Yesterday my friends at Telus hosted a Google+ Hangout at the Toronto HQ to learn about Blackberry Z10. I tuned in over lunch to see my bestie Keri Blog. I heard her ask a questions while I was working and snapped this photo. Then I text it to her. Then I saw her check her phone. That is what we call META. After work I went to Telus HQ to pick up my very own Blackberry Z10. The building is really neat. You should creep on by if you are in the hood or going to the ACC. I took this 360 stereographic standing inside a silo type sales centre. These types of shots take practice but they are some of my favs. Along with a Blackberry z10 Telus SPONSORED A GIANT PANDA IN MY NAME. Can you believe it? I’m a parent. I’m a Mommy blogger! I named Ai for Love. 我爱你。Wǒ ài nǐ (I love you). We both like bamboo, roaming, and black & white fashion. I’ve been given two months service to really give the Blackberry z10 a fair go. My iPhone will still be primary device but you know me, I like to test out new things. I have high hopes for Blackberry as I am from Waterloo Region and I remember RIM growing up. In 1999, RIM introduced the BlackBerry 850 pager, I was in high school (I had a pager in 1997). I remember the endless “RIM job’ jokes in college, university, and still now (they never really got old! haha). RIM/Blackberry did so much for the area I grew up in and I would really love to see them succeed. I’m not gonna call it a comeback until I’ve had my hands all over it to form an honest opinion. Last week I hanging with the lovely…
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