the mall this morning and I took about 100 pix that you can see on ma Twitta. Picked up a terabyte drive so I can finally dump the 256,000 photos from my Macbook. It’s amazing how many photos one blog girl takes. In other news, I got the newest Dance Central game for XBOX Kinect and I’m gonna play the sh!t out of it when I get home from MuchMusic. Enjoy the day! Byeee!

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At least we will be safe in a fire.

This is only a test. Nov 30, 2011 | Source: Where should I work today? It’s fire alarm testing day so working from home is not recommended (trust me). Since the weather is kinda blah I was thinking about hitting the PATH (Toronto’s underground walkway/mall) and checking out holiday stuff. I’m fully equipped with my own wifi hotspot (Thanks Telus!) so I can set up shop pretty much anywhere. Once I get dressed and out the door of course… I’m ready for a downtown adventure. 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Travel in Style: Tripit!

I was introduced to the Tripit app last night by a friend who travels heaps. Man, was I ever glad today when I signed up! In two minutes I logged in with Google, forwarded  upcoming itineraries and voila! All my flight info was right there in my phone with flight & contact numbers and more. Having all your info conveniently located in your phone and updated in real time is very stylish. The other best part, it’s FREE!

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Nulayer’s New Apps

 On Thursday Sam & I met up with Lauren at Thrush Holmes Empire Gallery for the launch of two apps from Toronto based dev company Nulayer. Nulayer, was called the “App Kings” on the cover of Toronto Life’s 2011 Money Issue, and they were celebrating the launch of two new apps (Toronto Star and TheScore). One of the things I love about the company is the tag line “we build software with our bare hands“. Thanks for the invite Esther, always nice to see you! Sam is wearing waxed Nudies & vintage from CTS. I’m wearing AA black scoop neck & re-modelled vintage from F As In Frank, Queen West, Hamilton watch, Secret FW 2011 blue tights. PHOTO CRED:  chocolate bar + photo of Esther & I by Joel Di Giacomo, Sam & I by Jannick Laurent, the rest, my iPhone  

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you missed this yesterday

Found it! Unopened and ready to play. So many new/good songs. #kinect #dancecentral # Found so many good things when I cleaned my room: Burger/beer/gas/jukari/gift cards # Photo: First competition ballet solo, age 9, The Clown (Taken with instagram) # Morning # It's amazing how great of a sleep you can have when your bed isn't 60% clothes! # Photo: Casie’s Cameras # i ordered a pair or barbie doll hand earrings # URGHHHHH RT @melissagrelo: Confirmed from City Hall: property tax increase by 2.5% in 2012. # Have you seen this yet? I posted last week. So good. RT @AdFreak: The gay-marriage spot that has Australia talking. # Look out world here I come….: It’s been just over a week since I had brekky… #thisismylife # dang thats a long do # yall are gonna have mad heart attacks, let's talk about bacon a little more ok? # RT @TechCrunch: How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills by @justinkan # Whoa! Trying this! RT @TechCrunch: New Siri Hack Will Start Your Car If You Ask Nicely by @chrisvelazco # Team # Work date w/ @katekillet. (@ SPoT Coffee w/ 3 others) [pic]: # New #DODOCASE for Andy # Urban lumberjackie # need a makeup artist for a shoot Wednesday. i know i have a friend who is one but i can't remember right now! # what's a good gift for Dad's 60th tomorrow? # Suggestions on where (online) to make a nice PDF press kit for download? # see that last tweet? ya 200%! interested in getting into holiday gift guide/contests email 😉 # "Visitors referred by a fashion magazine or blogger drive a 200%…

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