Work, Work, Worker Bee, Babe Friday

Lots of work today. Busy office bee buzzing! I love having an espresso machine in the office! [View the story “Today on Twitter This Happened: ” on Storify] Today on Twitter This Happened: Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Oct 05 2012 13:24:05 Mmm espresso! #LoopcamCASIE STEWART “@casiestewart: Sushi surprise! Via @alison_kaizer #lunch” cutie!Alison Michelle Rung Mum at her office and she’s out picking flowers. What a gem. Can’t wait to head home for #Thanskgiving! STEWART Thanks @MolsonCoorsCDA! Don’t mind this txt at ALL! Insider FTW! #Molson Beer Store @33 Carlingview Dr. open Mon 10-6! STEWART Don’t be scared. It’s just that time of year. STEWART Watch all of this week’s vids from @casiestewart @shanleesimmons @SaraLynnCauchon @edgyveg ––KmuOZrsLrhpwvTfRH76_OoUU&feature=view_allCORAL Listening to Cello Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach on @Rdio: #favCASIE STEWART I loved our #bloggerbabe lunch ladies @alison_kaizer @caronsue! STEWART #Halloween is a #marketing goldmine. Here’s why brands should better align with this spooky celebration: Hoping to see some friends at @the_hoxton for an #ExtraordindaryNight, filled with #Drambuie cocktails & fun! Canada

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Seen Zombie Girl? She’s Danger. Loves Brains.

I love Halloween. This is me ZOMBIFIED HEAPS. Zombie Family photo. Eat your baby. This one is weird. Mum would freak if I had a zombie tattoo. I have a ship there now. Lauren and I were Fashion Zombies last year as the walk was post Toronto Fashion Week. Fashion Week will kill you. My sister and I did the walk in 2010. Been a Zombie w/ Kory a few times. MISS YOU! Two fav Zombie photos (I took). Scary clown & Scared Litte Girl. I love dressing up so much. Next week I’m in Screamers! Let’s talk costumes!?!? What are you wearing? <3 Zombie Girl

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Thanksgiving last year all the kids were home. Boys. Girls. It was so fun.  I love thanksgiving because it’s just about hanging out and hangout out is my favourite.  I miss my family in New Zealand. I can’t wait to see Mum. Taking Dad to Canada Rugby final this weekend, VIP. This is my first actual “long weeeknd” in two years. I have worked every day no matter what day it was. I’m not gonna change much about what I do on the holiday but it changes how I feel. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday to give thanks for the blessings in one’s life, particularly the harvest. It is a day off work for many Canadians. Happy Friday & BON WEEKEND! <3 CASIE

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Work, Work, Worker Bee Babe

Busy day today. This weather is great for working. I was invited to Blundstone, the Australian boot company to check out their new style of shoes.  They come from Tasmania, I’ve been there. Toured a brewery and went to a spa in Hobart. Will share those tomorrow. Have dance tonight at King West Fitness for Nuvo Burlesque’s Army of Sass. I’m stoked. It’s so much fun. Things are going great at work. I really love it here.  Do you love my new glasses? They’re ‘Love’ by Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts. I’m terribly excited for Halloween BTW. Hope you are having an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Nuit Blanche 2012 – My Plan for the Night

Tonight is Nuit Blanche and the city is alive with art installaions, music, and culture. It’s one of my fvaourite Toronto events and I’ve taken part since it started back in 2008. Tonight I’m starting with The Tragically Hip and Molson Canadian at Sound Academy. The show isn’t a Nuit Blache event but those are tickets I won’t pass up! My portrait is featured in an installation called Life Lessons at Funding Matters Gallery  (Zone C 29).  Life Lessons features 311 portraits of community figures who have helped shape the city of Toronto. Other notables ar Margaret Atwood, David Miller, Douglas Coupland, Justin Bieber, Atom Egoyan, George Strombo, David Mirvish, Susur Lee, and Karen Kain. I am extremely honoured to be in this amazing group! The project will be exhibited using Sony HD TV screens displaying life-sized images of each subject at print-quality resolution. When:     September 29th, 2012 Time:       7:03 PM Location:  FUNDING matters GALLERY – 33 DUNDAS ST E, TORONTO ON   M5A 2A2 (East of Sherbourne, South side)  See the event page on Facebook to view portraits of other notable people in the Toronto community.  LIFE LESSONS PORTRAIT by TOMORI NAGAMOTO:  One of my fav years was 2009 when I went to U of T then ran into my sister on Queen Street at 3am. Another fav was 2010 when we filmed the video that won me the Virgin America Provocateur title. Here’s a little art history on my Nuit Blanche adventures. [View the story “Art History: Nuit Blanche & Borderline Artistic” on Storify] After the Hip and Life Lesson’s exhibit, I’ll be heading to Camera Parts on Queen Street for Drambuie’s Extraordinary Night pop-up installation. It’s definitely something you want to check out as you’re cruising around. We posted about it on the Pulp&Fiber blog at work. Come by to discover your extraordinary…

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THIS on Coral TV: Interview w/ Steve Carty

Earlier this week I sat down with Toronto photographer Steve Carty to talk tips for taking great photos for the internet. He’s the awesome photog who took the shots of me with the ice cream and did my intro video. The return MySpace. Getting my #selfie on with @casiestewart the MySpace way.@ Hermann & Audrey. — Steve Carty (@stevecarty) September 26, 2012

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